
Medical Physiology
Welcome to Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票

Division of Medical Physiology



1. ABRAHAMS Y, WILLMER T, PATEL O, SAMODIEN E, MULLER CJF, WINDVOGEL SL, JOHNSON R,PHEIFFER C. A high fat, high sugar diet induces hepatic Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha promoter hypermethylation in male Wistar rats. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2023; 680(2023):25-33.

2. CELE ND, MTHIMUNYE NE, MKHWANAZI QB, NXUMALO S, TSHABUSE F, POOE OJ, MTHEMBU MS,OPOKU AR. In Vitro Antidiabetic, Antioxidant, and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Honeybush Tea (Cyclopiagenistoides) Extracts. JOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY 2023; 2023:8774094.

3. CHIPANGURA JK, NTAMO Y, MOHR B, CHELLAN N. A review of challenges and prospects of 3D cell-based culture models used for studying drug induced liver injury during early phases of drug development. Human and Experimental Toxicology 2023; 42(0960-3271):1-13.

4. CUNNINGHAM CE, VANDEVOORDE C, BOLCAEN J, BISIO A, GENIS A, STRIJDOM H. Recombinant Endostatin as a Potential Radiosensitizer in the Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Pharmaceuticals 2023; 16(2):219.

5. DIAS SC, PHEIFFER C, ADAM S. The Maternal Microbiome and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Cause and Effect. Microorganisms 2023; 11(9):2217.

6. DLUDLA PV, MABHIDA SE, ZIQUBU K, NKAMBULE BB, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE, HANSER S, BASSONAK, PHEIFFER C, KENGNE AP. Pancreatic β-cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes: Implications of inflammation and oxidative stress. World Journal of Diabetes 2023; 14(3):130-146.

7. DLUDLA PV, ZIQUBU K, MABHIDA SE, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE, HANSER S, NKAMBULE BB, BASSONAK, PHEIFFER C, TIANO L, KENGNE AP. Dietary Supplements Potentially Target Plasma Glutathione Levels to Improve Cardiometabolic Health in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials. Nutrients 2023; 15(4):944, 14 pages.

8. DORSEMANS A-C, ESSOP MF, BOURDON E. Can the introduction of an authentic learning exercise lead to the modulation of breakfast behavior in undergraduate students at La Reunion 中国体育彩票? Advances in Physiology Education 2023; 47(1):93-96.

9. GEDDIE HV, CAIRNS ML, SMITH LJ, VAN WYK M, BESELAAR LC, TRUTER N, RAUTENBACH F, MARNEWICK J, JOSEPH DE, ESSOP MF. The impact of chronic stress on intracellular redox balance: A systems level analysis. Physiological Reports 2023; 11:e15640.

10. GOEDECKE JH, PHEIFFER C, MENDHAM AE. Environmental exposures are important for type 2diabetes pathophysiology in sub-Saharan African populations. Reply to Christensen D, Hjort L, Mpagama S et al. DIABETOLOGIA 2023; 66:780-782.

11. GRANT-MCAULEY W, PIWOWAR-MANNING E, CLARKE W, BREAUD A, ZEWDIE K, MOORE A, AYLES H, KOSLOFF B, SHANAUBE K, BOCK PA, MAARMAN GJ, ET AL ET AL. Population-level analysis of natural control of HIV infection in Zambia and South Africa: HPTN 071 (PopART). Journal of the International AIDS Society 2023; 26(10):e26179.

12. JACK BU, RAMHARACK P, MALHERBE CJ, GABUZA KB, JOUBERT E, PHEIFFER C. Cyclopia intermedia (Honeybush) Induces Uncoupling Protein 1 and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Alpha Expression in Obese Diabetic Female db/db Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023;24(4):3868, 16 pages.

13. JACKSON HC, PHEIFFER C, JACK BU, AFRICANDER DJ. Time- and glucose-dependent differentiation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes mimics dysfunctional adiposity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2023; 671(0006-291X):286-291.

14. JACOBS SL, PAYNE C, SHABOODIEN S, KGATLA TM, PRETORIUS A, JUMAAR C, SANNI O, BUTROUSG, MAARMAN GJ. Gut microbiota crosstalk mechanisms are key in pulmonary hypertension: The involvement of melatonin is instrumental too. Pulmonary Circulation 2023; 13(3):e12277, 14pages.

15. KESHAVIAH A, DIAMOND MB, WADE MJ, SCARPINO SV, JOHNSON R, ET AL E. Wastewater monitoring can anchor global disease surveillance systems. Lancet Global Health 2023; 11(6):976-981.

16. KIMANI CN, REUTER H, KOTZE SH, MULLER CJF. Regeneration of pancreatic beta cells by modulation of molecular targets using plant-derived compounds: Pharmacological mechanisms and clinical potential. CURRENT ISSUES IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2023; 45:6216-6245.

17. LOUW EH, BAINES NA, MAARMAN GJ, OSMAN M, SIGWADHI LN, IRUSEN EM, KOEGELENBERG CFN, DOUBELL AP, NATHAN SD, CHANNICK R, ALLWOOD BW. The prevalence of pulmonary hypertension after successful tuberculosis treatment in a community sample of adult patients. Pulmonary Circulation 2023; 13(1):e12184.

18. MAARMAN GJ. Basic Sciences in Higher Education, and teaching approaches in the context of 21st-century advances: time for a change? South African Journal of Higher Education 2023; 37(2):132-150.

19. MAHLANGENI N, STREET RA, HORN S, MATHEE A, MANGWANA N, DIAS SC, SHARMA JR, RAMHARACK P, LOUW J, REDDY T, SURUJLAL-NAICKER S, NKAMBULE S, WEBSTER C, MDHLULI M, GRAY G, MULLER CJF, JOHNSON R. Using Wastewater Surveillance to Compare COVID-19 Outbreaks during the Easter Holidays over a 2-Year Period in Cape Town, South Africa. Viruses-Basel 2023;15(1):162.

20. MOETLEDIWA MK, RAMASHIA R, PHEIFFER C, TITINCHI F, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE, JACK BU. Therapeutic Effects of Curcumin Derivatives against Obesity and Associated Metabolic Complications: A Review of In Vitro and In Vivo Studies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences2023; 24(18):14366.


22. MTHEMBU SXH, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE, ZIQUBU K, MUVHULAWA N, MARCHEGGIANI F, CIRILLI I, NKAMBULE BB, MULLER CJF, BASSON AK, TIANO L, DLUDLA PV. Potential regulatory role of PGC?1αwithin the skeletal muscle during metabolic adaptations in response to high?fat diet feeding in animal models. PFLUGERS ARCHIV-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2023; 2023(2023):1-11.

23. MTHEMBU SXH, ORLANDO P, SYLVESTRI S, ZIQUBU K, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE, MABHIDA SE, NYAMBUYA TM, NKAMBULE BB, MULLER CJF, BASSON AK, TIANO L, DLUDLA PV. Impact of dyslipidemia in the development of cardiovascular complications: Delineating the potential therapeutic role of coenzyme Q10. Biochimie 2023; 204(0300-9084):33-40.


25. OMOLAOYE TS, CARDONA MAYA WD, DU PLESSIS SS. Could exposure to spaceflight cause mutations in genes that affect male fertility? Life Sciences in Space Research 2023; 37(2214-5524):15-17.

26. OMOLAOYE TS, CYRIL AC, RADHAKRISHNAN R, RAWAT SS, KARUVANTEVIDA N, DU PLESSIS SS. The Effect of Statins on Male Reproductive Parameters: A Mechanism Involving Dysregulation of Gonadal Hormone Receptors and TRPV1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023;24(11):9221.

27. OMOLAOYE TS, SKOSANA BT, DU PLESSIS SS. The effect of Aspalathin linearis, Cyclopia intermedia and Sutherlandia frutescene on sperm functional parameters of healthy male wistar rats. Frontiers in Physiology 2023; 14(1664-042X ):1211227.

28. PAYNE C, JACOBS SL, SHABOODIEN S, JUMAAR C, PRETORIUS A, KGATLA TM, SANNI O, MAARMANGJ. A pulmonary arterial hypertension diagnostic algorithm for a third-world context: SYMQUICK. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE MEDICINE 2023; 71(5):542-544.

29. SADIE-VAN GIJSEN H, KOTZE-HORSTMANN LM. Rat models of diet-induced obesity and metabolic dysregulation: Current trends, shortcomings and considerations for future research. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice 2023; 17(6):449-457.

30. SALIE R, LOPES J, KOTZE L, VAN AARDE R. The cardioprotective effect of S. africana caerulea/BlueSage in ischaemia and reperfusion induced oxidative stress. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2023; 2023Sep 25(14):1254561.

31. SANGWENI NF, GABUZA K, VAN AARDE R, MABASA L, VAN VUUREN D, HUISAMEN B, BARRY R, JOHNSON R. Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy: A Preliminary Study on the Cardioprotective Benefits of 7-Hydroxyflavanone. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023; 24(20):15395.

32. SHARMA JR, DLUDLA PV, DWIVEDI G, JOHNSON R. Measurement Tools and Utility of Hair Analysis for Screening Adherence to Antihypertensive Medication. Global Heart 2023; 18(1):17.

 33. SHAW JA, MEIRING M, SNYDERS CI, EVERSON FP, SIGWADHI LN, NGAH VD, TROMP GC, ALLWOODBW, KOEGELENBERG CFN, IRUSEN EM, LALLA U, BAINES NA, ZEMLIN A, ERASMUS RT, CHAPANDUKA ZC, MATSHA TE, WALZL G, STRIJDOM H, DU PLESSIS-BURGER N, ZUMLA A, CHEGOU NN, MALHERBE. Immunologic and vascular biomarkers of mortality in critical COVID-19 in a South African cohort. Frontiers in Immunology 2023; 14(1664-3224):1219097.?

34. TRUTER N, MALAN L, ESSOP MF. Glial cell activity in cardiovascular diseases and risk of acute myocardial infarction. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 2023;324:373-390.

35. ZIQUBU K, DLUDLA PV, MOETLEDIWA MK, NYAWO TA, PHEIFFER C, JACK BU, NKAMBULE BB, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE. Disease progression promotes changes in adipose tissue signatures in type 2diabetic (db/db) mice: The potential pathophysiological role of batokines. Life Sciences 2023;313(0024-3205):121273.


1. ABRAHAMS-OCTOBER Z, JOHNSON R, BENJEDDOU M, CLOETE R. The determination of the effect(s) of solute carrier family 22?member 2 (SLC22A2) haplotype variants on drug binding via molecular dynamic simulation systems. Scientific Reports 2022; 12(16936):1-16.

2. ABRAHAMS-OCTOBER Z, LLOYD S, PEARCE B, JOHNSON R, BENJEDDOU M. Promoter haplotype structure of solute carrier 22 member 2 (SLC22A2) in the Xhosa population of South Africa and their differential effect on gene expression. GENE 2022; 2022(820):1-10.

3. ADAM S, PHEIFFER C, DIAS SC, HLONGWANE T, VANNEVEL V, SOMA-PILLAY P, ABDULLAH F. Coronavirus and Pregnancy: The Challenges of the 21st Century: A Review. Frontiers in Microbiology 2022; 13(923546):1-8.

4. AHRARI K, OMOLAOYE TS, GOSWAMI N, ALSUWAIDI H, DU PLESSIS SS. Effects of space flight on sperm function and integrity: A systematic review. Frontiers in Physiology 2022; 13(904375):1-15.

5. AYAD BM, OMOLAOYE TS, LOUW NT, RAMSUNDER Y, SKOSANA BT, OYEYIPO IP, DU PLESSIS SS. Oxidative Stress and Male Infertility: Evidence From a Research Perspective. Frontiers in Reproductive Health 2022; 4(822257):1-15.

6. BOTHA-LE ROUX S, ELVSTAM O, DE BOEVER P, GOSWAMI N, MAGNUSSON M, NILSSON PM, STRIJDOM H, BJ?RKMAN P, FOURIE CMT. Cardiovascular Profile of South African Adults with Low-Level Viremia during Antiretroviral Therapy. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2022; 11(2812):1-11.

7. CAIRNS ML, JOSEPH DE, ESSOP MF. The dual role of the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway in cardiac physiology and pathophysiology. Frontiers in Endocrinology 2022; 1:13.

8. CAROLUS DC, ELIJAH SS, GOVENDER S, HAMZA M, HOWARD E, KOTZE A, LEEKE RA, LEITE J, OOSTHUIZEN A, ORGOVANYI E, PAYNE C, SANCHEZ S, WILLIAMS CP, MAARMAN GJ. Pulmonary hypertension in developing countries: Limiting factors in time to diagnosis, specialised medications and contextualised recommendations. African Journal of Thoracic and Critical Care Medicine 2022; 28(1):28-32.

9. CHELLAN N, MULLER CJF. Running with Type 1 Diabetes: A Case Report on the Benefit of Sensor Technology. Diabetology International 2022; 2022(3):310-314.

10. DIAS SC, WILLMER T, ADAM S, PHEIFFER C. The role of maternal DNA methylation in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes. Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes and Healthcare 2022; 3(982665):1-31.

11. DORSEMANS A-C, ESSOP MF, BOURDON E. Can the introduction of an authentic learning exercise lead to the modulation of breakfast behavior in undergraduate students at La Reunion 中国体育彩票? . Advances in Physiology Education 2022; 2022(2022):1-10.

