
Universiteit Stellenbosch
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

Ho?r onderwys-nuus


?Korrespondensie en inligting wat deur die ho?r onderwys-sektor vrygestel is?

Let asseblief dat hierdie dokumente n?ie deur Universiteit Stellenbosch saamgestel word nie en daarom word dit in die oorspronklike taal publiseer??

?D?atum??Titel????Vrygestel deur?

16 Maart 2018

14 Desember 2017 

13 November 2017                        ?? 
13 November 2017?

30 October 2017

15 Junie 2017

?16 Mei 2017

12 Mei 2017

14 Desember 2016

Universities SA appeals to the corporate sector and private donors to continue to support students through bursaries and scholarships?
"Universities announce an inflation-linked adjustment to 2018 tuition related income"?
Universities ?SA response to the release of the ?"fees commission" report??Release of the Report of Commission of Inquiry into the Feasibility of making High Education and Training Fee-free in South Africa



"Universities SA Response to Statement of the Presidency"

"Tertiary qualification remains a key to meaningful employment,
Universities SA assures on Youth Day

“Advancing Higher Education and Training in the year of OR Tambo”

USAf verklaring oor onlangse protes-aksie by universiteite

"Application for the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) - 2017 fee adjustment grant"
"Communication on student funding matters"




Die Presidensie?



Die Departement van Ho?ronderwys en


Department van Ho?r
Onderwys en Opleiding
?13 Oktober?"Keeping our universities on an even keel - a call to action"?Universities South Africa
?14 Oktober 2016?"2017 Fee Adjustment"??Department van Ho?r Onderwys en Opleiding

11 Oktober 2016 ??

"President Zuma establishes a Ministerial Team to address the situation at higher education institutions"

Die Presidensie

?4 Oktober 2016?Declaration: Higher Education Stakeholder Summit?Universities South Africa
?19 September 2016

?"USAf verwelkom aankondiging oor studentegelde"

?Universities South Africa
?18 September 2016?Verklaring van die regering oor studentegelde-subsidies vir 2017?Department van Ho?r Onderwys en Opleiding
?31 Augustus 2016

"?Media Statement: Minister Nzimande hopeful of successful conclusion to consultations on 2017 university fees, calls for continuing patience from all sides"

?Department van Ho?r Onderwys en Opleiding
?12 Augustus 2016

"?USAf statement on the outcome of the consultative meeting between the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr BE Nzimande, and the boards of USAf and UCCF"

?Universities South Africa
?6 Junie 2016"The Fees Commission extends the due date for submission to 30 June"?Kommissie van Ondersoek vir Ho?r Onderwys en Opleiding 
?12 Mei 2016?"Call for submissions to the Commission of Inquiry into Higher Education and Training (the Fees Commission)?"

?Kommissie van Ondersoek vir Ho?r Onderwys en Opleiding 

?25 Februarie 2016

"?Joint statement from th?e Vice-Chancellors, Principals and Rectors of the universities in South Africa on the violence and disruptions at our universities"

?Universities South Africa

?21 April 2016?"Minister of Higher Education and Training, Budget Speech, National Assembly"??Department van H

o?r Onderwys en Opleiding