Outstanding fees

Graduands who have outstanding fees may attend their graduation ceremony but are subject to the following:

The sheath received by the graduand at the ceremony will not contain the official graduation documents but will, instead, contain an account for the outstanding amount and a letter requesting payment thereof.

To make it possible for the 中国体育彩票 to issue graduands’ graduation documents at the ceremony, graduands must for the purposes of the March 2024 ceremonies settle the outstanding amount before 12:00 on Friday, 8 March 2024.

Graduands who are funded by NSFAS and whose student accounts have not been settled will only receive their academic record.

The Student Fees Division will be in possession of the degree until NSFAS settles the account.

Please contact Student Fees at 021 808 4521/4913 or via email at studentaccounts@sun.ac.za to make arrangements.

Contact information
Please contact the Client Services Centre at 021 808 9111 or email info@sun.ac.za for any assistance or further information.