12. DU PLESSIS SS, MAYA WDC, OMOLAOYE TS. Monkeypox and Male Fertility: Is There Any Looming Danger?. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility 2022; 23(4):314-317.

13. DUVURU R, HALABI M, OMOLAOYE TS, DU PLESSIS SS. The genetic causes of male infertility: a Middle East and North Africa perspective. F1000Research 2022; 11(125):1-31.

14. GABUZA KB, BUTHELEZI N, KAPPO AP, MABUDA TI, MOSA RA, LOUW J, MULLER CJF. In vitro and in vivo hepatotoxicity study of Afriplex? GRT through an inflammatory response. Toxicology Reports 2022; 9(2022):1920-1928.

15. GEERTS LTGM, MEYER R, NOLAN H, NEL L, NEL DG, BRINK LT, ODENDAAL HJ. Reference standards for facial measurements in early third trimester South African fetuses, and the effect of maternal and fetal characteristics. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2022; 35(2):1-9.

16. JACK BU, MAMUSHI M, VIRARAGAVAN A, DIAS SC, PHEIFFER C. Comparing the effects of tumor necrosis factor alpha, lipopolysaccharide and palmitic acid on lipid metabolism and inflammation in murine 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Life Sciences 2022; 297(120422):1-12.

17. JOHNSON R, MANGWANA N, SHARMA JR, MULLER CJF, MALEMELA K, MASHAU F, DIAS SC, RAMHARACK P, KINNEAR CJ, GLANZMANN B, VIRARAGAVAN A, LOUW J, SURUJLAL-NAICKER S, NKAMBULE S, WEBSTER C, MDHLULI M, GRAY G, MATHEE A, PREISER W, VORSTER AA, DALVIE S, STREET RA. Delineating the Spread and Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Sublineages (BA.1–BA.5) and Deltacron Using Wastewater in the Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2022; 2022(jiac356):1-10.

18. JOHNSON R, SHARMA JR, RAMHARACK P, MANGWANA N, KINNEAR CJ, VIRARAGAVAN A, GLANZMANN B, LOUW J, ABDELATIF N, REDDY T, SURUJLAL-NAICKER S, NKAMBULE S, MAHLANGENI N, WEBSTER C, MDHLULI M, GRAY G, MATHEE A, PREISER W, MULLER CJF, STREET RA. Tracking the circulating SARS?CoV?2 variant of concern in South Africa using wastewater?based epidemiology. Scientific Reports 2022; 12(1182):1-12.

19. KAMAU F, ESTERHUIZEN T, MAARTENS G, KHOO S, JOSKA JA, KELLERMANN TA, STRIJDOM H, DECLOEDT EH. Concentrations of Efavirenz, Tenofovir, and Emtricitabine in Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2022; 91(1):101-108.

20. KOTZE-HORSTMANN LM, BEDADA DT, JOHNSON R, MABASA L, SADIE-VAN GIJSEN H. The effects of a green Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) extract on metabolic parameters and adipose tissue biology in rats fed different obesogenic diets. Food and Function 2022; 13:12648.

21. KOTZE-HORSTMANN LM, COIS A, JOHNSON R, MABASA L, SHABALALA S, VAN JAARSVELD PJ, SADIE-VAN GIJSEN H. Characterization and Comparison of the Divergent Metabolic Consequences of High-Sugar and High-Fat Diets in Male Wistar Rats. Frontiers in Physiology 2022; 13(904366):1-13.

22. LOCHNER A, BLIGNAUT M. Mitochondrial dynamics in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury: Effects of melatonin. Melatonin Research 2022; 5(3):335-373.

23. MAARMAN GJ. Reviewing the suitability of mitochondrial transplantation as therapeutic approach for pulmonary hypertension in the era of personalized medicine. American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2022; 322(5):L641 - L646.

24. MAARMAN GJ, LECOUR S. The potential benefit of rooibos (aspalathus linearis) in pulmonary arterial hypertension: A short review. South African Journal of Botany 2022; 150(150):840-844.

25. MABASA L, KOTZE A, SHABALALA S, KIMANI C, GABUZA KB, JOHNSON R, SANGWENI NF, MAHARAJ V, MULLER CJF. Sclerocarya birrea (Marula) Extract Inhibits Hepatic Steatosis in db/db Mice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022; 19(3782):1-15.

26. MABHIDA SE, MUHAMED B, SHARMA JR, APALATA T, NOMATSHILA S, MABASA L, BENJEDDOU M, MASILELA C, SHABALALA S, ZIQUBU K, JOHNSON R. Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Polymorphism (rs1801133) and the Risk of Hypertension among African Populations: A Narrative Synthesis of Literature. Genes 2022; 13(631):1-14.

27. MABHIDA SE, SHARMA JR, APALATA T, MASILELA C, NOMATSHILA S, MABASA L, FOKKENS H, BENJEDDOU M, MUHAMED B, SHABALALA S, JOHNSON R. The association of MTHFR (rs1801133) with hypertension in an indigenous south African population. Frontiers in Genetics 2022; 13(937639):1-10.

28. MAIKOO S, WILKINS A, QULU L. The effect of oxytocin and an enriched environment on anxiety-like behaviour and corticosterone levels in a prenatally stressed febrile seizure rat model. IBRO Neuroscience Reports 2022; 2022(13):47-56.

29. MALAZA N, MASETE M, ADAM S, DIAS SC, NYAWO TA, PHEIFFER C. A Systematic Review to Compare Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Pregestational Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022; 19(10846):1-15.

30. MANGWANA N, ARCHER E, MULLER CJF, PREISER W, WOLFAARDT GM, KASPRZYK-HORDERN B, CARSTENS A, BR?CKER JHL, WEBSTER C, MCCARTHY D, STREET RA, MATHEE A, LOUW J, MDHLULI M, JOHNSON R. Sewage surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 at student campus residences in the Western Cape, South Africa. Science of the Total Environment 2022; 851(158028):1-11.

31. MASETE M, DIAS SC, MALAZA N, ADAM S, PHEIFFER C. A Big Role for microRNAs in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Frontiers in Endocrinology 2022; 13(892587):1-15.

32. MAYA WDC, DU PLESSIS SS, VELILLA PA. Semen and viruses: signifcance during the transmission of infections. JOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS 2022; 2022(2022):1-2.

33. MAYA WDC, OMOLAOYE TS, DU PLESSIS SS. Words of Wisdom Re: The Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine on sperm quality. EUROPEAN UROLOGY 2022; 82(2022):327-328.

34. MOENS C, MULLER CJF, BOUWENS L. In vitro comparison of various antioxidants and flavonoids from Rooibos as beta cell protectants against lipotoxicity and oxidative stress-induced cell death. PLoS One 2022; 17(5):1-16.

35. MTHEMBU SXH, DLUDLA PV, NYAMBUYA TM, KAPPO AP, MADOROBA E, ZIQUBU K, NYAWO TA, NKAMBULE BB, SYLVESTRI S, MULLER CJF, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE. Experimental models of lipid overload and their relevance in understanding skeletal muscle insulin resistance and pathological changes in mitochondrial oxidative capacity. Biochimie 2022; 196:182-193.

36. MTHEMBU SXH, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE, ZIQUBU K, NYAWO TA, OBONYE N, NYAMBUYA TM, NKAMBULE BB, SILVESTRI S, TIANO L, MULLER CJF, DLUDLA PV. Impact of physical exercise and caloric restriction in patients with type 2 diabetes: Skeletal muscle insulin resistance and mitochondrial dysfunction as ideal therapeutic targets. Life Sciences 2022; 297(120467):1-10.

37. MTHEMBU SXH, ORLANDO P, SYLVESTRI S, ZIQUBU K, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE, MABHIDA SE, NYAMBUYA TM, MULLER CJF, BASSON AK, TIANO L, DLUDLA PV. Impact of dyslipidemia in the development of cardiovascular complications: Delineating the potential therapeutic role of coenzyme Q10. Biochimie 2022; 204(2023):33-40.

38. MULLER CJF, JOUBERT E, CHELLAN N, MIURA Y, YAGASAKI K. New Insights into the Efficacy of Aspalathin and Other Related Phytochemicals in Type 2 Diabetes—A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022; 23(356):1-22.

39. NGALA EM, HEMMINGS SMJ, QULU L. Prenatal maternal stress and offspring aggressive behavior: Intergenerational and transgenerational inheritance. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2022; 16:977416, 19 pages.

40. NGUBANE LB, NOTHLING J, MOLETSANE R, WILKINSON A, QULU L. Why men rape: Perspectives from incarcerated rapists in a KwaZulu-Natal prison, South Africa. Frontiers in Psychology 2022; 13:805289, 13 pages.

41. NTAMO Y, ZIQUBU K, CHELLAN N, NKAMBULE BB, NYAMBUYA TM, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE, GABUZA KB, ORLANDO P, TIANO L, DLUDLA PV. Clinical use of N-acetyl cysteine during liver transplantation: Implications of oxidative stress and inflammation as therapeutic targets. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY 2022; 147(112638):1-9.

42. NYAWO TA, DLUDLA PV, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE, MTHEMBU SXH, NYAMBUYA TM, NKAMBULE BB, SADIE-VAN GIJSEN H, STRIJDOM H, PHEIFFER C. A systematic review exploring the significance of measuring epicardial fat thickness in correlation to B?type natriuretic peptide levels as prognostic and diagnostic markers in patients with or at risk of heart failure. Heart Failure Reviews 2022; 2022(27):665-675.

43. OMOLAOYE TS, SHAHAWY OE, SKOSANA BT, BOILLAT T, LONEY T, DU PLESSIS SS. The mutagenic effect of tobacco smoke on male fertility. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022; 2021(2021):1-12.

44. OMOLAOYE TS, HACHIM MY, DU PLESSIS SS. Using publicly available transcriptomic data to identify mechanistic and diagnostic biomarkers in azoospermia and overall male infertility. Scientific Reports 2022; 12(2584):1-17.

45. OMOLAOYE TS, HALABI M, MUBARAK M, CYRIL AC, DUVURU R, RADHAKRISHNAN R, DU PLESSIS SS. Statins and Male Fertility: Is There a Cause for Concern?. Toxics 2022; 10(627):1-19.

46. OMOLAOYE TS, JALALEDDINE N, MAYA WDC, DU PLESSIS SS. Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 and Male Infertility: Could Connexin and Pannexin Play a Role?. Frontiers in Physiology 2022; 13(866675):1-12.

47. OMOLAOYE TS, OMOLAOYE VA, KANDASAMY RK, HACHIM MY, DU PLESSIS SS. Omics and Male Infertility: Highlighting the Application of Transcriptomic Data. Life 2022; 12(2)(280):1-21.

48. PATEL O, MULLER CJF, JOUBERT E, ROSENKRANZ BF, LOUW J, AWORTWE C. Aspalathin-rich green rooibos tea in combination with glyburide and atorvastatin enhances lipid metabolism in a db/db mouse model. Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes and Healthcare 2022; 3:963489.

49. RIEDEL - VAN HEERDEN S, DIAS SC, MENDHAM AE, JACK BU, WILLMER T, ESHIBONA N, BENDOU H, PRETORIUS A, GOEDECKE JH. Changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue microRNA expression in response to exercise training in obese African women. Scientific Reports 2022; 12(18408):1-12.

50. RIEDEL - VAN HEERDEN S, PHEIFFER C, JOHNSON R, LOUW J, MULLER CJF. Intestinal Barrier Function and Immune Homeostasis Are Missing Links in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Development. Frontiers in Endocrinology 2022; 12(833544):1-17.

51. SALIE R, MARAIS E, LOCHNER A. Beta 3-Adrenergic Receptor (β3-AR) Activation at the End of Sustained Ischemia and / or Early Reperfusion may Prove to be a Valuable Cardioprotective Strategy. CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY 2022; 3(2):47-50.

52. SANGWENI NF, VAN VUUREN D, MABASA L, GABUZA KB, HUISAMEN B, NAIDOO S, BARRY R, JOHNSON R. Prevention of Anthracycline-Induced Cardiotoxicity: The Good and Bad of Current and Alternative Therapies. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2022; 9(907266):1-17.

53. SANGWENI NF, GABUZA KB, HUISAMEN B, MABASA L, VAN VUUREN D, JOHNSON R. Molecular insights into the pathophysiology of doxorubicin?induced cardiotoxicity: a graphical representation. ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY 2022; 2022(96):1541-1550.

54. SHABALALA S, JOHNSON R, BASSON AK, ZIQUBU K, HLENGWA N, MTHEMBU SXH, MABHIDA SE, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE SE, HANSER S, CIRILLI I, TIANO L, DLUDLA PV. Detrimental Effects of Lipid Peroxidation in Type 2 Diabetes: Exploring the Neutralizing Influence of Antioxidants. Antioxidants 2022; 11:2071.

55. SMIT SE, MANIRAFASHA C, MARAIS E, JOHNSON R, HUISAMEN B. Cardioprotective Function of Green Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) Extract Supplementation in Ex Vivo Ischemic Prediabetic Rat Hearts. Planta Medica 2022; 2022(88):62-78.

56. SWART C, FOURIE CMT, DE BOEVER P, GOSWAMI N, LAMMERTYN L, STRIJDOM H, KAMAU F, BOTHA-LE ROUX S. Comparison of endothelial function and cardiometabolic profiles of people living with HIV in two South African regions: the EndoAfrica study. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa 2022; 33(1):15-20.

