TLA Seminars
?During each term, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)? organises a Teaching and Learning seminar, under the auspices of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (TLA?), Prof Deresh Ramjugernath, and the Division of Learning and Teaching Enhancement. The seminars aim to promote the scholarship of teaching and learning. SU Teaching Fellows share their research, innovations and experiences about ?teaching and learning and lively discussion follows. ?
???? 24 October 202?4
Prof. Mbulungeni Madiba has been Dean of the Faculty of Education at SU since September 2019. He has served as the director of the Multilingual Education Project (MEP) in the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED) at UCT. He has been deputy dean and acting dean of the CHED several times, chaired UCT's Senate Language Committee and served on the UCT Council.?Prof. Madiba has 30 years of teaching experience and a wealth of experience in leadership and management.? A full professor of Multilingual Education, Prof Madiba holds a DLitt et Phil (Linguistics) degree from the 中国体育彩票 of South Africa (Unisa). He has received research fellowships and study awards from several higher education institutions abroad, including the universities of Cologne, London (Oppenheimer fellow), Birmingham and Harvard (Mandela fellow).?As an established researcher with a C-rating from the National Research Foundation, his main research interests are language planning and policy, with a special focus on multilingual education. | ? ?? |
South African universities are faced with many dilemmas in implementing multilingualism in their teaching and learning programmes (SAHRC Report, 2014). These dilemmas are of theoretical/ideological, methodological and practical nature. The aim of this presentation is to discuss these dilemmas and show innovative strategies that have been / can be used to address them in South African universities. I will propose translanguaging as an innovative pedagogic strategy to overcome the language policy implementation challenges identified in this?presentation. I will argue that translanguaging not only enables multilingual students to use their full linguistic repertoires in learning but also bridges the gap between university language policies and pedagogical practices.
- Garcia, O. and Kleyn, T. 2016.?Translanguaging with multilingual students: Learning from Classroom moments. New York: Routledge.
- Madiba, M. 2018. The Multilingual 中国体育彩票. In A. Creese and A. Blackledge (eds.),?The Routledge Handbook of Language and Superdiversity.?London: Routledge (pp.504-517).?? The multili?ngual university.pdf
???? 15 August 202?4
Prof Plastow defined ‘occupational justice’ as a form of social justice in which people experience equity and fairness in relation to resources and opportunities for participation, in a wide range of healthy and meaningful occupations. Experiencing occupational justice means having the opportunities and resources for doing, being, belonging and becoming (Mthembu, 2021). | ? ? |
Prof Plastow proceeded to propose a pedagogy of occupational justice that aims to enable occupational justice for both students and healthcare service users. Using an example of one service-learning site in Bishop Lavis, she illustrated how academics can enable students to do, be, become and belong; while simultaneously enabling access to resources and opportunities for meaningful participation for people who may be experiencing various forms of occupational injustice.
- Jacobs, C. (2020). Advancing a social justice agenda in health professions education. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 8(2).
- Louw, H. (2023). A Co-constructed Strategic Framework for Transformative Learning that Promotes Occupational Justice in Health Science Education at a Higher Education Institution in Namibia: A Participatory Action Research. Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 PhD Protocol. Supervisors: Lana van Niekerk, Quenton Wessels, Nicola Plastow.
- ?Mthembu, Thuli G. (2021). A Commentary of Occupational Justice and Occupation-based Community Development Frameworks for Social Transformation: The Marikana Event. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 51(1), 72-75.
Please refer to the presentation slides for further references or contact Prof Plastow at ?
???? 16 May 202?4
Dr Bernard's paper was situated in an interdisciplinary context in accordance with the views of Gulsen and Symes (2007:97) that educational theory “takes its cues from other disciplines" and that educationalists tend to be followers of broad epistemological “turns" rather than initiating them. She acknowledged the decolonial turn in South African Higher Education (HE) contexts while, at the same time, drawing on the work of critical geographers like Harvey (1996) and Massey (2005) as well as ideas emanating from the “spatial turn" – a turn which HE practitioners in South Africa have not (yet) taken up in a systematic way, according to Dr Bernard. | ? |
Dr Bernard's presentation took the form of a critical self-reflection in which she contemplated the process of “becoming an ethnographer". She wove her data together with theory and, at the end, grounded her theoretical reflections in concrete examples of how attention to 'space' has changed her pedagogical practices
- Gulson, K.N. & Symes, C. (2007) Knowing one's place: space, theory, education. Critical Studies in Education, 48(1): 97-110. DOI: 10.1080/17508480601123750
- Harvey, D. (1996) From space to place and back again. In: Bird, J., Curtis, B., Putnam, T. & Tickner, L. (eds.). Mapping the future: Local cultures, global change. London: Routledge. Pp. 3-29.
- Massey, D. (2005) For space. London: Sage.
Please refer to the presentation slides for further references or contact Dr Bernard directly.
???? 14 March 202?4
Prof. Van Schalkwyk described insights gleaned from her work on doctoral supervision which, amongst others, had explored the experience of being supervised, or supervising others, during a series of interviews (some online) with 23 doctoral candidates and 10 supervisors across 10 countries. She shared the ever-evolving nature of the supervisory relationship, including drivers for new models and approaches. This work has implications for opening up conversations about doctoral supervision, revisiting the approaches we adopt, and critically engaging with notions of knowledge and power. | ![]() |
McKenna, S; Van Schalkwyk, S. (2023). A scoping review of the changing landscape of doctoral education. COMPARE.
Van Schalkwyk, S; Jacobs, C. (2021). Borders and tensions in Doctoral Writing. In: Badenhorst C; Amell and B & Burford J. (eds). Re-imagining doctoral writing. WAC Clearing House: Colorado.
