
Welcome to Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票

?Division of Otorhinolaryngology?

The Cape Temporal Bone Course




  • To gain an appreciation of temporal bone anatomy
  • To acquire the skills for middle ear and mastoid surgery
  • To gain a 3-D perspective of the positions of the facial nerve and semicircular canals
  • To gain insight into decision-making in otologic surgery.

Lecture demonstrations

  • Myringo/Tympanoplasty
  • Ossiculoplasty
  • Surgery for CSOM, including techniques to optimise mastoid cavities
  • Insights into clinical Audiology
  • Temporal bone radiology
  • Endoscopic ear surgery
  • Laser-assisted stapedioplasty
  • Cartilage use in ear surgery
  • Evidence-based management of otitis media

Temporal bone dissections: "Hands-on"

  • Ossiculoplasty
  • Cortical Mastoidectomy
  • Posterior tympanotomy
  • Modified/ radical mastoidectomy
  • Attico-antrostomy
  • Exposure of mastoid segment of facial nerve
  • Exposure of semicircular canals
  • Cochleostomy

Other features of the course

  • 2 Cadaveric Temporal Bones per delegate?
  • Instrumentation by Storz & Marcus Medical
  • 50% Supervised dissection time
  • 50% Discussion/Presentation time
  • Daily transport provided, and assistance in
    arranging accommodation
  • Sponsored social evenings??
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