57. VANMALI HD, EVERSON FP, DE BEER C. Detection of human rhinovirus in Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) cases at Tygerberg medico-legal mortuary, Cape Town, South Africa . African Journal of Respiratory Medicine 2022; 17(7):1-12.

58. WANG BJ, HUANG SH, KAO CL, MULLER CJF, WANG TP, CHANG KH, WEN HC, YEH CC, SHIH LJ, KAO YH, HUANG SP, LI CY, CHUU CP. Aspalathus linearis suppresses cell survival and proliferation of enzalutamide-resistant prostate cancer cells via inhibition of c-Myc and stability of androgen receptor. PLoS One 2022; 17(7):1-15.

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50. Sangweni NF, Moremane M, Riedel S, van Vuuren D, Huisamen B, Mabasa L et al. The Prophylactic Effect of Pinocembrin Against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in an In Vitro H9c2 Cell Model. Front Pharmacol 2020; 11: 1172.

51. Shabalala SC, Dludla P V., Mabasa L, Kappo AP, Basson AK, Pheiffer C et al. The effect of adiponectin in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and the potential role of polyphenols in the modulation of adiponectin signaling. Biomed. Pharmacother. 2020; 131: 110785.

52. Smit M, Coetzee AR, Lochner A. The Pathophysiology of Myocardial Ischemia and Perioperative Myocardial Infarction. J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth. 2020; 34: 2501–2512.

53. Smit SE, Manirafasha C, Marais E, Johnson R, Huisamen B. Cardioprotective Function of Green Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) Extract Supplementation in Ex Vivo Ischemic Prediabetic Rat Hearts. Planta Med 2020. doi:10.1055/a-1239-9236.

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60. Windvogel S.  Rooibos ( Aspalathus linearis ) and Honeybush ( Cyclopia spp.): From Bush Teas to Potential Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease. In: Nutraceuticals - Past, Present and Future. IntechOpen, 2020 doi:10.5772/intechopen.86410.


1. ABULFATHI AA, DECLOEDT EH, SVENSSON EM, DIACON AH, DONALD PR, REUTER H. Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Rifampicin in Human Tuberculosis. CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS 2019; 58:1103-1129.

2. ADAMS KT, DONALD PR, ABULFATHI AA, DIACON AH, STANDER MA, REUTER H. Pharmacokinetics of ParaAminosalicylic Acid and Its 2 Major Metabolites: A Potential Relationship to the Development of Gastrointestinal Intolerance. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 2019; 0(0) (1-6).

3. AGGERBECK H, RUHWALD M, HOFF ST, TINGSKOV PN, HELLSTROM E, MALAHLEHA M, SIEBERT M, GANI M, DIACON AH, ET AL (ENIGMA CONSORTIUM) C. Interaction between C-Tb and PPD given concomitantly in a split-body randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2019; 23(1):38-44.

4. BERNER K, STRIJDOM JG, ESSOP MF, WEBSTER I, MORRIS LD, LOUW QA. Fall history and associated factors among adults living with HIV-1 in the Cape Winelands, South Africa: An exploratory investigation. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2019; 6(10):ofz401, 7 pages.

5. BLIGNAUT M, ESPACH Y, VAN VUUREN MA, KARTHIK D, HUISAMEN B. Revisiting the Cardiotoxic Effect of Chloroquine. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 2019; 33:s10557; 11 pages.

6. BLIGNAUT M, LOOS B, BOTCHWAY SW, PARKER AW, HUISAMEN B. Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated is located in cardiac mitochondria and impacts oxidative phosphorylation. Scientific Reports 2019; 9(4782):s41598;11 pages.

7. BOOYSEN E, SADIE-VAN GIJSEN H, DEANE SM, FERRIS WF, DICKS LMT. The effect of Vancomycin on the Viability and Osteogenic Potential of Bone-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 2019; 11:1009-1014.

8. BULABULA ANH, NELSON JA, MUSAFIRI EM, MACHEKANO R, SAM-AGUDU NA, DIACON AH, SHAH M, CRESWELL J, THERON GDV, WARREN RM, JACOBSON KR, CHIRAMBIZA JP, KALUMUNA D, BISIMWA B, KATOTO PDMC, GROBUSCH MP, NACHEGA JB, ET AL. Prevalence, Predictors, and Successful Treatment outcomes of expert mtb/rif-identified rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in post-conflict eastern democratic Republic of the Congo, 2012-2017: A Retrospective Province-Wide Cohort Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2019; 69(8):1278-1287.

9. CHRISTOWITZ C, DAVIS TA, ISAACS AW, VAN NIEKERK G, HATTINGH SM, ENGELBRECHT AM. Mechanisms of doxorubicin-induced drug resistance and drug resistant tumor growth in a murine breast tumour model. BMC CANCER 2019; 19(757):s12885; 10 pages.

10. CILLIERS K, MULLER CJF, PAGE B. Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Cadavers: A Review. CLINICAL ANATOMY 2019; 32:603-610.

11. DE SMIDT JJA, ODENDAAL HJ, NEL DG, NOLAN H, DU PLESSIS CA, BRINK LT, OELOFSE A. In utero teratogen exposure and cardiometabolic risk in 5-year-old children: a prospective pediatric study. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2019; 24:1-10.

12. DIAS SC, ADAM S, RHEEDER P, LOUW J, PHEIFFER C. Altered Genome-Wide DNA Methylation in Peripheral Blood of South African Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019; 20:5828;17 pages.

13. DIAS SC, ADAM S, RHEEDER P, PHEIFFER C. Prevalence of and risk factors for gestational diabetes mellitus in South Africa. SAMJ South African Medical Journal 2019; 109(7):463-677.

14. DIAS SC, PHEIFFER C, RHEEDER P, ADAM S. Screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus in South Africa: What do we know so far. SAMJ South African Medical Journal 2019; 109(7):457-462.

15. DLUDLA PV, ORLANDO P, SILVESTRI S, MAZIBUKO-MBEJE S, JOHNSON R, MARCHEGGIANI F, CIRILLI I, MULLER CJF, LOUW J, OBONYE NJ, NYAWO TA, ET AL (ENIGMA CONSORTIUM) C. N-Acetyl cysteine ameliorates hyperglycemia-induced cardiomyocyte toxicity by improving mitochondrial energetics and enhancing endogenous Coenzyme Q9/10 levels. Toxicology Reports 2019; 6:1240-1245.

16. DRIESCHER N, JOSEPH DE, HUMAN VR, OJUKA E, COUR M, HADEBE N, BESTER DJ, MARNEWICK JL, LECOUR S, LOCHNER A, ESSOP MF. The impact of sugar-sweetened beverage intake on rat cardiac function. Heliyon 2019; 5:e01357; 28 pages.

17. DUBE KR, KARTHIK D, SALIE R, BLIGNAUT M, HUISAMEN B, LOCHNER A. Melatonin has profound effects on mitochondrial dynamics in myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion. Heliyon 2019; 5:e02659;19 pages.

18. Everson FP, DE BOEVER P, NAWROT TS, GOSWAMI N, MTHETHWA M, WEBSTER I, MARTENS DS, MASHELE N, CHARANIA S, KAMAU F, STRIJDOM JG. Personal NO2 and Volatile Organic Compounds Exposure Levels are Associated with Markers of Cardiovascular Risk in Women in the Cape Town Region of South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019; 16:2284; 18 pages.

19. FRIEDRICH SO, KOLWIJCK E, KARINJA MN, VAN DER MERWE L, DIACON AH. Quantification of viable bacterial load in artificial sputum spiked with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis 2019; 115:140-145.

20. GOSS DM, AYAD BM, VAN DER HORST G, SKOSANA BT, DU PLESSIS SS. Improved sperm motility after 4h of ejaculatory abstinence: role of accessory sex gland secretions. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 2019; 31(5):1009-1016.

21. HUANG SH, TSENG JC, LIN CY, KUO YY, WANG BJ, KAO YH, MULLER CJF, JOUBERT E, CHUU CP. Rooibos suppresses profileration of castration-resistant prostate cancer cells via inhibition of AKt signaling. PHYTOMEDICINE 2019; 64(0944-7113):1-10.

23. JACK BU, MALHERBE CJ, MAMUSHI MP, MULLER CJF, JOUBERT E, LOUW J, PHEIFFER C. Adipose tissue as a possible therapeutic target for polyphenols: a case for Cyclopia extracts as anti-abesity nutraceuticals. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy 2019; 120(0753-3322):0.

24. JOHNSON R, DLUDLA PV, MABHIDA SE, BENJEDDOU M, LOUW J, FEBRUARY MF. Pharmacogenomics of amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide therapy and the quest for improved control of hypertension: a mini review. HEART FAILURE REVIEWS 2019; 24:343-357.

25. JOHNSON R, SANGWENI NF, MABHIDA SE, DLUDLA PV, MABASA L, RIEDEL-VAN HEERDEN SC, CHAPMAN C, MOSA RA, KAPPO AP, LOUW J, MULLER CJF. An In Vitro Study on the Combination Effect of Metformin and N-Acetyl Cysteine against Hyperglycaemia-Induced Cardiac Damage. Nutrients 2019; 11:2850;19 pages.

26.  F, STRIJDOM JG, MWANGI P, BLACKHURST D, IMPERIAL EG, SALIE R. Antiretroviral drug-induced endothelial dysfunction is improved by dual PPAR alpha/gamma stimulation in obesity. VASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY 2019; 121:106577; 11 pages.

27. KARTHIK D, HUISAMEN B, LOCHNER A. Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and mitophagy in myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion: effects of chloroquine. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa 2019; 30:067; 11 pages.

28. KATOTO PDMC, BYAMUNGU L, BRAND AS, MOKAYA J, STRIJDOM JG, GOSWAMI N, DE BOEVER P, NAWROT TS, NEMERY B. Ambient air pollution and health in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current evidence, perspectives and a call to action. Environmental Research 2019; 173(July 2019):1-31.

29. LAYMAN J, PEREIRA DL, CHELLAN N, HUISAMEN B, KOTZE SH. A histomorphometric study on the hepatoprotective effects of a green rooibos extract in a diet-induced obese rat model. Acta Histochemica 2019; 121:646-656.

30. LOURENS M, PHILIPS L, KLEINHANS C, FRIEDRICH SO, MARTINSON N, VENTER A, VAN DER MERWE L, DIACON AH. Liquid mycobacterial culture outcomes after different sputum collection techniques before and during treatment. Tuberculosis 2019; 116:17-21.

31. MAARMAN GJ. Cardioprotection conferred by rooibos (Aspalathus linearis): A mini review to highlight a potential mechanism of action. South African Journal of Science 2019; 115(7/8):4653, 4 pages.

32. MABASA L, SAMODIEN E, SANGWENI NF, PHEIFFER C, LOUW J, JOHNSON R. In Utero One-Carbon Metabolism Interplay and Metabolic Syndrome in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 2019; 13:e1900377; 11 pages.

33. MABHIDA SE, JOHNSON R, NDLOVU M, LOUW J, OPOKU AR, MOSA RA. Molecular basis of the anti-hyperglycemic activity of RA-3 in hyperlipidemic and streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetes in rats. Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome 2019; 11(27):s13098; 5 pages.

34. MARINCOWITZ MEC, GENIS A, GOSWAMI N, DE BOEVER P, NAWROT TS, STRIJDOM JG. Vascular endothelial dysfunction in the wake of HIV and ART. FEBS Journal 2019; 286:1256-1270.

35. MAZIBUKO SE, DLUDLA PV, JOHNSON R, JOUBERT E, LOUW J, ZIQUBU K, TIANO L, SILVESTRI S, ORLANDO P, OPOKU AR, MULLER CJF. Aspalathin, a natural product with the potential to reverse hepatic insulin resistance by improving energy metabolism and mitochondrial respiration. PLoS One 2019; 14(5):e0216172;16pages.

36. MAZIBUKO SE, DLUDLA PV, ROUX C, JOHNSON R, GHOOR S, JOUBERT E, LOUW J, OPOKU AR, MULLER CJF. Aspalathin-Enriched Green Rooibos Extract Reduces Hepatic Insulin Resistance by Modulating PI3K/AKT and AMPK Pathways. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019; 20:633; 16 pages.

37. NIESLER CU, VAN DE VYVER M, MYBURGH KH. Cellular regenerative therapy for acquired non-congenital musculoskeletal disorders. SAMJ South African Medical Journal 2019; 109(8):59-64.

38. ORLANDO P, CHELLAN N, LOUW J, TIANO L, CIRILLI I, DLUDLA PV, JOUBERT E, MULLER CJF. Aspalathin-Rich Green Rooibos Extract Lowers LDL-Cholestrol and Oxidative Status in High-Fat Diet-Induced Diabetic Vervet Monkeys. Molecules 2019; 24:0.

39. PATEL O, MULLER CJF, JOUBERT E, ROSENKRANZ BF, TAYLOR MJC, LOUW J, AWORTWE C. Pharmacokinetic Interaction of Green Rooibos Extract With Atorvastatin and Metformin in Rats. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019; 10:doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01243 (1-8).

40. PHEIFFER C, DIAS SC, RHEEDER P, ADAM S. MicroRNA Profiling in HIV-Infected South African Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy 2019; 23:499-505.

