
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

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Registrasieproses: vrae en antwoorde ?

Hierdie webblad is geskep as ‘n terugvoer-meganisme vir registrasie-verwante sake. Inligting sal bygewerk word sodra beskikbaar, en nuwe kwessies sal saam met terugvoer opgelaai word. Die Universiteit Stellenbosch is daartoe verbind om registrasie-haakplekke so gou moontlik op te los sodat studente aanlyn kan registeer. ?

Navigation buttons may be greyed out (be inactive) for the following reasons: ?

  • Some programmes have been configured for registration by the faculty administrators only, and are not available for online self-registration, including the following:
  • Tygerberg PhD
  • Programmes no longer offered/ phased out
  • Stellenbosch Business School programmes
  • Postdoctoral registrations
  • Military Science
  • Specific years of LLB (PG)
  • Certain Advanced Diplomas in Education
  • SciMathUS
  • ? Some of the most common reasons for not being able to register online: Prospective students: incomplete admission documents and no admission granted; and returning students: unconfirmed re-admission and outstanding student fees. Please refer to the student services webpage for the applicable contact details for assistance with your specific issue.

  • Students who register for special programmes or as a special student, or whose academic record for 2024 showed a final result other than “pass year” will also not be able to register online. Contact your faculty administrator.?
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  • Pre-requisites and co-requisites

    Students may receive error messages where the system configuration of the pre-requisites and co-requisites for an academic programme is incorrect. Where possible, the pre-requisite-related setups are being updated, and once corrected, students should be able to register if pre-requisite criteria are met. The SUNStudent Support Team is investigating instances where specific class groups are affected, and feedback will follow the moment a course of action has been determined.

    Contact your faculty administrator if you receive an error message.


If the Registration acceptance pop-up message does not display, it may be due to your personal browser settings. Check whether you have blocked pop-up messages in your browser settings or network firewall and allow Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 pop-ups to display.


Some students may experience an issue where they are unable to complete their module registration on the online platform, as they cannot select modules; or modules that they have passed are reflected as repeat modules. The SUNStudent support team is giving priority attention to this issue to enable students to register online.

