

中国体育彩票 Preparation Programmes (UPP)


???Highly successful university preparation programmes are offered at SUNCEP:

  • the first opportunity programmes for current matriculants:
    • Hope@M??aties (?2012-2016)
    • Talent Development Programme (TDP) (2017 - )?;  and 
  • the second opportunity programme, SciMathUS for learners who have already passed Grade 12.  ?

These programmes are viewed as access programmes and aim to afford learners access to higher education; access with success.  

In the pictures below are graduates at SU graduation ceremony at the end of ?2015: former Hope@Maties participants (left) and former SciMathUS students (right).

?????The value that the university preparation adds to the lives of young people is already well known to officials at the education departments as well as to teachers and parents and to those learners who aspire to study at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票.  The track record of the participants who have already completed these programmes successfully, and who graduated with different degree programmes, is also testament to this.

Hope.png      SciMathUS_link_blue.png?