41. RODGERS AL, JAPPIE-MAHOMED D, VAN JAARSVELD PJ. Testing the dogma that total phospholipid fatty acid composition of blood plays a role in kidney stone pathogenesis, using a high-low risk human model: results from a pilot study. Urolithiasis 2019; 47:255-261.

42. SADIE-VAN GIJSEN H. Adipocyte biology: it is time to upgrade to a new model. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY 2019; 234:2399-2425.

43. SADIE-VAN GIJSEN H. The Regulation of Marrow Fat by Vitamin D: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Implications. Current Osteoporosis Reports 2019; 17:405-415.

44. SALIE R, ALSALHIN AKH, MARAIS E, LOCHNER A. Cardioprotective Effects of Beta3-Adrenergic Receptor (Beta3-AR) Pre-, Per-, and Post -treatment in Ischemia-Reperfusion. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 2019; 33:163-177.

45. SAMODIEN E, JOHNSON R, PHEIFFER C, MABASA L, ERASMUS M, LOUW J, CHELLAN N. Diet-induced hypothalamic dysfunction and metabolic disease and the therapeutic potential of polyphenols. Molecular Metabolism 2019; 27:s2212;10 pages.

46. SAMODIEN E, PHEIFFER C, ERASMUS M, MABASA L, LOUW J, JOHNSON R. Diet-induced DNA methylation within the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus and dysregulated leptin and insulin signalling in the pathophysiology of obesity. Food Science & Nutrition 2019; 7:3131-3145.

47. SANGWENI NF, DLUDLA PV, MOSA RA, KAPPO AP, OPOKU AR, MULLER CJF, JOHNSON R. Lanosteryl triterpenes from Protorhus longifolia as a cardioprotective agent: a mini review. HEART FAILURE REVIEWS 209; 24:155-166.

48. SHABALALA S, DLUDLA PV, MULLER CJF, NXELE X, KAPPO AP, LOUW J, JOHNSON R. Aspalathin ameliorates doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress in H9c2 cardiomyoblasts. Toxicology in Vitro 2019; 55:134-139.

49. SHAW JA, DIACON AH, KOEGELENBERG CFN. Tuberculosis pleural effusion. RESPIROLOGY 2019; 24:962-971.

50. SVENSSON EM, DU BOIS J, KITSHOFF R, DE JAGER V, WIESNER L, NORMAN J, NACHMAN S, SMITH B, DIACON AH, HESSELING AC, GARCIA-PRATS AJ. Relative bioavailability of bedaquiline tablets suspended in water: implications for dosing in children. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 2019; 84:2384-2392.


52. TWEED CD, CROOK AM, DAWSON R, DIACON AH, MCHUGH TD, MENDEL CM, MEREDITH SK, MOHAPI L, MURPHY ME, ET AL (ENIGMA CONSORTIUM) C. Toxicity related to standard TB therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis and treatment outcomes in the REMoxTB study according to HIV status. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2019; 19(152):s12890; 9 pages.

53. TWEED CD, DAWSON R, BURGER DA, CONRADIE A, CROOK AM, MENDEL CM, CONRADIE F, DIACON AH, NTINGINYA E, ET AL (ENIGMA CONSORTIUM) C. Bedaquiline, moxifloxacin, pretomanid and pyrazinamide during the first 8 weeks of treatment of patients with drug-susceptible or drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis: a multicentre, open-label, partially randomised, phase 2b trial. Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2019; 7:1048-1058.

54. WARREN RM, ISMAIL N, CHEGOU NN, THERON GDV, WALZL G, MALHERBE ST, KINNEAR CJ, VAN DER SPUY GD, GOOSEN WJ, MILLER MA, DIACON AH, VAN HELDEN PD. Tuberculosis research in South Africa over the past 30 years: From bench to bedside. SAMJ South African Medical Journal 2019; 109(11):45-52.

55. WEBSTER I, IMPERIAL EG, WESTCOTT C, STRIJDOM JG. The cardiovascular effects of Aspalathus linearis supplementation in male Wistar rats receiving fixed-dose combination first-line antiretroviral therapy. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa 2019; 30(2):95-102.


HUISAMEN B, VAN VUUREN MA, PHEIFFER C. Medicinal Effects of Agathosma (Buchu) Extracts. Aosis, Cape Town, South Africa 2019:108 pp.

Book Chapters

1. MAARMAN GJ. Molecular Nutrition Carbohydrates. Elsevier, 2019:442 pp.?

2. MAARMAN GJ. Oxidative Stress in Heart Disease. Springer, Singapore. 2019:596 pp.


?Journal Articles

  1. ??Agarwal, A., Sharma, R., Henkel, R., Roychoudhury, S., Sikka, S.C., du Plessis, S., Sarda, Y.B., Speyer, C., Nouh, M., Douglas, C., Kayali, Z., Elshaer, A., Sabanegh, E., 2018. Cumene hydroperoxide induced changes in oxidation-reduction potential in fresh and frozen seminal ejaculates. Andrologia 50, e12796.
  2. Aggerbeck, H., Ruhwald, M., Hoff, S.T., Borregaard, B., Hellstrom, E., Malahleha, M., Siebert, M., Gani, M., Seopela, V., Diacon, A., Lourens, M., Andersen, P., Dheda, K., 2018. C-Tb skin test to diagnose Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in children and HIV-infected adults: A phase 3 trial. PLoS One 13, e0204554.
  3. Arokoyo, Dennis Seyi, Oyeyipo, I.P., Du Plessis, S.S., Aboua, Y.G., 2018. Antioxidant Activities of Basella alba Aqueous Leave Extract In Blood, Pancreas, and Gonadal Tissues of Diabetic Male Wistar Rats. Pharmacognosy Res. 10, 31–36.
  4. Arokoyo, Dennis S, Oyeyipo, I.P., Du Plessis, S.S., Chegou, N.N., Aboua, Y.G., 2018. Modulation of Inflammatory Cytokines and Islet Morphology as Therapeutic Mechanisms of Basella alba in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Toxicol. Res. 34, 325–332.
  5. Augustine, T.N., Cairns, C.J., Chetty, S., Dannatt, L.G., Gravett, N., Grey, G., Grobler, G., Jafta, Z., Kamerman, P., Lopes, J., Matsabisa, M.G., Mugabo, P., Mulder, M., Parry, C., Rataemane, S., Siegfried, N., Steenkamp, V., Thomas, E., Van Zyl-Smit, R., 2018. Priority areas for cannabis and cannabinoid product research in South Africa. African J. Prim. Heal. Care Fam. Med. 10, 1–3.
  6. Ayad, Bashir M, Horst, G. Van der, Plessis, S.S. Du, 2018. Revisiting The Relationship between The Ejaculatory Abstinence Period and Semen Characteristics. Int. J. Fertil. Steril. 11, 238–246.
  7. Ayad, Bashir M., Van der Horst, G., du Plessis, S.S., 2018. Short abstinence: A potential strategy for the improvement of sperm quality. Middle East Fertil. Soc. J. 23, 37–43.
  8. Cerf, M., 2018a. Cardiac Glucolipotoxicity and Cardiovascular Outcomes. Medicina (B. Aires). 54, 70.
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  10. Chimhashu, T., Malan, L., Baumgartner, J., van Jaarsveld, P.J., Galetti, V., Moretti, D., Smuts, C.M., Zimmermann, M.B., 2018. Sensitivity of fatty acid desaturation and elongation to plasma zinc concentration: a randomised controlled trial in Beninese children. Br. J. Nutr. 119, 610–619.
  11. Dludla, P.V., Gabuza, K.B., Muller, C.J.F., Joubert, E., Low, J., Johnson, R., 2018. Aspalathin, a C-glucosyl Dihydrochalcone From Rooibos Improves the Hypoglycemic Potential of Metformin in Type 2 Diabetic (db/db) Mice. Physiol. Res. 67, 813–818.
  12. Dludla, Phiwayinkosi V., Dias, S.C., Obonye, N., Johnson, R., Louw, J., Nkambule, B.B., 2018a. A Systematic Review on the Protective Effect of N-Acetyl Cysteine Against Diabetes-Associated Cardiovascular Complications. Am. J. Cardiovasc. Drugs 18, 283–298.
  13. Dludla, Phiwayinkosi V., Jack, B., Viraragavan, A., Pheiffer, C., Johnson, R., Louw, J., Muller, C.J.F., 2018b. A dose-dependent effect of dimethyl sulfoxide on lipid content, cell viability and oxidative stress in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Toxicol. Reports 5, 1014–1020.
  14. Donald, P.R., Diacon, A.H., Lange, C., Demers, A.-M., von Groote-Biddlingmeier, F., Nardell, E., 2018. Droplets, dust and guinea pigs: an historical review of tuberculosis transmission research, 1878–1940. Int. J. Tuberc. Lung Dis. 22, 972–982.
  15. Everson, F., Genis, A., Ogundipe, T., Boever, P. De, Goswami, N., Lochner, A., Blackhurst, D., Id, H.S., 2018. Treatment with a fixed dose combination antiretroviral therapy drug containing tenofovir , emtricitabine and efavirenz is associated with cardioprotection in high calorie diet-induced obese rats 1–27.
  16. Goedecke, J.H., Mendham, A.E., Clamp, L., Nono Nankam, P.A., Fortuin-de Smidt, M.C., Phiri, L., Micklesfield, L.K., Keswell, D., Woudberg, N.J., Lecour, S., Alhamud, A., Kaba, M., Lutomia, F.M., van Jaarsveld, P.J., de Villiers, A., Kahn, S.E., Chorell, E., Hauksson, J., Olsson, T., 2018. An Exercise Intervention to Unravel the Mechanisms Underlying Insulin Resistance in a Cohort of Black South African Women: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial and Baseline Characteristics of Participants. JMIR Res. Protoc. 7, e75.
  17. Govender, J., Loos, B., Marais, E., Engelbrecht, A.-M., 2018. Melatonin improves cardiac and mitochondrial function during doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity: A possible role for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha and sirtuin activity? Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 358, 86–101.
  18. Govindsamy, A., Naidoo, S., Cerf, M.E., 2018. Cardiac Development and Transcription Factors: Insulin Signalling, Insulin Resistance, and Intrauterine Nutritional Programming of Cardiovascular Disease. J. Nutr. Metab. 2018, 1–12.
  19. Jack, B., Malherbe, C., Willenburg, E., de Beer, D., Huisamen, B., Joubert, E., Muller, C., Louw, J., Pheiffer, C., 2018. Polyphenol-Enriched Fractions of Cyclopia intermedia Selectively Affect Lipogenesis and Lipolysis in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. Planta Med. 84, 100–110.
  20. Johnson, R., Beer, D. de, Dludla, P., Ferreira, D., Muller, C., Joubert, E., 2018. Aspalathin from Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis): A Bioactive C-glucosyl Dihydrochalcone with Potential to Target the Metabolic Syndrome. Planta Med. 84, 568–583.
  21. Kruger, M.J., Conradie, M.M., Conradie, M., Van De Vyver, M., 2018. ADSC-conditioned media elicit an ex vivo anti-inflammatory macrophage response. J. Mol. Endocrinol. 61, 173–184.
  22. Lange, C., Alghamdi, W.A., Al-Shaer, M.H., Brighenti, S., Diacon, A.H., DiNardo, A.R., Grobbel, H.P., Gr?schel, M.I., von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Hauptmann, M., Heyckendorf, J., K?hler, N., Kohl, T.A., Merker, M., Niemann, S., Peloquin, C.A., Reimann, M., Schaible, U.E., Schaub, D., Schleusener, V., Thye, T., Sch?n, T., 2018. Perspectives for personalized therapy for patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. J. Intern. Med. 284, 163–188.
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  24. Lochner, A., Marais, E., Huisamen, B., 2018. Melatonin and cardioprotection against ischaemia/reperfusion injury: What's new? A review. J. Pineal Res. 65, e12490.
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  42. Svensson, R.J., Aarnoutse, R.E., Diacon, A.H., Dawson, R., Gillespie, S.H., Boeree, M.J., Simonsson, U.S.H., 2018. A Population Pharmacokinetic Model Incorporating Saturable Pharmacokinetics and Autoinduction for High Rifampicin Doses. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 103, 674–683.
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  1. Alsultan, A., Furin, J.J., Du Bois, J., van Brakel, E., Chheng, P., Venter, A., Thiel, B., Debanne, S.A., Boom, W.H., Diacon, A.H., Johnson, J.L., Peloquin, C.A., 2017. Population Pharmacokinetics of AZD-5847 in Adults with Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 61.
  2. Ayad, B.M., Horst, G. Van der, Plessis, S.S. Du, 2018. Revisiting The Relationship between The Ejaculatory Abstinence Period and Semen Characteristics. Int. J. Fertil. Steril. 11, 238–246.

