
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

ITK lede


Die huidige lede van die ITK se name verskyn hier onder. Onthou asseblief dat die KIT-verteenwoordigers vervang nie die akademiese departemente, die Gelykheidseenheid of die Ombud wanneer dit kom by enige klagtes wat jy moontlik kan hê nie.

Prof Nico Koopman (Vice-Rector: Social Impact, Transformation and Personnel) ?
Dr Leslie van Rooi (Senior Director: Social Impact and Transformation)
Dr Zethu Mkhize (Head of Transformation)
Dr Claire Kelly (Transformation Faculty Programme Manager)
Prof Pregala Pillay (School of Public Leadership)
Prof Richard Newman (Physics)
Mr Ishmail Theletsane (Military Management)
Prof Zsa-Zsa Boggelpoel (Public Law)
Mr Enzo Daguanno (Faculty Manager Engineering)?
Dr Shaun Peters (Institute for Plan Biotechnology)
Ms Pauliane Davidse (Agri Sciences)
Prof Nadine Bowers-du Toit (Theology)
Dr Theresa Fish (Medicine and Health Sciences)
Ms Farah Hendricks (Centre for Student Administration - Tygerberg Campus)
Mr Yeki Mosomothane (RC Teaching and Learning)
Mr Ilhaam Groenewald (Matie Sport)
Ms Ellen Tise (RC Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies)
Mr Sello Molapo (Director of Employment Equity)
Mr Jaco Greef (Director of Equality Unit)
Mr Bryan Bergsteedt (Institutional Forum)
Dr Lauren Mongie (General Linguistics)
Ms Katlego Letlonkane (Programme Manager: Capacity Development)
Ms Viwe Kobokane (Human Life Sciences)

