Trending topics

?Current topics of interest gathered from around the world which relate to Social Impact:

?Awareness Calend?ar

?Local & International awareness and commemorative dates

WebCalendar_icon.png 2018


Interested in facts and figures?

Take a look at some interesting local and international publications here.


Social Impact and Artif??icial Intelligence

?artificial-intelligence.pngCan Artificial Intelligence be use to tackle the issues of Social Impact? See what approach Microsoft Research India and the 中国体育彩票 of Southern California Center for Artificial Intelligence in Society have taken.?

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World Vegan Day - 1 November

vegan.pngWorld Vegan? Day is an annual event celebrated by vegans around the world every 1 November.

The benefits of veganism for humans, non-human animals, and the natural environment are celebrated through activities such as setting up stalls, hosting potlucks, and planting memorial trees. 

Visit the Vegan Society website for more info?

World Ts??unami Awareness Day - 5 Novem?ber

In 2018, the World Tsunami Awareness Day will align with the International Day for Disaster Reduction and the "Sendai Seven Campaign" and will focus on Target “c” of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction which aims at reducing direct disaster economic loss in relation to GDP.



World Science Day for Peac?e and Development - 10 November

Celebrated every 10 November, World Science Day for Peace and Development highlights the important role of science in society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. It also underlines the importance and relevance of science in our daily lives.

The theme for 2018 is “Science, a Human Right”, in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (art. 27), and of the Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers.


World Pneumonia Day - 12 November 2018

Pneumonia is one of the leading causes of deaths in children under five years old despite being easily preventable and treatable. Although vaccines and other preventative efforts are decreasing the burden of the disease, much more work is still required.

Those living in poor communities are at highest risk of pneumonia. Every child, regardless of where they are born, deserves access to lifesaving vaccines and medicines.

Established in 2009, World Pneumonia Day is marked every year on November 12th to:

  • Raise awareness about pneumonia, the world’s leading infectious killer of children under the age of 5
  • Promote interventions to protect against, prevent, and treat pneumonia and highlight proven approaches and solutions in need of additional resources and attention
  • Generate action, including continued donor investment, to combat pneumonia and other common, yet sometimes deadly, childhood diseases


World Diabetes Day 2018-19 - 14 Nove?mber

Over 425 million people are currently living with diabetes. Most of these cases are type 2 diabetes, which is largely preventable through regular physical activity, a healthy and balanced diet, and the promotion of healthy living environments. Families have a key role to play in addressing the modifiable risk factors for type 2 diabetes and must be provided with the education, resources and environments to live a healthy lifestyle.

The theme for World Diabetes Day and World Diabetes Month 2018 and 2019 is The Family and Diabetes.

A two-year timeframe has been chosen to best facilitate planning, development, promotion and participation. Materials and actions that IDF will develop over the two years of the campaign will aim to:

  • Raise awareness of the impact that diabetes has on the family and support network of those affected.
  • Promote the role of the family in the management, care, prevention and education of diabetes.

Read more here

?World Toile?t Day - 19 November

WTD-thumb-en.pngWhen nature calls…we need a toilet!

But billions of people don’t have one.

This means human faeces, on a massive scale, is not being captured or treated – contaminating the water and soil that sustain human life.

We are turning our environment into an open sewer. We must build toilets and sanitation systems that work in harmony with ecosystems.

World Toilet Day is about nature-based solutions to our sanitation needs.

When nature calls we have to listen and act.

Africa Industrialization Day ?- 20 November

?africa2.jpgThe African continent is the second most-populated continent in the world, home to over 1.2 billion people, or 16% of the world’s population. Despite this, Africa currently only accounts for less than 2% of international trade and global manufacturing.

Africa’s economic emergence and transition from a continent of low-income into middle-income economies, requires transforming the economic structure from predominantly agrarian and extractive activities to more vibrant and value adding industrial sectors like processing, manufacturing, tourism, etc.

The important contribution of inclusive and sustainable industrial development in helping Africa overcome its critical development challenges is clearly recognized in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, within Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG9), calling to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation, and Agenda 2063, encompassed in Aspiration 1 of the First Ten-Year Implementation Plan, under “a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development”.

Read more here


International Day for the? Elimination of Violence against Women - 25 November

?viol_against_women.pngViolence and discrimination against women and girls is everybody’s issue.

Every girl and every woman has the right to live free from violence, discrimination, intimidation or abuse.

Yet today, violence denies millions of women and girls around the world this right. Violence against women and girls remains one of the most persistent, systematic and widespread human rights violations.

Read more here ?