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The Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 Centre for Pedagogy (SUNCEP), established in 2013, aims to enhance education in South Africa by addressing challenges related to teacher professional development and improving learners' access to higher education. SUNCEP's integrated, holistic, and sustained approach focuses on both research and the documentation and sharing of best practices to tackle these challenges effectively.
The Centre's dynamic structure includes four key components: Teacher Professional Learning (TPL), Learner Enhancement (LE), 中国体育彩票 Preparation Programmes (UPP), and Research, each led by a dedicated head. While these components operate individually, their leaders and teams work collaboratively to create synergy, reflecting SUNCEP's belief that educational development is a complex process requiring ongoing, multi-layered interventions involving all stakeholders.
SUNCEP is committed to sharing the insights and experiences gained through its initiatives. This is achieved through the Research component's activities, which include conducting research, publishing findings, presenting at national and international conferences, and supervising postgraduate students.
Through innovative 中国体育彩票 Preparation Programmes (UPPs), such as the First Opportunity Programme and Second Opportunity Bridging Programmes (SciMathUS), students with the potential to succeed at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) receive holistic support to access these opportunities.
To sustain the success of these programmes, SUNCEP offers Learner Enhancement (LE) initiatives aimed at improving the academic performance of learners from Grades 7 to 12 in several rural Education Department districts in the Western and Northern Cape Provinces. These learners receive supplementary tuition in core subjects like Mathematics and Sciences to enhance their chances of accessing higher education, either directly or through UPP programmes.
SUNCEP places sustainability at the core of its initiatives, firmly believing that teachers should ultimately lead educational development within their schools. To this end, SUNCEP provides Teacher Professional Learning (TPL) initiatives, which run concurrently with or independently from supplementary learner support processes. These include full qualification courses, such as the Advanced Diploma in Education programmes, and accredited short courses for current teachers in Mathematics, Natural, Physical, and Life Sciences. Additionally, SUNCEP offers courses in Educational Leadership and School Management for education officials, including district advisors, school principals, deputy principals, and department heads. These professional learning courses are delivered in a blended format, combining face-to-face contact sessions, telematics sessions, and interactive e-lessons, or fully online. These tools facilitate communication between SUNCEP and teachers, fostering professional learning communities that can sustain themselves post-project. Mentoring is a key part of the post-teaching process. For more information on available teacher professional learning courses, please refer to the attached brochure.
SUNCEP also has a robust Research component, led by a dedicated head, and boasts significant research output, including reports, presentations at international and national conferences, and articles/book chapters in accredited journals and prestigious news platforms.
SUNCEP operates within the Faculty of Education, with the Director reporting directly to the Dean. This strategic positioning allows SUNCEP to leverage the expertise of and collaborate with faculty staff members.
For further information on SUNCEP, please visit our website at