Please refer to the presentation slides for further references or contact Prof. Van Schalkwyk directly.?
???? 16 March 2023???
Having taught research methods modules to undergraduate and postgraduate Psychology students since 2003, Prof. Kagee is convinced that “it is not only what students know but how they come to know it". The research module in Psychology Honours that he teaches therefore brings into focus a reliance on an evidentiary base to support claims to truth in psychology. However, Prof. Kagee has encountered various barriers to teaching this module. | ? |
Some psychology students do not understand the need to learn research methods; some are dismayed at having to take compulsory modules in research methods; for some, scientific thinking is inappropriately applied to psychology; there is sometimes scepticism about whether psychological experiences can and should be measured; and methodology and ideology are seen to coincide by some students and academics.
As a participant in the 2021-2022 TAU (Teaching Advancement at 中国体育彩票) Fellowship Programme, Prof. Kagee had to conceptualise, execute and evaluate a research project. The aim of his project was to recurriculate the Research Methods 771 module in Psychology Honours, developing an approach to teaching research methods that engages with the above-mentioned barriers and convinces students that research methods are integral to learning about psychology and can be interesting and fun. He related the module to the SU graduate attributes and also increased its social relevance, demonstrating that technical knowledge of research methods can be applied in the service of a greater social good. Prof. Kagee furthermore emphasized that research methods are not apolitical – like science, they are contextually embedded and influenced by history, power, and material conditions.
- Diab, M., Veronese, G., Jamei, Y. A., & Kagee, A. (2020). The interplay of paradigms: Decolonizing a psychology curriculum in the context of the siege of Gaza. Nordic Psychology, 72(3), 183–198.
- Howard, C., & Brady, M. (2015). Teaching social research methods after the critical turn: challenges and benefits of a constructivist pedagogy. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18(5), 511–525.??
- Kagee, A. (2006b). Where is the evidence in South African clinical psychology? South African Journal of Psychology, 36(2).
???? 11 May 2023??
Dr Strever's Teaching Advancement at 中国体育彩票 (TAU) fellowship project (2022-2023) focused on identifying ways to integrate entrepreneurial and other future-critical skills into a capstone project. The project was designed to develop a focused strategy in the Faculty of AgriSciences that could meet the demands of preparing students for the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment they will face as graduates. ? |
Although some Departments within the Faculty already offer limited exposure to entrepreneurship and related aspects, there is an increasing need for a comprehensive and focused strategy, also in line with the 中国体育彩票’s current Game Changer projects. The project also involved interaction with other faculties to learn from their experience and has initiated a community of practice within the AgriSciences faculty to address this need. The objective is to minimise disruption to the current curricula while developing a shared resource base for teaching, learning, and assessment related to entrepreneurship and other relevant competencies. The project led to successful changes to one Department’s module descriptions to implement the capstone principle, which is currently in process over three study years in the BScAgric (Viticulture & Oenology) programme. The project's efforts are also complemented by an industrial engineering research assignment, which aims to develop a "radar" for competencies and technologies related to agriculture, which will be discussed briefly.
- Fitz-Koch, S., Nordqvist, M., Carter, S., & Hunter, E. (2018). Entrepreneurship in the Agricultural Sector: A Literature Review and Future Research Opportunities. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42(1), 129–166.
Futures of Agricultural Employment in South Africa: 2035, Institute of Futures Research, Stellenbosch Business School, accessed April 2023.??
?31 August 2023??
The increasing demand for producing graduates capable of making a difference requires professional programs in health sciences to help students learn skills and develop attributes that extend beyond clinical competence. An already overloaded curriculum and student and staff wellness are currently major threats to the success of our physiotherapy program. However, problem-based learning (PBL) provides an opportunity for students to develop the critical skills (“power skills”) of collaboration, communication, leadership, advocacy and scholarship – the building blocks of a curriculum – while simultaneously learning physiotherapy and developing clinical competence. Bringing real-world problems into the classroom provides those tipping moments for transformation. |
Prof. Unger emphasised that integrated scaffolding is key to the success of PBL. Using complex learning theory (the 4C-ID model) to integrate scaffolding could yield benefits such as improving knowledge construction and deeper learning, and dealing with complexity without losing sight of separate elements and the relationship between those elements. If carefully designed and starting on day one of year one, the issues of fragmentation, compartmentalisation, and the transfer paradox, typical of hierarchical modular curricula, can be addressed.
Prof. Unger views programme renewal as reflection- and research-based. It is not only a paper process, but also a people management process. Change management and leadership are required to get both students and lecturers comfortable with “not knowing” and accepting change. In programme renewal, process is therefore more important than product.
- Frerejean, J., Dolmans, D.H., & van Merrienboer, J.J. (2022). Research on instructional design in the health professions: from taxonomies of learning to whole‐task models. Researching Medical Education, 291-302.
- Mezirow, J. (2018). Transformative learning theory. In Contemporary theories of learning (pp. 114-128). Routledge.
Yew, E.H., & Goh, K. (2016). Problem-based learning: An overview of its process and impact on learning. Health Professions Education, 2(2), 75-79.
?19 October 2023
The new CA2021/CA of the Future Competency Framework (CF) has brought the level of non-technical skills or “soft skills" up to the level of technical competencies. Accountants are expected to have well-developed non-technical skills (Tsiligiris & Bowyer, 2021). Non-technical skills, such as ethics, citizenship, critical thinking, communication and teamwork can be viewed as graduate attributes and their development should be integrated into the core technical modules of an academic programme (Barrie, 2007; Miller & Willows, 2023; Terblanche & De Clercq, 2021). Prof. Steenkamp's presentation focused on a case study at the School of Accountancy, where programme renewal was undertaken to embed the development of the CA2021 graduate attributes into the academic programme. These attributes can be divided into three sections:
Prof. Steenkamp was the implementation leader of the renewal. Two big changes were initiated: new modules in digital acumen, and a student portfolio of evidence. Prof. Steenkamp discussed several related innovations, including a critical thinking block in first year, a workshop on relational and decision-making acumen, developing citizenship values through social innovation upskilling, employing blended active learning, and a student portfolio of evidence on the graduate attributes to facilitate reflection. Upskilling was provided for all lecturers, to promote knowledge and “organic" changes.