  3. Boeree, M.J., Heinrich, N., Aarnoutse, R., Diacon, A.H., Dawson, R., Rehal, S., Kibiki, G.S., Churchyard, G., Sanne, I., Ntinginya, N.E., Minja, L.T., Hunt, R.D., Charalambous, S., Hanekom, M., Semvua, H.H., Mpagama, S.G., Manyama, C., Mtafya, B., Reither, K., Wallis, R.S., Venter, A., Narunsky, K., Mekota, A., Henne, S., Colbers, A., van Balen, G.P., Gillespie, S.H., Phillips, P.P.J., Hoelscher, M., 2017. High-dose rifampicin, moxifloxacin, and SQ109 for treating tuberculosis: a multi-arm, multi-stage randomised controlled trial. Lancet Infect. Dis. 17, 39–49.
  4. Bouton, T.C., Phillips, P.P.J., Mitnick, C.D., Peloquin, C.A., Eisenach, K., Patientia, R.F., Lecca, L., Gotuzzo, E., Gandhi, N.R., Butler, D., Diacon, A.H., Martel, B., Santillan, J., Hunt, K.R., Vargas, D., von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Seas, C., Dianis, N., Moreno-Martinez, A., Horsburgh, C.R., 2017. An optimized background regimen design to evaluate the contribution of levofloxacin to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment regimens: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 18, 563.
  5. Bowles, S., Joubert, E., de Beer, D., Louw, J., Brunschwig, C., Njoroge, M., Lawrence, N., Wiesner, L., Chibale, K., Muller, C., 2017. Intestinal Transport Characteristics and Metabolism of C-Glucosyl Dihydrochalcone, Aspalathin. Molecules 22, 554.
  6. De Jager, V., van der Merwe, L., Venter, A., Donald, P.R., Diacon, A.H., 2017. Time Trends in Sputum Mycobacterial Load and Two-Day Bactericidal Activity of Isoniazid-Containing Antituberculosis Therapies. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 61.
  7. Dludla, P., Muller, C., Joubert, E., Louw, J., Essop, M., Gabuza, K., Ghoor, S., Huisamen, B., Johnson, R., 2017. Aspalathin Protects the Heart against Hyperglycemia-Induced Oxidative Damage by Up-Regulating Nrf2 Expression. Molecules 22, 129.
  8. Dludla, P. V., Essop, M.F., Gabuza, K.B., Muller, C.J.F., Louw, J., Johnson, R., 2017a. Age-dependent development of left ventricular wall thickness in type 2 diabetic (db/db) mice is associated with elevated low-density lipoprotein and triglyceride serum levels. Heart Vessels 32, 1025–1031.
  9. Dludla, P. V., Joubert, E., Muller, C.J.F., Louw, J., Johnson, R., 2017b. Hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress and heart disease-cardioprotective effects of rooibos flavonoids and phenylpyruvic acid-2-O-β-D-glucoside. Nutr. Metab. (Lond). 14, 45.
  10. Dludla, P. V., Nkambule, B.B., Dias, S.C., Johnson, R., 2017c. Cardioprotective potential of N-acetyl cysteine against hyperglycaemia-induced oxidative damage: a protocol for a systematic review. Syst. Rev. 6, 96.
  11. Jack, B.U., Malherbe, C.J., Huisamen, B., Gabuza, K., Mazibuko-Mbeje, S., Schulze, A.E., Joubert, E., Muller, C.J.F., Louw, J., Pheiffer, C., 2017. A polyphenol-enriched fraction of Cyclopia intermedia decreases lipid content in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and reduces body weight gain of obese db/db mice. South African J. Bot. 110, 216–229.
  12. Johnson, R., Dludla, P., Muller, C., Huisamen, B., Essop, M., Louw, J., 2017a. The Transcription Profile Unveils the Cardioprotective Effect of Aspalathin against Lipid Toxicity in an In Vitro H9c2 Model. Molecules 22, 219.
  13. Johnson, R., Shabalala, S., Louw, J., Kappo, A., Muller, C., 2017b. Aspalathin Reverts Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity through Increased Autophagy and Decreased Expression of p53/mTOR/p62 Signaling. Molecules 22, 1589.
  14. Kayigire, X.A., Friedrich, S.O., van der Merwe, L., Diacon, A.H., 2017. Acquisition of Rifampin Resistance in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 61.
  15. Kistan, J., Laher, F., Otwombe, K., Panchia, R., Mawaka, N., Lebina, L., Diacon, A., Kana, B., Martinson, N., 2017. Pulmonary TB: varying radiological presentations in individuals with HIV in Soweto, South Africa. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 111, 132–136.
  16. Lalinde-Acevedo, P.C., Mayorga-Torres, B.J.M., Agarwal, A., du Plessis, S.S., Ahmad, G., Cadavid, ?.P., Cardona Maya, W.D., 2017. Physically Active Men Show Better Semen Parameters than Their Sedentary Counterparts. Int. J. Fertil. Steril. 11, 156–165.
  17. Nduhirabandi, F., Huisamen, B., Strijdom, H., Lochner, A., Barbara, H., 2017. Role of melatonin in glucose uptake by cardiomyocytes from insulin-resistant Wistar rats. Cardiovasc. J. Afr. 28, 362–369.
  18. Nel, S., Strijdom, H., Genis, A., Everson, F., Van Wijk, R., Kotzé, S.H., 2017. A histomorphometric study on the effects of antiretroviral therapy (ART) combined with a high-calorie diet (HCD) on aortic perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT). Acta Histochem. 119, 555–562.
  19. Oyeyipo, I.P., van der Linde, M., du Plessis, S.S., 2017. Environmental Exposure of Sperm Sex-Chromosomes: A Gender Selection Technique. Toxicol. Res. 33, 315–323.
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  21. Salie, R., Lochner, A., Loubser, D.J., 2017. The significance of the washout period in preconditioning. Cardiovasc. Ther. 35, e12252.
  22. Shabalala, S., Muller, C.J.F., Louw, J., Johnson, R., 2017. Polyphenols, autophagy and doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. Life Sci. 180, 160–170.
  23. Strijdom, H., De Boever, P., Walzl, G., Essop, M.F., Nawrot, T.S., Webster, I., Westcott, C., Mashele, N., Everson, F., Malherbe, S.T., Stanley, K., Kessler, H.H., Stelzl, E., Goswami, N., 2017. Cardiovascular risk and endothelial function in people living with HIV/AIDS: Design of the multi-site, longitudinal EndoAfrica study in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. BMC Infect. Dis. 17, 1–9.
  24. Svensson, R.J., Aarnoutse, R.E., Diacon, A.H., Dawson, R., Gillespie, S.H., Boeree, M.J., Simonsson, U.S.H., 2017. A Population Pharmacokinetic Model Incorporating Saturable Pharmacokinetics and Autoinduction for High Rifampicin Doses. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 103, 674–683.
  25. Truter, D., Strijdom, H., Everson, F., Kotzé, S.H., 2017. Mucin secreting cells in the stomach and colon are altered by combination antiretroviral treatment in an obese rat model. Acta Histochem. 119, 122–128.
  26. van Niekerk, G., Davids, L.M., Hattingh, S.M., Engelbrecht, A.-M., 2017. Cancer stem cells: A product of clonal evolution? Int. J. Cancer 140, 993–999.
  27. Walters, E., Demers, A.-M., van der Zalm, M.M., Whitelaw, A., Palmer, M., Bosch, C., Draper, H.R., Gie, R.P., Hesseling, A.C., 2017. Stool Culture for Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Children. J. Clin. Microbiol. 55, 3355–3365.
  28. Webster, I., Salie, R., Marais, E., Fan, W.-J., Maarman, G., Huisamen, B., Lochner, A., 2017. Myocardial susceptibility to ischaemia/reperfusion in obesity: a re-evaluation of the effects of age. BMC Physiol. 17, 3.
  29. Webster, Ingrid, Smith, A., Lochner, A., Huisamen, B., 2017. The Role of MKP-1 in Insulin-Induced Cardioprotection. Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther. 31, 247–254.
  30. Westcott, C., Genis, A., Mthethwa, M., Graham, R., Van Vuuren, D., Huisamen, B., Strijdom, H., 2017. Fenofibrate protects endothelial cells against the harmful effects of TNF-alpha. SAHeart 14, 22–34.


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  1. Agarwal, A., Gupta, S., Du Plessis, S., Sharma, R., Esteves, S.C., Cirenza, C., Eliwa, J., Al-Najjar, W., Kumaresan, D., Haroun, N., Philby, S., Sabanegh, E., 2016a. Abstinence Time and Its Impact on Basic and Advanced Semen Parameters. Urology 94, 102–110.
  2. Agarwal, A., Sharma, R., Roychoudhury, S., Du Plessis, S., Sabanegh, E., 2016b. MiOXSYS: a novel method of measuring oxidation reduction potential in semen and seminal plasma. Fertil. Steril. 106, 566-573.e10.
  3. Bernasconi, M., Diacon, A.H., Koegelenberg, C.F.N., 2016. Stair Climbing Test Streamlines the Evaluation of Nonmalignant Lung Resection Candidates. Respiration 91, 87–88.
  4. Demers, A.-M., Venter, A., Friedrich, S.O., Rojas-Ponce, G., Mapamba, D., Jugheli, L., Sasamalo, M., Almeida, D., Dorasamy, A., Jentsch, U., Gibson, M., Everitt, D., Eisenach, K.D., Diacon, A.H., 2016. Direct Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for Pyrazinamide by Use of the Bactec MGIT 960 System. J. Clin. Microbiol. 54, 1276–81.
  5. Dludla, P., Muller, C., Joubert, E., Louw, J., Gabuza, K., Huisamen, B., Essop, M., Johnson, R., 2016. Phenylpyruvic Acid-2-O-β-D-Glucoside Attenuates High Glucose-Induced Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyocytes. Planta Med. 82, 1468–1474.
  6. Franzen, D., Diacon, A.H., Freitag, L., Schubert, P.T., Wright, C.A., Schuurmans, M.M., 2016. Ultrathin bronchoscopy for solitary pulmonary lesions in a region endemic for tuberculosis: a randomised pilot trial. BMC Pulm. Med. 16, 62.
  7. Furin, J., Alirol, E., Allen, E., Fielding, K., Merle, C., Abubakar, I., Andersen, J., Davies, G., Dheda, K., Diacon, A., Dooley, K.E., Dravnice, G., Eisenach, K., Everitt, D., Ferstenberg, D., Goolam-Mahomed, A., Grobusch, M.P., Gupta, R., Harausz, E., Harrington, M., Horsburgh, C.R., Lienhardt, C., McNeeley, D., Mitnick, C.D., Nachman, S., Nahid, P., Nunn, A.J., Phillips, P., Rodriguez, C., Shah, S., Wells, C., Thomas-Nyang'wa, B., du Cros, P., 2016. Drug-resistant tuberculosis clinical trials: proposed core research definitions in adults. Int. J. Tuberc. Lung Dis. 20, 290–294.
  8. Furin, J.J., Du Bois, J., van Brakel, E., Chheng, P., Venter, A., Peloquin, C.A., Alsultan, A., Thiel, B.A., Debanne, S.M., Boom, W.H., Diacon, A.H., Johnson, J.L., 2016. Early Bactericidal Activity of AZD5847 in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 60, 6591–6599.
  9. Goss, D., Oyeyipo, I.P., Skosana, B.T., Ayad, B.M., du Plessis, S.S., 2016. Ameliorative potentials of quercetin against cotinine-induced toxic effects on human spermatozoa. Asian Pacific J. Reprod. 5, 193–197.
  10. Huisamen, B., George, C., Genade, S., Dietrich, D., 2016a. Cardioprotective and anti-hypertensive effects of Prosopis glandulosa in rat models of pre-diabetes. South African J. Diabetes Vasc. Dis. 13, 61–67.
  11. Huisamen, B., Hafver, T.L., Lumkwana, D., Lochner, A., 2016b. The Impact of Chronic Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Inhibition on Remodeling of Normal and Pre-Diabetic Rat Hearts. Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther. 30, 237–246.
  12. Jayakumar, A., Savic, R.M., Everett, C.K., Benator, D., Alland, D., Heilig, C.M., Weiner, M., Friedrich, S.O., Martinson, N.A., Kerrigan, A., Zamudio, C., Goldberg, S. V, Whitworth, W.C., Davis, J.L., Nahid, P., 2016. Xpert MTB/RIF Assay Shows Faster Clearance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA with Higher Levels of Rifapentine Exposure. J. Clin. Microbiol. 54, 3028–3033.
  13. Johnson, R., Dludla, P., Joubert, E., February, F., Mazibuko, S., Ghoor, S., Muller, C., Louw, J., 2016. Aspalathin, a dihydrochalcone C -glucoside, protects H9c2 cardiomyocytes against high glucose induced shifts in substrate preference and apoptosis. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 60, 922–934.
  14. Jordaan, A.E., 2016. The effects of the wild african potato (hypoxis hemerocallidea) supplementation on streptozotocin-induced diabetic wistar rats reproductive function. Andrology 5, 1000165.
  15. Kayigire, X.A., Friedrich, S.O., Karinja, M.N., van der Merwe, L., Martinson, N.A., Diacon, A.H., 2016. Propidium monoazide and Xpert MTB/RIF to quantify Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells. Tuberculosis 101, 79–84.
  16. Lückhoff, H.K., Kidd, M., van Rensburg, S.J., van Velden, D.P., Kotze, M.J., 2016. Apolipoprotein E genotyping and questionnaire-based assessment of lifestyle risk factors in dyslipidemic patients with a family history of Alzheimer's disease: test development for clinical application. Metab. Brain Dis. 31, 213–224.
  17. Mfokazi, A., Wright, C.A., Louw, M., Von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Schubert, P.T., Koegelenberg, C.F.N., Diacon, A.H., 2016. Direct comparison of liquid-based and smear-based cytology with and without rapid on-site evaluation for fine needle aspirates of thoracic tumors. Diagn. Cytopathol. 44, 363–368.
  18. Phillips, P.P.J., Dooley, K.E., Gillespie, S.H., Heinrich, N., Stout, J.E., Nahid, P., Diacon, A.H., Aarnoutse, R.E., Kibiki, G.S., Boeree, M.J., Hoelscher, M., 2016a. A new trial design to accelerate tuberculosis drug development: the Phase IIC Selection Trial with Extended Post-treatment follow-up (STEP). BMC Med. 14, 51.
  19. Phillips, P.P.J., Mendel, C.M., Burger, D.A., Crook, A.M., Nunn, A.J., Dawson, R., Diacon, A.H., Gillespie, S.H., 2016b. Limited role of culture conversion for decision-making in individual patient care and for advancing novel regimens to confirmatory clinical trials. BMC Med. 14, 19.
  20. Pym, A.S., Diacon, A.H., Tang, S.-J., Conradie, F., Danilovits, M., Chuchottaworn, C., Vasilyeva, I., Andries, K., Bakare, N., De Marez, T., Haxaire-Theeuwes, M., Lounis, N., Meyvisch, P., Van Baelen, B., van Heeswijk, R.P.G., Dannemann, B., TMC207-C209 Study Group, 2016. Bedaquiline in the treatment of multidrug- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Eur. Respir. J. 47, 564–74.
  21. van Niekerk, G., Davids, L.M., Hattingh, S.M., Engelbrecht, A.-M., 2017. Cancer stem cells: A product of clonal evolution? Int. J. Cancer 140, 993–999.
  22. van Niekerk, G., Hattingh, S.M., Engelbrecht, A.-M., 2016. Enhanced Therapeutic Efficacy in Cancer Patients by Short-term Fasting: The Autophagy Connection. Front. Oncol. 6, 242.
  23. van Vuuren, D., Marais, E., Genade, S., Lochner, A., 2016. The differential effects of FTY720 on functional recovery and infarct size following myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion. Cardiovasc. J. Afr. 27, 375–386.