Several “organic" projects – innovations with a scholarly approach and various co-authors – came into being:
- Defining and developing critical thinking in Financial Accounting
- Critical thinking “block" in FinAcc178
- Relational & decision-making acumen workshop with PGDA students
- 2nd and 3rd year integration projects
- Social innovation workshop (citizenship as value)
- Blended active learning in a postgraduate research module in Accounting.?
?The case study provided evidence of how graduate attributes can be embedded into the core technical modules of an academic programme, and could be useful for educators in other disciplines. ??
- Simon C. Barrie (2007) A conceptual framework for the teaching and learning of generic graduate attributes. Studies in Higher Education, 32:4, 439-458, DOI: 10.1080/03075070701476100
- Taryn Miller & Gizelle Demarie Willows (2023) Preparing accounting students to be responsible leaders. Accounting Education. DOI: 10.1080/09639284.2023.2228291
- E.A.J. Terblanche & B. De Clercq (2021) A critical thinking competency framework for accounting students. Accounting Education, 30:4, 325-354, DOI: 10.1080/09639284.2021.1913614
- Vangelis Tsiligiris & Dorothea Bowyer (2021) Exploring the impact of 4IR on skills and personal qualities for future accountants: a proposed conceptual framework for university accounting education.
Accounting Education, 30:6, 621-649, DOI: 10.1080/09639284.2021.1938616
???? 20 October 2022??
Modern Western science is entangled with colonialism (Roy, 2018) and positivist paradigms that view socially constructed knowledge as irrelevant or inferior. Issues of decoloniality and social justice in science are complex (Ally, 2018) and challenging to incorporate into technical curricula. Therefore, Marianne’s 2021 TAU (Teaching Advancement at 中国体育彩票) fellowship project sought to establish how staff and postgraduate students in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) faculties at SU view and engage with decoloniality, given that the institution’s Transformation Plan specifically refers to Africanisation and decolonisation as requirements in teaching and learning (T&L). |
Institutional ethical clearance was obtained (TL-2021-23895). Conversations with staff and postgraduates were recorded and transcribed. Following a grounded-theory approach, transcribed content was systematically coded in three iterative rounds of comparative analysis. Results highlight the barriers that staff experience regarding these issues, including confusion and anxiety, a perceived lack of systemic support or recognition for transformative T&L, and insufficient knowledge on how to implement change. Thus, to achieve social justice outcomes in science T&L at SU, staff require training and support in “cultural competencies” (Demosthenous, 2013) and ways to incorporate self and student voices in contrapuntal approaches. The research findings and recommendations contribute to the existing knowledge base regarding decoloniality in STEM. They also highlight the critical importance of ensuring that the SU Transformation Policy (currently in draft form) “commits to the commitment” by ensuring that staff and students are empowered with, and recognised for, competencies that prioritise Africanisation and decolonisation during curriculum renewal, leading to a truly transformative and inclusive student learning experience.?
????? 8 September 2022??
Prof. Essop’s TAU (Teaching Advancement at 中国体育彩票) fellowship project focused on the notion that scientists/engineers often view their discipline as ‘’neutral’’ and therefore devoid of any socio-political and historical contexts. This “scientific elitism” can therefore seemingly absolve scientists from such contexts, e.g. past injustices committed during apartheid as well as contemporary pressing issues like equity redress and decolonization. ? |
With the 中国体育彩票 pandemic, scientists have been increasingly thrust into the public domain, often required to respond to outlandish claims/conspiracies and to defend the scientific enterprise itself. However, such responses require deep and critical insights into the nature of the scientific process (e.g. weaknesses, strengths, philosophies, and socio-cultural-political contexts) and its ideal to arrive at coherent truths. There is thus a gap in the training of scientists to be better equipped to operate in the ‘’post-truth’’ world. The aim of the TAU fellowship was to develop a new Honours module in Medical Physiology and to assess its uptake by students and its potential impact. Here the idea is to establish a suitable pedagogical framework for the introduction of broader humanities and arts concepts into the biomedical science curriculum. This should aid the creation of a transformative teaching and learning experience, leading to well-rounded graduates (with strengthened graduate attributes) who are better equipped and trained to handle (and lead) some of the contemporary, societal challenges we face.
? The seminar focused on the power of comparison in making students' inner feedback visible to them and growing their sense of agency in the process. When students receive feedback comments from a lecturer, they are asked to compare those comments against their work, and they (hopefully) generate new understanding out of that comparison. In this conception of feedback, lecturers provide comments on students' work and students generate (inner) feedback. But what if students were asked to compare their work against information other than lecturers' feedback, for example, a textbook, video, diagram, journal article, rubric or some combination thereof? Research done by Nicol and McCallum shows that, when students are deliberately prompted to do this and to make their inner feedback explicit as well (for example, in writing), the results are remarkable. Not only does this method enhance the depth and scope of students' learning, but, importantly, it also develops their capacity to regulate their own learning, the goal of most higher education programmes. Furthermore, teachers can scale up feedback to all students without scaling up their workload. Nicol introduced participants to the thinking behind this method and McCallum demonstrated its implementation, using a range of disciplinary examples. It became clear that generating their own feedback enables students to transfer their learning to new contexts. Active feedback is therefore directly linked to learning-centred teaching. Participants were invited to interact with the presenters throughout the seminar and explored the possible application of active feedback to their modules. They were also invited to research this method further with Nicol and McCallum. More information about David Nicol and Suzanne McCallum is available from and ? | ? |
??? 12 May 2022??