Journal Articles

  1. Boeree, M.J., Diacon, A.H., Dawson, R., Narunsky, K., Du Bois, J., Venter, A., Phillips, P.P.J., Gillespie, S.H., McHugh, T.D., Hoelscher, M., Heinrich, N., Rehal, S., Van Soolingen, D., Van Ingen, J., Magis-Escurra, C., Burger, D., Van Balen, G.P., Aarnoutse, R.E., 2015. A dose-ranging trial to optimize the dose of rifampin in the treatment of tuberculosis. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 191, 1058–1065.
  2. Bowness, R., Boeree, M.J., Aarnoutse, R., Dawson, R., Diacon, A., Mangu, C., Heinrich, N., Ntinginya, N.E., Kohlenberg, A., Mtafya, B., Phillips, P.P.J., Rachow, A., Plemper van Balen, G., Gillespie, S.H., 2015. The relationship between Mycobacterium tuberculosis MGIT time to positivity and cfu in sputum samples demonstrates changing bacterial phenotypes potentially reflecting the impact of chemotherapy on critical sub-populations. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 70, 448–455.
  3. Dawson, R., Diacon, A.H., Everitt, D., van Niekerk, C., Donald, P.R., Burger, D.A., Schall, R., Spigelman, M., Conradie, A., Eisenach, K., Venter, A., Ive, P., Page-Shipp, L., Variava, E., Reither, K., Ntinginya, N.E., Pym, A., von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Mendel, C.M., 2015. Efficiency and safety of the combination of moxifloxacin, pretomanid (PA-824), and pyrazinamide during the first 8 weeks of antituberculosis treatment: a phase 2b, open-label, partly randomised trial in patients with drug-susceptible or drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis. Lancet 385, 1738–1747.
  4. De Wet, D.R., Wright, C.A., Schubert, P.T., Koegelenberg, C.F.N., Louw, M., Diacon, A.H., 2015. Mediastinal granulomatous lymphadenitis in a population at risk for HIV and tuberculosis. Diagn. Cytopathol. 43, 696–700.
  5. Diacon, A.H., Dawson, R., Von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Symons, G., Venter, A., Donald, P.R., Van Niekerk, C., Everitt, D., Hutchings, J., Burger, D.A., Schall, R., Mendel, C.M., 2015. Bactericidal activity of pyrazinamide and clofazimine alone and in combinations with pretomanid and bedaquiline. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 191, 943–953.
  6. Donald, P.R., Diacon, A.H., 2015. Para-aminosalicylic acid: the return of an old friend. Lancet Infect. Dis. 15, 1091–1099.
  7. du Plessis, Stefan S, Agarwal, A., Mohanty, G., van der Linde, M., 2015. Oxidative phosphorylation versus glycolysis: what fuel do spermatozoa use? Asian J. Androl. 17, 230–5.
  8. du Plessis, Stefan S., Agarwal, A., Syriac, A., 2015. Marijuana, phytocannabinoids, the endocannabinoid system, and male fertility. J. Assist. Reprod. Genet. 32, 1575–1588.
  9. Espach, Y., Lochner, A., Strijdom, H., Huisamen, B., 2015. ATM Protein Kinase Signaling, Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease. Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther. 29, 51–58.
  10. George, C, Dietrich, D., Huisamen, B., 2015. The Effect of Chronic Prosopis glandulosa Treatment on Muscle Force Development and Fatigue Tolerance in Soleus Muscle. Br. J. Appl. Sci. Technol. 10, 1–10.
  11. George, Cindy, Smith, C., Isaacs, A., Huisamen, B., 2015. Chronic Prosopis Glandulosa Treatment Blunts Neutrophil Infiltration and Enhances Muscle Repair after Contusion Injury. Nutrients 7, 815–830.
  12. Harlev, A., Agarwal, A., Gunes, S.O., Shetty, A., du Plessis, S.S., 2015. Smoking and Male Infertility: An Evidence-Based Review. World J. Mens. Health 33, 143.
  13. Heinrich, N., Dawson, R., du Bois, J., Narunsky, K., Horwith, G., Phipps, A.J., Nacy, C.A., Aarnoutse, R.E., Boeree, M.J., Gillespie, S.H., Venter, A., Henne, S., Rachow, A., Phillips, P.P.J., Hoelscher, M., Diacon, A.H., Mekota, A.M., Heinrich, N., Rachow, A., Saathoff, E., Hoelscher, M., Gillespie, S., Colbers, A., van Balen, G.P., Aarnoutse, R., Boeree, M., Bateson, A., McHugh, T., Singh, K., Hunt, R., Zumla, A., Nunn, A., Phillips, P., Rehal, S., Dawson, R., Narunsky, K., Diacon, A., du Bois, J., Venter, A., Friedrich, S., Sanne, I., Mellet, K., Churchyard, G., Charalambous, S., Mwaba, P., Elias, N., Mangu, C., Rojas-Ponce, G., Mtafya, B., Maboko, L., Minja, L.T., Sasamalo, M., Reither, K., Jugheli, L., Sam, N., Kibiki, G., Semvua, H., Mpagama, S., Alabi, A., Adegnika, A.A., Amukoye, E., Okwera, A., 2015. Early phase evaluation of SQ109 alone and in combination with rifampicin in pulmonary TB patients. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 70, 1558–1566.
  14. Karinja, M.N., Esterhuizen, T.M., Friedrich, S.O., Diacon, A.H., 2015. Sputum volume predicts sputum mycobacterial load during the first 2 weeks of antituberculosis treatment. J. Clin. Microbiol. 53, 1087–91.
  15. Kayigire, X.A., Friedrich, S.O., van der Merwe, L., Donald, P.R., Diacon, A.H., 2015. Simultaneous staining of sputum smears for acid-fast and lipid-containing Myobacterium tuberculosis can enhance the clinical evaluation of antituberculosis treatments. Tuberculosis 95, 770–779.
  16. Koegelenberg, C.F.N., Irusen, E.M., von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Bruwer, J.W., Batubara, E.M.A., Diacon, A.H., 2015. The utility of ultrasound-guided thoracentesis and pleural biopsy in undiagnosed pleural exudates. Thorax 70, 995–7.
  17. Mayorga-Torres, B.J.M., Camargo, M., Agarwal, A., du Plessis, S.S., Cadavid, ?.P., Cardona Maya, W.D., 2015. Influence of ejaculation frequency on seminal parameters. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 13, 47.
  18. Oyeyipo, I.P., Maartens, P.J., du Plessis, S.S., 2015. Diet-induced obesity alters kinematics of rat spermatozoa. Asian Pacific J. Reprod. 4, 235–239.
  19. Rullas, J., Dhar, N., McKinney, J.D., García-Pérez, A., Lelievre, J., Diacon, A.H., Hugonnet, J.-E., Arthur, M., Angulo-Barturen, I., Barros-Aguirre, D., Ballell, L., 2015. Combinations of β-Lactam Antibiotics Currently in Clinical Trials Are Efficacious in a DHP-I-Deficient Mouse Model of Tuberculosis Infection. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 59, 4997–9.
  20. Slabbert, M., du Plessis, S.S., Huyser, C., 2015. Large volume cryoprotectant-free vitrification: an alternative to conventional cryopreservation for human spermatozoa. Andrologia 47, 594–599.
  21. Solomons, R.S., Visser, D.H., Friedrich, S.O., Diacon, A.H., Hoek, K.G.P., Marais, B.J., Schoeman, J.F., van Furth, A.M., 2015. Improved diagnosis of childhood tuberculous meningitis using more than one nucleic acid amplification test. Int. J. Tuberc. Lung Dis. 19, 74–80.
  22. Sy, S.K.B., de Kock, L., Diacon, A.H., Werely, C.J., Xia, H., Rosenkranz, B., van der Merwe, L., Donald, P.R., 2015. N-acetyltransferase genotypes and the pharmacokinetics and tolerability of para-aminosalicylic acid in patients with drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 59, 4129–38.
  23. Vorster, M.J., Allwood, B.W., Diacon, A.H., Koegelenberg, C.F.N., 2015. Tuberculous pleural effusions: advances and controversies. J. Thorac. Dis. 7, 981–91.