In the context of programme renewal at SU, it’s important to have an effective programme evaluation framework that also focuses on the dynamic nature of learning. This requires a shift from a linear approach of programme evaluation with four basic components – inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes – to an approach that understands the multi-level outcomes emerging in programmes. In this seminar a framework for programme evaluation is presented that embeds the five principles of complexity theory – networks, emergence, self-organisation, feedback sensitivity and agility.??? |
??? 11 March 2022??
As lecturers at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票, we should be embodying our institutional values of excellence, compassion, equity, respect and accountability in all of our endeavours. Curriculum renewal offers us an exemplary opportunity to live these values through providing spaces to co-create innovative and inclusive learning environments that allow us to realise our vision of being globally recognised as Africa’s leading research-intensive university. By creating integrative and holistic learning environments (Quinlan, 2014) that are designed to balance the curriculum domains of knowledge (epistemology), self/attributes (ontology) and action/practice (practical) (Barnett, 2000; Barnett et al, 2001, Gilmore et al, 2017), we can move closer to this goal. In this seminar, examples from engineering education are presented within this framework, to showcase ways that lecturers can leverage their knowledge and expertise through providing enriching learning experiences that guide students in their development of professional attributes and disciplinary insight, thus preparing them for engaging productively in a complex, diverse and rapidly-changing world.?? |
??? 21 October?? ??20?21??
Much has been written about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, automation and 21st-century skills. These narratives have also found their way into the higher education domain. Globally, it is expected of higher education institutions to be forward-thinking and embrace new technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. | ||
This seminar will emphasise the importance of critically considering these two worlds, which ask of us to respond to the unique contextual needs of students in different institutions while, simultaneously, developing a deeper understandding of the opportunities and impact that automation and, specifically, artificial intelligence in education can offer. The seminar serves as a first step in raising awareness and opening the discussion about these important components and about how we, as lecturers and professional administrative support services staff, can continue to respond to this within Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 and the broader higher education learning environment.??? | ? |
09 September? ??20?21??
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How do we use our institutional mechanisms, such as programme review and renewal and the SOTL conference to meaningfully enhance the quality of our students’ learning experience? How do we ride the next technological waves, without drowning in increased workload or being drawn into a whirlpool of pandemic-fuelled despair? In the year where we have decided to grapple with issues of assessment, and with an institutional audit looming, how do we critically evaluate ourselves and care-fully reflect on where we should be going? How do we plan when a tidal wave of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity seems ready to break? |
13 May ??20?21??
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Education is not known as a field that changes easily and rapidly. During lockdown it had to re-think teaching and assessment practices not only quickly but also under pressure. Like all creatures in the face of stressful situations, educators had to choose between fighting and fleeing, neither of which is conducive to carefully planned and executed teaching. Assessment was probably the most difficult aspect to manage in these times. In this paper I will discuss some of the problems we face when assessing language-related topics. From my own perspective of training language teachers, I will argue that our traditional time-limited, sit-down tests have their own problems that have been masked by their familiarity and our resistance to change. This will be done in the context of international perspectives on the validity and reliability of online assessments and controversial practices like proctoring and ‘automatic’ assessments.? |
??? 25 March ?20?21??
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This seminar explores the connections that can be made between how we assess students in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) disciplines and nurturing an orientation to wider society, by which we mean a sense of interconnectedness between oneself and others. From a critical theory perspective, education should facilitate movement from a conception of the individual as autonomous towards the individual as a member of a larger society. We describe a longitudinal study among chemistry and chemical engineering undergraduate students at universities in the UK, South Africa and the USA. Only a very small number of students display any orientation to society through their responses to assessment tasks. This result is surprising, and somewhat distressing, because there are a number of socially-related assessment tasks within the curricula of most programmes researched. Thus it becomes evident that more may be required to achieve higher education oriented to society and social justice than simply the deliberate inclusion of socially-related activities in the curriculum or as assessment tasks. This seminar is a small part of a large project is entitled ‘Understanding Knowledge and Student Agency’ is an international collaboration led by Prof Paul Ashwin at Lancaster 中国体育彩票. Margaret Blackie will deliver the seminar, but the paper which is currently under peer review is authored by Jan McArthur, Margaret Blackie, Nicole Pitterson and Kayleigh Rosewell. |
?? 26 November ?20??20??
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As part of the process of “collective sense-making and reflection” to which our Policy for Quality Assurance and Enhancement at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 (SU, 2019) subscribes, Prof Arnold Schoonwinkel will deliberate on the successes, challenges and opportunities related to the Learning and Teaching Enhancement portfolio, created in 2013. During his terms, his responsibility centre (RC) responded to the #FeesMustFall movement, calls for a decolonised curriculum and the current COVID-19 pandemic. He has overseen several institutional projects, including the Programme Renewal and Hybrid Learning projects which is aligned to the 中国体育彩票’s Vision 2040 and Strategic Framework 2019-2024 and its core strategic themes: A transformative student experience and Networked and collaborative teaching and learning, contributing to A thriving Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票. Prof Schoonwinkel started his first term with a newly restructured RC. By revising the membership of the Academic Planning Committee, Committee for Learning and Teaching and the Quality Committee, he strengthened the roles and responsibilities of the Vice Deans (Teaching and Learning), and promoted the Scholarship of Educational Leadership (SoEL), as well as the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in general. His terms have seen Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 accept a new
Language Policy in 2016, a revised
Teaching and Learning Policy in 2018 and a new
Quality Assurance and Enhancement Policy in 2019. Only one of these landed him in the Constitutional Court.