Journal Articles

  1. Agarwal, A., Durairajanayagam, D., du Plessis, S.S., 2014a. Utility of antioxidants during assisted reproductive techniques: an evidence-based review. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 12, 112.
  2. Agarwal, A., Virk, G., Ong, C., du Plessis, S.S., 2014b. Effect of Oxidative Stress on Male Reproduction. World J. Mens. Health 32, 1.
  3. Bowness, R., Boeree, M.J., Aarnoutse, R., Dawson, R., Diacon, A., Mangu, C., Heinrich, N., Ntinginya, N.E., Kohlenberg, A., Mtafya, B., Phillips, P.P.J., Rachow, A., Plemper van Balen, G., Gillespie, S.H., 2015. The relationship between Mycobacterium tuberculosis MGIT time to positivity and cfu in sputum samples demonstrates changing bacterial phenotypes potentially reflecting the impact of chemotherapy on critical sub-populations. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 70, 448–455.
  4. Chellan, N., Joubert, E., Strijdom, H., Roux, C., Louw, J., Muller, C., 2014. Aqueous Extract of Unfermented Honeybush (Cyclopia maculata) Attenuates STZ-induced Diabetes and β-cell Cytotoxicity. Planta Med. 80, 622–629.
  5. de Kock, L., Sy, S.K.B., Rosenkranz, B., Diacon, A.H., Prescott, K., Hernandez, K.R., Yu, M., Derendorf, H., Donald, P.R., 2014. Pharmacokinetics of para-aminosalicylic acid in HIV-uninfected and HIV-coinfected tuberculosis patients receiving antiretroviral therapy, managed for multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 58, 6242–50.
  6. Diacon, A.H., Pym, A., Grobusch, M.P., de los Rios, J.M., Gotuzzo, E., Vasilyeva, I., Leimane, V., Andries, K., Bakare, N., De Marez, T., Haxaire-Theeuwes, M., Lounis, N., Meyvisch, P., De Paepe, E., van Heeswijk, R.P.G., Dannemann, B., 2014a. Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis and Culture Conversion with Bedaquiline. N. Engl. J. Med. 371, 723–732.
  7. Diacon, A.H., van der Merwe, L., Demers, A.-M., von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Venter, A., Donald, P.R., 2014b. Time to positivity in liquid culture predicts colony forming unit counts of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum specimens. Tuberculosis 94, 148–151.
  8. Diacon, A.H., van der Merwe, L., Demers, A.-M., Von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Venter, A., Donald, P.R., 2014c. Pre-treatment mycobacterial sputum load influences individual on-treatment measurements. Tuberculosis 94, 690–694.
  9. Dludla, P.V., Muller, C.J.F., Louw, J., Joubert, E., Salie, R., Opoku, A.R., Johnson, R., 2014. The cardioprotective effect of an aqueous extract of fermented rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) on cultured cardiomyocytes derived from diabetic rats. Phytomedicine 21, 595–601.
  10. Donald, P.R., Diacon, A.H., 2008. The early bactericidal activity of anti-tuberculosis drugs: a literature review. Tuberculosis 88, S75–S83.
  11. Flint, M., du Plessis, S.S., Menkveld, R., 2014. Revisiting the assessment of semen viscosity and its relationship to leucocytospermia. Andrologia 46, 837–841.
  12. Govender, J., Loos, B., Marais, E., Engelbrecht, A.-M., 2014. Mitochondrial catastrophe during doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity: a review of the protective role of melatonin. J. Pineal Res. 57, 367–380.
  13. Kibleur, Y., Brochart, H., Schaaf, H.S., Diacon, A.H., Donald, P.R., 2014. Dose Regimen of Para-Aminosalicylic Acid Gastro-Resistant Formulation (PAS-GR) in Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis. Clin. Drug Investig. 34, 269–276.
  14. Kolwijck, E., Friedrich, S.O., Karinja, M.N., van Ingen, J., Warren, R.M., Diacon, A.H., 2014. Early stationary phase culture supernatant accelerates growth of sputum cultures collected after initiation of anti-tuberculosis treatment. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. 20, O418–O420.
  15. Lampiao, F., Huussen, J., Plessis, S.D., 2014. Effects of Nitric Oxide Exposure on Human Sperm Function and Apoptosis Markers. Open Reprod. Sci. J. 6, 17–20.
  16. Nduhirabandi, F., Huisamen, B., Strijdom, H., Blackhurst, D., Lochner, A., 2014. Short-term melatonin consumption protects the heart of obese rats independent of body weight change and visceral adiposity. J. Pineal Res. 57, 317–332.
  17. Salie, R., Huisamen, B., Lochner, A., 2014. High carbohydrate and high fat diets protect the heart against ischaemia/reperfusion injury. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 13, 109.
  18. Slabbert, M., du Plessis, S.S., Huyser, C., 2015. Large volume cryoprotectant-free vitrification: an alternative to conventional cryopreservation for human spermatozoa. Andrologia 47, 594–599.
  19. Solomons, R.S., Visser, D.H., Friedrich, S.O., Diacon, A.H., Hoek, K.G.P., Marais, B.J., Schoeman, J.F., van Furth, A.M., 2015. Improved diagnosis of childhood tuberculous meningitis using more than one nucleic acid amplification test. Int. J. Tuberc. Lung Dis. 19, 74–80.
  20. Streicher, E.M., Maharaj, K., York, T., Van Heerden, C., Barnard, M., Diacon, A., Mendel, C.M., Bosman, M.E., Hepple, J.A., Pym, A.S., Warren, R.M., van Helden, P.D., 2014. Rapid sequencing of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis pncA gene for detection of pyrazinamide susceptibility. J. Clin. Microbiol. 52, 4056–7.
  21. Van Rensburg, A., Neethling, G.S., Schubert, P.T., Koegelenberg, C.F.N., Wright, C.A., Bolliger, C.T., Bernasconi, M., Diacon, A.H., 2014. Impact of routine sputum cytology in a population at high risk for bronchial carcinoma. Int. J. Tuberc. Lung Dis. 18, 607–612.
  22. Wallis, R.S., Dawson, R., Friedrich, S.O., Venter, A., Paige, D., Zhu, T., Silvia, A., Gobey, J., Ellery, C., Zhang, Y., Eisenach, K., Miller, P., Diacon, A.H., 2014. Mycobactericidal Activity of Sutezolid (PNU-100480) in Sputum (EBA) and Blood (WBA) of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis. PLoS One 9, e94462.
  23. Webster, I., Smith, A., Lochner, A., Huisamen, B., 2014. Sanguinarine Non- Versus Re-Circulation During Isolated Heart Perfusion - A Jekyll and Hyde Effect? Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther. 28, 489–491.
  24. Zhu, T., Friedrich, S.O., Diacon, A., Wallis, R.S., 2014. Population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis of the bactericidal activities of sutezolid (PNU-100480) and its major metabolite against intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis in ex vivo whole-blood cultures of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 58, 3306–11.

Journal Articles
  1. Brundyn, K., Koegelenberg, C.F.N., Diacon, A.H., Louw, M., Schubert, P., Bolliger, C.T., van den Heuvel, M.M., Wright, C.A., 2013. Transbronchial fine needle aspiration biopsy and rapid on-site evaluation in the setting of superior vena cava syndrome. Diagn. Cytopathol. 41, 324–329.
  2. Dawson, R., Diacon, A., 2013. PA-824, moxifloxacin and pyrazinamide combination therapy for tuberculosis. Expert Opin. Investig. Drugs 22, 927–932.
  3. Diacon, A.H., Dawson, R., Von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Symons, G., Venter, A., Donald, P.R., Conradie, A., Erondu, N., Ginsberg, A.M., Egizi, E., Winter, H., Becker, P., Mendel, C.M., 2013a. Randomized dose-ranging study of the 14-day early bactericidal activity of bedaquiline (TMC207) in patients with sputum microscopy smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 57, 2199–203.
  4. Diacon, A.H., Donald, P.R., Mendel, C.M., 2013b. Early bactericidal activity of new drug regimens for tuberculosis - Authors' reply. Lancet (London, England) 381, 112–3.
  5. Dooley, K.E., Nuermberger, E.L., Diacon, A.H., 2013. Pipeline of drugs for related diseases: tuberculosis. Curr. Opin. HIV AIDS 8, 579–85.
  6. Du Plessis, S., Gokul, S., Agarwal, A., 2013. Semen hyperviscosity: causes, consequences, and cures. Front. Biosci. 5, 224–231.
  7. Flepisi, T.B., Lochner, A., Huisamen, B., 2013. The Consequences of Long-Term Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Inhibition on Normal and Insulin Resistant Rat Hearts. Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther. 27, 381–392.
  8. Flint, M., Du Plessis, S.S., 2013. Trichomonas vaginalis in Sub-Saharan Africa?: occurrence and diagnostic approaches for the male partner. Med. Technol. SA 27, 26–28.
  9. Friedrich, S.O., Rachow, A., Saathoff, E., Singh, K., Mangu, C.D., Dawson, R., Phillips, P.P., Venter, A., Bateson, A., Boehme, C.C., Heinrich, N., Hunt, R.D., Boeree, M.J., Zumla, A., McHugh, T.D., Gillespie, S.H., Diacon, A.H., Hoelscher, M., 2013. Assessment of the sensitivity and specificity of Xpert MTB/RIF assay as an early sputum biomarker of response to tuberculosis treatment. Lancet Respir. Med. 1, 462–470.
  10. Hamada, A., Sharma, R., du Plessis, S.S., Willard, B., Yadav, S.P., Sabanegh, E., Agarwal, A., 2013. Two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis–based proteomics of male gametes in relation to oxidative stress. Fertil. Steril. 99, 1216-1226.e2.
  11. Huisamen, B., George, C., Dietrich, D., Genade, S., 2013. Cardioprotective and anti-hypertensive effects of Prosopis glandulosa in rat models of pre-diabetes. Cardiovasc. J. Afr. 24, 10–6.
  12. Kayigire, X.A., Friedrich, S.O., Venter, A., Dawson, R., Gillespie, S.H., Boeree, M.J., Heinrich, N., Hoelscher, M., Diacon, A.H., Pan African Consortium for the Evaluation of Anti-tuberculosis Antibiotics, 2013. Direct comparison of Xpert MTB/RIF assay with liquid and solid mycobacterial culture for quantification of early bactericidal activity. J. Clin. Microbiol. 51, 1894–8.
  13. Koegelenberg, C.F.N., Diacon, A.H., 2013. Image-guided pleural biopsy. Curr. Opin. Pulm. Med. 19, 368–373.
  14. Kolwijck, E., Mitchell, M., Venter, A., Friedrich, S.O., Dawson, R., Diacon, A.H., 2013. Short-term storage does not affect the quantitative yield of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum in early-bactericidal-activity studies. J. Clin. Microbiol. 51, 1094–8.
  15. Lampiao, F., Du Plessis, S., 2013. New developments of the effect of melatonin on reproduction. World J. Obstet. Gynecol. 2, 15–22.
  16. Liwa, A.C., Schaaf, H.S., Rosenkranz, B., Seifart, H.I., Diacon, A.H., Donald, P.R., 2013. Para-Aminosalicylic Acid Plasma Concentrations in Children in Comparison with Adults after Receiving a Granular Slow-Release Preparation. J. Trop. Pediatr. 59, 90–94.
  17. Lochner, A., Huisamen, B., Nduhirabandi, F., 2013. Cardioprotective effect of melatonin against ischaemia/reperfusion damage. Front. Biosci. 5, 305–315.
  18. Mor, Z., Leventhal, A., Diacon, A.H., Finger, R., Schoch, O.D., 2013. Tuberculosis screening in immigrants from high-prevalence countries: Interview first or chest radiograph first? A pro/con debate. Respirology 18, 432–438.
  19. Sharma, R., Agarwal, A., Mohanty, G., Du Plessis, S.S., Gopalan, B., Willard, B., Yadav, S.P., Sabanegh, E., 2013a. Proteomic analysis of seminal fluid from men exhibiting oxidative stress. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 11, 85.
  20. Sharma, R., Agarwal, A., Mohanty, G., Hamada, A.J., Gopalan, B., Willard, B., Yadav, S., du Plessis, S., 2013b. Proteomic analysis of human spermatozoa proteins with oxidative stress. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 11, 48.
  21. von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Koegelenberg, C.F., Bolliger, C.T., Chung, P.K., Rautenbach, C., Wasserman, E., Bernasconi, M., Friedrich, S.O., Diacon, A.H., 2013. The yield of different pleural fluid volumes for Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture. Thorax 68, 290–1.

Journal Articles
  1. Aboua, Y.G., Brooks, N., Mahfouz, R.Z., Agarwal, A., du Plessis, S.S., 2012. A red palm oil diet can reduce the effects of oxidative stress on rat spermatozoa. Andrologia 44, 32–40.
  2. Bernasconi, M., Koegelenberg, C.F.N., von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Maree, D., Barnard, B.J., Diacon, A.H., Bolliger, C.T., 2012. Speed of Ascent During Stair Climbing Identifies Operable Lung Resection Candidates. Respiration 84, 117–122.
  3. Carr, I.M., Koegelenberg, C.F.N., von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Mowlana, A., Silos, K., Haverman, T., Diacon, A.H., Bolliger, C.T., 2012. Blood Loss during Flexible Bronchoscopy: A Prospective Observational Study. Respiration 84, 312–318.
  4. Chellan, N., Muller, C.J.F., de Beer, D., Joubert, E., Page, B.J., Louw, J., 2012. An in vitro assessment of the effect of Athrixia phylicoides DC. aqueous extract on glucose metabolism. Phytomedicine 19, 730–736.
  5. Diacon, A., von, G.-B., Donald, P., 2012. From Magic Mountain to Table Mountain. Swiss Med. Wkly. 142.
  6. Diacon, Andreas H, Dawson, R., du Bois, J., Narunsky, K., Venter, A., Donald, P.R., van Niekerk, C., Erondu, N., Ginsberg, A.M., Becker, P., Spigelman, M.K., 2012a. Phase II dose-ranging trial of the early bactericidal activity of PA-824. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 56, 3027–31.
  7. Diacon, Andreas H, Dawson, R., von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Symons, G., Venter, A., Donald, P.R., van Niekerk, C., Everitt, D., Winter, H., Becker, P., Mendel, C.M., Spigelman, M.K., 2012b. 14-day bactericidal activity of PA-824, bedaquiline, pyrazinamide, and moxifloxacin combinations: a randomised trial. Lancet 380, 986–993.
  8. Diacon, A H, Donald, P.R., Pym, A., Grobusch, M., Patientia, R.F., Mahanyele, R., Bantubani, N., Narasimooloo, R., De Marez, T., van Heeswijk, R., Lounis, N., Meyvisch, P., Andries, K., McNeeley, D.F., 2012. Randomized pilot trial of eight weeks of bedaquiline (TMC207) treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: long-term outcome, tolerability, and effect on emergence of drug resistance. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 56, 3271–6.
  9. Khullar, K., Agarwal, A., du Plessis, S., 2012. A hormonal, physical, and proteomic view of obesity-induced effects on male infertility and possible lifestyle modifications. Asian Pacific J. Reprod. 1, 161–168.
  10. Louw, M., Brundyn, K., Schubert, P.T., Wright, C.A., Bolliger, C.T., Diacon, A.H., 2012. Comparison of the quality of smears in transbronchial fine-needle aspirates using two staining methods for rapid on-site evaluation. Diagn. Cytopathol. 40, 777–781.
  11. Maarman, G., Marais, E., Lochner, A., du Toit, E.F., 2012. Effect of Chronic CPT-1 Inhibition on Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury (I/R) in a Model of Diet-Induced Obesity. Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther. 26, 205–216.
  12. Mudau, M., Genis, A., Lochner, A., Strijdom, H., 2012. Endothelial dysfunction: the early predictor of atherosclerosis. Cardiovasc. J. Afr. 23, 222–231.
  13. Nduhirabandi, F., du Toit, E.F., Lochner,  a., 2012. Melatonin and the metabolic syndrome: A tool for effective therapy in obesity-associated abnormalities? Acta Physiol. 205, 209–223.
  14. Rengan, A.K., Agarwal, A., van der Linde, M., du Plessis, S.S., 2012. An investigation of excess residual cytoplasm in human spermatozoa and its distinction from the cytoplasmic droplet. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 10, 92.
  15. Sadie-Van Gijsen, H., Smith, W., du Toit, E.F., Michie, J., Hough, F.S., Ferris, W.F., 2012. Depot-specific and hypercaloric diet-induced effects on the osteoblast and adipocyte differentiation potential of adipose-derived stromal cells. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 348, 55–66.
  16. Salie, R., Moolman, J.A., Lochner, A., 2012. The mechanism of beta-adrenergic preconditioning: roles for adenosine and ROS during triggering and mediation. Basic Res. Cardiol. 107, 281.
  17. Strijdom, H., 2012. Endothelial dysfunction: are we ready to heed the vasculature's early-warning signal? Cardiovasc. J. Afr. 23, 184–5.
  18. van Jaarsveld, F.P., Hattingh, S., 2016. Rapid Induction of Ageing Character in Brandy Products. Ageing and General Overview. South African J. Enol. Vitic. 33.
  19. Walters, E., Gie, R.P., Hesseling, A.C., Friedrich, S.O., Diacon, A.H., Gie, R.P., 2012. Rapid Diagnosis of Pediatric Intrathoracic Tuberculosis From Stool Samples Using the Xpert MTB/RIF Assay. Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 31, 1316.
  20. Webster, I., Du Toit, E.F., Huisamen, B., Lochner, A., 2012. The effect of creatine supplementation on myocardial function, mitochondrial respiration and susceptibility to ischaemia/reperfusion injury in sedentary and exercised rats. Acta Physiol. 206, 6–19.


Journal Articles
  1. Awoniyi, D., Aboua, Y., Marnewick, J., Plesis, S. du, Brooks, N., 2011. Protective effects of rooibos (Aspalathus linearis), green tea (Camellia sinensis) and commercial supplements on testicular tissue of oxidative stress-induced rats. AFRICAN J. Biotechnol. 10, 17317–17322.
  2. Bernasconi, M., Bolliger, C.T., Irusen, E., Diacon, A.H., 2011. A Left Hemithorax Mystery. Respiration 82, 557–559.
  3. Clark, C., Smith, W., Lochner, A., Toit, E.F.D., 2011. The effects of gender and obesity on myocardial tolerance to ischemia. Physiol. Res. 60, 291–301.
  4. Diacon, A. H., Dawson, R., Hanekom, M., Narunsky, K., Venter, A., Hittel, N., Geiter, L.J., Wells, C.D., Paccaly, A.J., Donald, P.R., 2011. Early bactericidal activity of delamanid (OPC-67683) in smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Int. J. Tuberc. Lung Dis. 15, 949–954.
  5. Diacon, Andreas H., Maritz, J.S., Donald, P.R., 2011. Chapter 21: Early Bactericidal Activity of Antituberculosis Agents. Karger Publishers, pp. 213–219.
  6. du Plessis, S., Agarwal, A., 2011. Taking the stress out of ART induced oxidative stress. ACE Newsl. Focus 2, 11–14.
  7. DU PLESSIS, S.S., KASHOU, A., VAAMONDE, D., AGARWA, A., 2011. Is There a Link between Exercise and Male Factor Infertility? Open Reprod. Sci. J. 3, 105–113.
  8. du Plessis, S.S., Kashou, A.H., Benjamin, D.J., Yadav, S.P., Agarwal, A., 2011. Proteomics: a subcellular look at spermatozoa. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 9, 36.
  9. Essop, M.F., Chan, W.A., Hattingh, S., 2011. Proteomic analysis of mitochondrial proteins in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes. Cardiovasc. J. Afr. 22, 175–8.
  10. Friedrich, S.O., Venter, A., Kayigire, X.A., Dawson, R., Donald, P.R., Diacon, A.H., 2011a. Suitability of Xpert MTB/RIF and genotype MTBDRplus for patient selection for a tuberculosis clinical trial. J. Clin. Microbiol. 49, 2827–31.
  11. Friedrich, S.O., von Groote-Bidlingmaier, F., Diacon, A.H., 2011b. Xpert MTB/RIF assay for diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 49, 4341–2.
  12. George, C., Lochner, A., Huisamen, B., 2011. The efficacy of Prosopis glandulosa as antidiabetic treatment in rat models of diabetes and insulin resistance. J. Ethnopharmacol. 137, 298–304.
  13. Huisamen, Barbara, Genis, A., Marais, E., Lochner, A., 2011. Pre-treatment with a DPP-4 Inhibitor is Infarct Sparing in Hearts from Obese, Pre-diabetic Rats. Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther. 25, 13–20.
  14. Huisamen, B., Pêrel, S.J.C., Friedrich, S.O., Salie, R., Strijdom, H., Lochner, A., 2011. ANG II type I receptor antagonism improved nitric oxide production and enhanced eNOS and PKB/Akt expression in hearts from a rat model of insulin resistance. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 349, 21–31.
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  19. Lochner, A., 2011. Signalling during an ischaemic preconditioning protocol: new role players? Cardiovasc. Res. 90, 5–6.
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  22. McCarthy, J., Lochner, A., Opie, L.H., Sack, M.N., Essop, M.F., 2011. PKCε promotes cardiac mitochondrial and metabolic adaptation to chronic hypobaric hypoxia by GSK3β inhibition. J. Cell. Physiol. 226, 2457–2468.
  23. Nduhirabandi, F., du Toit, F., Blackhurst, D., Marais, D., Lochner, A., Du Toit, E.F., Blackhurst, D., Marais, D., Lochner, A., 2011. Chronic melatonin consumption prevents obesity-related metabolic abnormalities and protects the heart against myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury in a prediabetic model of diet-induced obesity. J. Pineal Res. 50, 171–182.
  24. Salie, R., Moolman, J.A., Lochner, A., 2011. The Role of β-adrenergic Receptors in the Cardioprotective Effects of Beta-Preconditioning (βPC). Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther. 25, 31–46.
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  27. Webster, I., Toit, E.F. Du, Huisamen, B., 2010. The effects of long term swim training on physiological stress levels in the rat. Med. Technol. South Africa 24, 37–40.?

2010 and Earlier

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  16. COETZEE, I.H., HARPER, I.S., GENADE, S., LOCHNER, A., 1994. Effect of H2O2 on the ultrastructure, sarcolemmal permeability and mechanical performance of the isolated rat heart. S. Afr. J. Sci. 90, 17–21.
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  18. Coetzee, J.F., le Roux, P.J., Genade, S., Lochner, A., 2000. Reduction of Postischemic Contractile Dysfunction of the Isolated Rat Heart by Sevoflurane: Comparison with Halothane. Anesth. Analg. 90, 1089–1097.
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  27. de Glanville, N., Lochner, A. & Coetzee, A., 1998. Effects of adrenaline, administered early or later after ischaemia, and reperfusion on the isolated rat heart. Cardiovasc. J. Afr. 9, 35–39.
  28. Diacon, A.H., 2010. Iodopovidone as a pleurodesis agent: Setting standards for clinical pleural research. Respirology 15, 4–5.
  29. Diacon, A.H., Koegelenberg, C.F.N., Schubert, P., Brundyn, K., Louw, M., Wright, C.A., Bolliger, C.T., 2010. Rapid on-site evaluation of transbronchial aspirates: randomised comparison of two methods. Eur. Respir. J. 35, 1216–20.
  30. Diacon, A.H., Maritz, J.S., Venter, A., Helden, P.D., Andries, K., McNeeley, D.F., Donald, P.R., 2010. Time to detection of the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in MGIT 960 for determining the early bactericidal activity of antituberculosis agents. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 29, 1561–1565.
  31. Diacon, A.H., Pym, A., Grobusch, M., Patientia, R., Rustomjee, R., Page-Shipp, L., Pistorius, C., Krause, R., Bogoshi, M., Churchyard, G., Venter, A., Allen, J., Palomino, J.C., De Marez, T., van Heeswijk, R.P.G., Lounis, N., Meyvisch, P., Verbeeck, J., Parys, W., de Beule, K., Andries, K., Neeley, D.F.M., 2009. The Diarylquinoline TMC207 for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis. N. Engl. J. Med. 360, 2397–2405.
  32. Diacon, Andreas H, Dawson, R., Hanekom, M., Narunsky, K., Maritz, S.J., Venter, A., Donald, P.R., van Niekerk, C., Whitney, K., Rouse, D.J., Laurenzi, M.W., Ginsberg, A.M., Spigelman, M.K., 2010. Early bactericidal activity and pharmacokinetics of PA-824 in smear-positive tuberculosis patients. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 54, 3402–7.
  33. Djoba Siawaya, J.F., Chegou, N.N., Heuvel, M.M. van den, Diacon, A.H., Beyers, N., Helden, P. van, Walzl, G., 2009. Differential cytokine/chemokines and KL-6 profiles in patients with different forms of tuberculosis. Cytokine 47, 132–136.
  34. Donald, P.R., Diacon, A.H., 2008. The early bactericidal activity of anti-tuberculosis drugs: a literature review. Tuberculosis 88, S75–S83.
  35. Donthi, R. V., Huisamen, B., Lochner, A., 2000. Effect of Vanadate and Insulin on Glucose Transport in Isolated Adult Rat Cardiomyocytes. Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther. 14, 463–470.
  36. Du Plessis, S. S., McAllister, D.A., Luu, A., Savia, J., Agarwal, A., Lampiao, F., 2010. Effects of H2O2 exposure on human sperm motility parameters, reactive oxygen species levels and nitric oxide levels. Andrologia 42, 206–210.
  37. Du Plessis, S., 2006. Reactive oxygen species measurement in human spermatozoa by flow cytometry using the fluorescent probe, 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein-diacetate (DCFH-DA). Med. Technol. SA 20, 9–10.
  38. du Plessis, S.., van Niekerk, F.., Coetzer, W.., 1999a. The effect of dietary molybdenum and sulphate on the oestrus cycle and ovulation in ewes after manipulation with exogenous progesterone alone or in combination with FSH and LH. Small Rumin. Res. 33, 63–69.
  39. du Plessis, S.., Van Niekerk, F.., Coetzer, W.., 1999b. The effect of dietary molybdenum and sulphate on sexual activity and plasma progesterone concentrations of ewes. Small Rumin. Res. 33, 71–76.
  40. Du Plessis, S.S., Aboua, Y.G., Brooks, N., Awoniyi, D.O., 2009. Red palm oil?: a natural good samaritan for sperm apoptosis? Med. Technol. SA 1, 8–10.
  41. du Plessis, S.S., de Jongh, P.S., Franken, D.R., 2004. Effect of acute in vivo sildenafil citrate and in vitro 8-bromo-cGMP treatments on semen parameters and sperm function. Fertil. Steril. 81, 1026–1033.
  42. Du Plessis, S.S., Franken, D.R., Baldi, E., Luconi, M., 2004. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibition enhances human sperm motility and sperm-zona pellucida binding. Int. J. Androl. 27, 19–26.
  43. du Plessis, S.S., Hagenaar, K., Lampiao, F., 2010. The in vitro effects of melatonin on human sperm function and its scavenging activities on NO and ROS. Andrologia 42, 112–116.
  44. du Plessis, S.S., Makker, K., Desai, N.R., Agarwal, A., 2008. Impact of oxidative stress on IVF. Expert Rev. Obstet. Gynecol. 3, 539–554.
  45. du Plessis, S.S., Page, C., Franken, D.R., 2001. The zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction of human spermatozoa involves extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation. Andrologia 33, 337–342.
  46. Du Plessis, S.S., Page, C., Franken, D.R., 2002. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation involved in human sperm-zona pellucida binding. Andrologia 34, 55–59.
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  48. du Toit, E F, Genis, A., Opie, L.H., Pollesello, P., Lochner, A., 2008. A role for the RISK pathway and K ATP channels in pre- and post-conditioning induced by levosimendan in the isolated guinea pig heart. Br. J. Pharmacol. 154, 41–50.
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  53. du Toit, Eugene F., Smith, W., Muller, C., Strijdom, H., Stouthammer, B., Woodiwiss, A.J., Norton, G.R., Lochner, A., 2008. Myocardial susceptibility to ischemic-reperfusion injury in a prediabetic model of dietary-induced obesity. Am. J. Physiol. Circ. Physiol. 294, H2336–H2343.
  54. Edoute, Y., Giris, J., Ben-Haim, S.A., Lochner, A., Weizman, A., Hayam, G., Katz, Y., Gavish, M., 1993. Ro 5-4864 and PK 11195, but Not Diazepam, Depress Cardiac Function in an Isolated Working Rat Heart Model. Pharmacology 46, 224–230.
  55. Engelbrecht, A.-M., Engelbrecht, P., Genade, S., Niesler, C., Page, C., Smuts, M., Lochner, A., 2005. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids protect the heart against ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury via a MAPK dependent pathway. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 39, 940–954.
  56. Engelbrecht, A.-M., Esterhuyse, J., du Toit, E.F., Lochner, A., van Rooyen, J., 2006a. p38-MAPK and PKB/Akt, possible role players in red palm oil-induced protection of the isolated perfused rat heart? J. Nutr. Biochem. 17, 265–271.
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  80. Hattingh, P.W., Lochner, A., Tromp, E., Coetzee, A., 1997. Alpha-adrenergic receptor stimulation improves myocardial inotropy in the presence of chronic adrenergic antagonists and calcium channel blockers in the isolated rat heart after cardioplegic arrest. Cardiovasc. J. Afr. 87, C277–C284.
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