?? 23 September ?20??20??
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Her research interests include the transformation of higher education through social justice, decoloniality, equity and academic agency in curriculum-making and systemic change. ??In a relatively short time, much has been written on the global pandemic that has brought the world to a halt. In the midst of this crisis, we are challenged to see the possibilities for a renewed “pedagogy of hope,” to not “succumb to fatalism” but to “muster the strength we absolutely need for a fierce struggle that will re-create the world’’ (Freire, 2014). This seminar will be an opportunity to reflect on notions of academic agency and how its achievement opens up possibilities for thinking and doing differently, beyond the COVID-19 moment. Agency is “an emergent phenomenon” (Priestley et al. 2015) and has the capacity to critically shape responses to challenging situations (Biesta, 2006). It is not something people have, but something they do (Priestley et al. 2015). The COVID-19 moment will impact on future agency and holds significant possibilities for renewal. We might, for example, emerge beyond COVID-19 with deepened compassion, humanity and wisdom. Our university could be shaped anew as a place where hope and humanity flourish and where measurement does not reign supreme. Bandura reminds us that “to be an agent is to intentionally make things happen by one’s actions”. Agency enables “people to play a part in their self-development, adaptation, and self-renewal with changing times” (Bandura, 2001). This seminar will highlight academic agency as a commitment to action that functions individually and collectively. Such action could manifest as resistance, transformation and innovation. Resistance to complacency carries possibilities for a discursive, constructive process of introspection, reflection and dialogue. We need to create favourable conditions for meaningful change not only in spite of, but also
because of this crisis moment. Hope lies in realising that we are not just onlookers, but “agents of experiences” (Bandura, 2001). How might we use our agency to enrich our own and our students’ experiences and environment at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 beyond COVID-19?
?? 6 August 20??20??
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????In this seminar Dr Cattell-Holden discussed the individualist focus of the teaching excellence awards at SU and proposed a re-contextualised approach to the awards in response to the call for social justice in South Africa.?? ?She argued that conceptualising excellent teaching in post-colonial South Africa should be linked to excellent learning and should emphasise the ideological and unequal contexts in which teaching and learning take place. Excellent teaching / learning should include a twofold collaboration between 1) academics and students to advance the relationship between teaching, learning and society, and 2) university management, academics and society regarding the social responsibility to deliver graduates who can function effectively in a democratic society. ?Dr Cattell-Holden commenced her talk by unpacking the discourse of 'excellence', where after she shared her construction of the notion of 'teaching excellence'. She then delved into the idea of higher education in service of humanity, arguing, like Eshleman (2018)[1], that “We serve humanity first and foremost". Next, she moved on to teaching excellence as a form of value for the public good. She proceeded to the theme of teaching excellence awards, arguing that the conceptualisation, recognition and awarding of 'excellent teaching' should include a focus on 'excellent learning', with both discourses emphasising the ideological and unequal contexts in which students and teachers function. This was followed by tracing the discourse of 'excellence' at SU through several institutional documents. Against this thorough background she spoke about the SU Teaching Excellence Awards, and how it could be linked to the private good. She suggested that shifting the individualist focus of excellent teaching to collaboration would not only enhance the value of the teaching excellence awards but also contribute to reclaiming teaching at SU as a public good. She concluded her talk by suggesting interesting ways for re-envisioning the SU Teaching Excellence awards for the public good. These include, amongst others, introducing the student voice, broadening the awards by introducing interdisciplinary teams and projects, and replacing the current individualist perspective by more inclusive criteria. For more information about the topic, feel free to contact the presenter, at [1] Eshleman, K. 2018. Emergent EDU: Complexity and Innovation in Higher Ed. EDUCAUSE Review, 7 May.??? ? | |
? 12 March 20??20???
Miné de Klerk is the advisor for online and hybrid learning at the Centre for Learning Technologies and managed the online learning design of the above-mentioned course. | ?
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? 24 October 20??19???
?Short Biographies: | |
The purpose of the draft Policy for Quality Assurance and Enhancement is to promote a culture of quality enhancement at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 (SU). One aspect of such a culture could be to establish an embedded system for the regular review and renewal of academic programmes. Currently, the Division for Learning and Teaching Enhancement (LTE) is overseeing an institutional Programme Renewal Project, funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through its 中国体育彩票 Capacity Development Grant (UCDG). In this seminar, we:
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? 5 September 2019??
| ??Dr Sebolai was appointed as Deputy Director for Language and Communication Development in the Language Centre of Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 (SU) in January 2017. Prior to this, he served as the Research Lead for academic language testing in the Centre for Educational Testing for Access and Placement at the 中国体育彩票 of Cape Town. His research interest has mainly revolved around academic literacy curriculum development and testing. He has also focused on the relationship between language ability and academic performance. |
?Dr Sebolai started his presentation by providing some background. In the last two decades of the post-apartheid era, the language policies of higher education institutions in South Africa have been a contested terrain?, with many of such policies changing to a lesser or greater extent. SU is one former Afrikaans medium institution whose current language policy has shifted towards promoting multilingualism with Afrikaans, English and IsiXhosa, the three languages mostly spoken in the Western Cape, at the centre. While parallel efforts are ostensibly made to promote the other two languages at this university, English continues to be widely used as a language of teaching and learning. This is why the university uses the English version of the National Benchmark Test in Academic Literacy (NBT AL) to measure levels of academic language readiness among first time entering students. ?Dr Sebolai's presentation focussed on the degree of accuracy to which the highest performance standard set for this test can classify students from the three language (English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa) backgrounds of preference to SU's Language Policy, as those that are likely to do well in their first year of university study, as opposed to those that are unlikely to do so. Using a statistical procedure called sensitivity and specificity analysis, Dr Sebolai showed that the highest standard set for the NBT AL, namely the Proficient Band, was more efficient in classifying SU students who come from an English home language background as those who would perform well academically and those who would not than it was for those who come from IsiXhosa and Afrikaans home language backgrounds. This was, in Dr Sebolai's view, an indication that the test was not predictively fair to the latter two groups of students and alerted the audience to the need for caution on the part of SU faculties that have been using the test for taking medium to high stakes decision about students on the basis of their performance on it. This, Dr Sebolai added, is notwithstanding his recent finding of the test's better overall ability to classify SU students when compared the Grade 12 English res?ults. For more information about the presentation, feel free to contact Dr Sebolai at | |
? ?9 May 2019???
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Recently, four broad types of active learning interventions for Physiology undergraduate classes were suggested, i.e. a) posing questions (at start or end of lectures), b) encouraging think-pair-share activities, c) use of multiple analogies, and d) introducing problem-solving activities. However, it is difficult to compare the efficacy of such methodologies to identify those most suited to be used within the classroom. Here selected examples of in-house developed Physiology class activities at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 - aimed at fostering critical reasoning and problem-solving skills - will be examined using the Legitimation Code Theory’s Autonomy dimension. An assessment of such active learning techniques through the lens of Autonomy allows for the determination of the putative value and efficacy of each respective method in terms of promoting a problem-solving culture within Physiology undergraduate classrooms.? | |
? ?13 March 2019????
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A longitudinal e-Portfolio module, utilising the Mahara e-Portfolio platform on SUNLearn, was developed for the MPhil in Health Professions Education programme at the Centre for Health Professions Education, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. The aim of this session is to demonstrate how the various facets of the e-Portfolio learning process support students’ interactions with their developing teaching philosophies and contribute to their development as educational scholars and leaders in Health Professions Education. In addition, challenges, pitfalls and student experiences of the intervention will be discussed. | |
? ?8 November 2018?
Central to the success of both programmes and in particular the new mode of delivery was the efficient use of multiple new technologies by students, support staff and faculty.? | |
The transition into this technological intrinsic environment required the planning and execution of multiple interventions to ensure that the focus remains on student learning and not the 'sexiness' of the technology. In addition, getting faculty with more than 20 years' classroom experience to embrace the new learning environments, and methods of interaction, proved challenging. This presentation will focus on the key theoretical perspectives, the application thereof by the USB as well as valuable lessons learned during the process. References
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? ??6 September 2018?
The conversation around the decolonization of higher education curricula hit South Africa by storm with the #RhodesMustFall and subsequent #FeesMustFall campaigns. Prior to this, decolonization conversations, if they were happening at all in higher education institutions, were limited to small pockets of interest. Whilst the presence and influence of Western ideology in the humanities and arts curricula might be fairly recognisable, the decolonization of science curricula, for the most part, is a far less obvious project. | ????? |
The study that will be reported on in this presentation used Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to reflect on what is at stake in these conversations. It is hoped that results from this study will help to offer a framework which both staff and students could use in conversations about and attempts at the decolonisation of science curricula. ?LCT provides a means of conceptualizing the principles or 'rules of the game' underlying different knowledge practices (Maton, 2012). In this project LCT was used to uncover the underlying principles related to the knowledge practices in the conversation about decolonizing science curricula. The presentation will start by focussing on the way the conversation developed in social media circles and a few scholarly domains. The findings of this part of the study indicated that some of the heated arguments in decolonisation conversations can be equated to a code clash in terms of what counts as legitimate knowledge between those arguing for decolonization and the dominant codes, or practices, in the field of science. ?The question thus becomes: can science be decolonized, and if so, how? In order to address this question, LCT was used to look at a number of decolonization examples, including the three scenarios for decolonising engineering curricula presented by Winberg & Winberg (2017). Results from this part of the study helped to explain (1) the favoured scenario in the Winberg & Winberg study as well as (2) why some attempts at decolonization may not necessarily be seen as such. References
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? ?13 June 2018?
?Mobile technologies have become worldwide phenomena, opening up new opportunities for teaching and learning. A subject-specific electronic dictionary, called MobiLex, was compiled by academic specialists in the Faculty of Education and recently also developed as a mobile application. MobiLex is trilingual, making provision for terms in Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa and thus fits within the university's framework of multilingualism. |
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? 14 March 2018?
?The seminar will explore how changing international and national contexts are affecting institutional policies and practices, and argue that, as a result, academic leaders have to give more consideration to protecting the integrity of academic work, involving the collective and adopting an ethic of care. This line of thought was initially introduced at a 2016 Auxin presentation on academic leadership, and subsequently further developed through, amongst others, the deliberations of the Academic Leadership Focused Interest Group (AL FIG). Potential research projects identified by the AL FIG at the end of 2017 will be suggested for consideration and discussion by the seminar participants.? |
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? 8 November 2017?
?This research project was geared towards exploring critical citizenship and social justice teaching and learning in different faculties/departments at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票. The project involved lecturers from various faculties/departments with a focus on social justice theories as a lens.
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The hope was that, through collaborative discussions between researchers and lecturers and continuous critical reflection by all, a space could be created for dealing with the necessary transformation process at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票. Ultimately, the project aimed to gain insight into how critical citizenship and social justice teaching and learning can be enhanced and improved at the various faculties/departments.? ?An action research methodology was used in the study. A survey, a seminar and interviews were used to collect data. This project's findings were shared at conferences as well as through individual and collaborative articles. The TAU project gave rise to the project “Decolonising the curricula" and the article “#FeesMustFall and decolonising the curriculum: Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 students' and lecturers' reactions" by Elmarie Costandius, Ian Nell, Neeske Alexander, Margaret Blackie, Evodia Setati, Rhoda Malgas and Marianne Mckay, which will be published in the South African Jour?nal of Higher Education in March 2018.?? ? | |
This presentation is based on a design-based research project aimed at developing teaching-learning activities (including assessment) for collaborative learning in a particular module in an LLB programme. The aims were to develop, implement and evaluate a first iteration of an approach to facilitate collaborate learning in the particular module that can subsequently serve as a framework for design of collaborative learning more broadly in LLB (and potentially other) programmes. The impetus for a collaborative learning approach is the need for a response to the highly individualistic approach to teaching and learning in legal education, which has often actively encouraged competition rather than cooperation between students.
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In contrast to the traditional approach, there is an increasing need to foster a collaborative perspective which provides more authentic learning environments. This perspective is reinforced in the framework of transformative legal education and as also now required by the new CHE LLB Qualification Standard. This need goes beyond simply getting students to work together in groups. There is a need to actively develop students' competence to function collaboratively and to assess that competence. In this project, a teaching-learning design premised on the literature on team-based learning was implemented. The design was based both on insights from the literature and focus group interviews with final-year LLB students in 2015 on their experiences of collaborative learning. The central structure of the pilot was the permanent learning team (PLT): groups of five randomly assigned students that worked together throughout the semester, often in class. The presentation reports on the design of the PLT structure, students' reflections on the learning experience as well as the ongoing attempt at a developmental evaluation of the pilot.? ? | |
Self-directed learning (SDL) is stated to be an essential tool for developing lifelong learning and ensuring that health professionals provide high quality evidence-based healthcare. This study aimed to explore the extent, role and impact of SDL in health professions education (HPE), using a scoping review of the literature. A search for "self-directed learning" using PubMed yielded 1134 articles, of which 154 articles were included in the review. An Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) database search identified 12 additional articles. Most articles related to undergraduate training. Summaries of these 166 articles were entered into an Excel spreadsheet.
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Collated data was analysed qualitatively and themes identified. Some evidence was found linking SDL with improved graduate competence and physician performance, promotion of lifelong learning, developing critical thinking, empowerment of learners and enhancing academic performance. Changing the curriculum to enhance SDL may thus improve academic performance and also competence, as well as self-motivation and efficacy. Whether it does this more effectively than other forms of learning in HPE, and whether these link to lifelong learning, is not clear. The role of SDL in specific clinical contexts and programmes therefore deserves further exploration. | |
? ??21 August 2017
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Technology is here to stay. They provide students with instant access to learning from many different sources of knowledge. Thus, information, the staple diet of schooling, is now freely available at the touch of an icon. Moreover, devices that provide access to global networks of learning can be carried around in students' pockets. Therefore, it no longer makes sense for academics to be custodians and transmitters of knowledge. This had led to calls for a fundamental transformation of education and training and has increased pressure on universities to reposition themselves in this digital learning landscape. In particular, universities need to offer high quality learning experiences that are relevant to the new skills and competences required in a digitized world. The purpose of this session is to discuss how constructivist principles, project-based learning and tablet technology can be integrated to develop a future-oriented course for B Ed student teachers at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票.? | |
? ?12 June 2017?
?This seminar draws on the findings from a PhD study which investigated how university teachers at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票, a research-led institution, experienced the role of student feedback in their teaching. Few studies theorise the influence of student feedback on university teaching practice, especially within the context of research-led universities. In most research studies student feedback on teaching is linked to notions of effective teaching, and fewer studies investigate the practices and activities which university teachers engage in to transform student feedback information into useful professional learning opportunities.
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?The study, on which this seminar draws, used Activity Theory as an analytical framework for investigating this issue?. A case-study research design was followed, with the relationship between student feedback and university teaching practice constituting the unit of analysis. Qualitative data was generated by way of semi-structured interviews with 16 purposely-selected university teachers. The findings indicate that the research-led context, as well as the practices of mid-level management in their use of student feedback for the evaluation of teaching, play a significant role in how university teachers experience and respond to student feedback.? | |
? ?20 February 2017?
?Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 implemented its first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), Teaching for Change: An African Philosophical Approach on the British based MOOC platform, FutureLearn. Teaching for Change, presented by Professor Yusef Waghid (Faculty Education), was the first philosophy of education MOOC on FutureLearn and also the first African philosophy of education MOOC of its kind in the world. Teaching for Change can be considered as a decolonised curriculum development initiative aimed at situating African life experiences at the centre of teaching and learning. Click here to go to the course on FutureLearn.?
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??Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票's first MOOC can be deemed a success. Not only was Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 able to showcase one of its research strengths amongst other leading institutions as a full partner of FutureLearn, but it was also able to contribute to the world's knowledge economy in a distinctly African way. In this T&L seminar we reflected on the journey from inception through design to the offering of the MOOC. This reflection included three perspectives: that of the university (institutional), the learning design team and the lecturer's journey.?? | |
? ?7 November 2016??
?The utilisation of a flipped classroom approach is becoming more popular in Higher Education teaching. Despite the advantages of traditional contact sessions, such an approach provides opportunity for alternative ways of engaging with knowledge. It provides the opportunity of enhancing student engagement and problem-based learning opportunities. The aim of this session is to demonstrate how an undergraduate dermatology module was redesigned on the principles of a flipped classroom approach whereby students were encouraged to actively engage in the learning process and not to remain passive bystanders. Challenges, pitfalls and student experiences of the intervention will be discussed.? ? | |
? 15 August 2016?
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In South Africa we have not only been grappling with the legacy of Apartheid in its many structural and institutional shapes, we have also been forced to engage with postcolonial discourses and the decolonization of the curriculum in Higher Education. The aim and one of the main challenges of theological education in an African context is to find a hermeneutic key to practice theology contextually as a response to processes of spiritual discernment which would lead to a contextualised theological curriculum and teaching (Pobee, 2013; Hendriks, 2014). The notion of “contextual education and curricula" has been supported by the results of empirical research that was done among alumni that studied at the Faculty of Theology at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 after some years in ministry. The so called Western and Christendom paradigm dominated theological training for more than two centuries on the African continent causing many inequalities on different levels of society. The southern shift of the heartland of Christianity however points in new directions and calls for the restructuring of the discipline and new curricula for theological education and training. When one looks at the changing context, the influence of globalisation and the information revolution, a revisit of key theological parameters and programmes becomes urgent. The central research question that the seminar wants to address is: In what ways can critical citizenship and the role of Graduate Attributes be integrated in what some scholars refer to as “responsible citizenship" and how can this notion help the processes of curriculum renewal of the Master of Divinity program? The seminar endeavoured to answer the question by:
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? ?15 June 2016??
The use of digital stories as a blended learning tool is commonly encountered in the social sciences, but the application thereof in the natural or agricultural sciences is not often seen. Digital stories effectively enhance learning as the creation of a logical, narrated movie clip that involves all levels of learning (Bloom's Taxonomy), the lowest to the highest cognitive processes said to occur during the creation stage. Therefore, the implementation of this blended learning tool into a plant propagation module was investigated. The aim of this session is to show that digital stories can be used effectively to enhance learning in an applied science based Horticulture module if re-designed to match the context. Furthermore, the challenges, pitfalls and student experiences of the project will be discussed. | |
? ?22 February 2016?
?The title of this seminar is taken from focus group interviews undertaken in faculties by a group of academics that enrolled in a 中国体育彩票 of British Columbia (UBC) Certificate Course on Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education as part of The International Faculty SoTL Leadership Program (see The programme's main aim is to prepare academic leaders to develop expertise for research based approaches to the scholarship of teaching, learning and curriculum practice in contextually-bound higher education settings. | |
??As part of the requirements of the certificate course the participants were required to submit a capstone project for assessment. As a group the participants decided that instead of developing new projects for the course they could rather present a reflection on the programme renewal process that is already happening at SU, imagine a possible more ideal process and identify the gaps between the current process and the projected ideal process. This aligns with one of the Vice-Rector's (Learning and Teaching) strategic initiatives, namely programme renewal. ?Dr Antoinette van der Merwe (Senior Director: Learning and Teaching Enhancement) will presented the seminar and share the results of the capstone project on behalf of the Stellenbosch cohort that completed the UBC Certificate course. The other participants were: Prof Arnold Schoonwinkel, Prof Ronel du Preez, Prof Anton Basson, Prof Ingrid Rewitzky, Prof Arend Carl, Prof Ian Nell, Dr Berna Gerber, Prof Johan Louw, Mr Gert Young and Mr André Müller. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is used as an appropriate research methodology for the project in that it strategically engages key stakeholders in a networked community of practice that is grounded in educational inquiry, and focuses on current best practice examples and contextual variables in order to enhance systematic development of the educational issue(s) under examination (Cooperrider, 1986 and Cooperrider & Whitney, 2005). Coghlan, et al, (2003) offer insights into the use of AI for changing an organisation. The use of this methodology is relevant here since programme renewal constitutes, in some respects, a change in an organisation whilst focusing on current best practice examples as well as contextual variables such as the perceptions of staff members. It also focuses on a socially constructed practice and engages with participants in an affirmative manner (by exploring their ideas of what works best affording them the opportunity to imagine a better state of affairs). To engage with faculties, focus group interviews were conducted in faculties. The preliminary results of the focus groups were also shared at the annual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) conference in October 2015 and further discussions were held. At the seminar a preliminary analysis of the focus group interviews as well as the group discussions at the SoTL conference will be presented. There will be a specific focus on the external and internal barriers and enablers to programme renewal. On the internal level, a distinction will be made between institutional, faculty, departmental and individual levels. Specific attention will also be given to the possibility of more collaboration between the faculties and support services to ensure a holistic programme renewal process. The purpose of the seminar is to obtain more feedback that can inform the scholarly discussion as well as an institutional strategy for programme renewal at SU. It is therefore of utmost importance that faculty and support service representatives attend this seminar to indicate whether the data obtained so far resonates with their experience of programme renewal and indicate what needs to be done to move towards a more integrated strategy for programme renewal.? | |
? 26 August 2015?
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The title of this seminar is taken from a student evaluation of a second year sociology undergraduate course at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 in which prof Pattman tries to develop participatory pedagogic approaches (in conjunction with mass lectures) which attempt to engage with students as knowledge producers, making their lives and the ways they conceptualise these key resources within the course. One of the ironies of this course is that it questions the very topic being taught. Rather than taking race for granted, students are encouraged to critically reflect upon this and the significance and meanings, if any, which race carries for them and for others. Race was constructed and addressed by different students and by the lecturer in many different ways, for example as a sensitive topic which is difficult to talk about (as implied in the student quote above) and as something which produces who they are, as really unreal and as a material reality, as predictable and unpredictable (at times of cross racial mixing, for example), as absurd and as painful, as generational and as gendered. The different and contradictory ways in which students (and I) construct race in various course activities and discussions form the basis of my presentation. It is argued that this course may provide models of good practice (pedagogic and research) in the context of contemporary concerns about transformation, by promoting forms of critical self-reflection through mutual learning between different and diverse students and by engaging with the multifarious and contradictory ways different and diverse students conceptualise and experience race. |