
Frequently asked questions: prospective and current undergraduate students


If you cannot find answers to your questions in the FAQs, you can contact the following:

If your query relates to registration (e.g. admission, registration, readmission, module and programme changes, letters of completion and the language of instruction), please send it to registrarems@sun.ac.za.

For student records (academic transcripts or certificates), please e-mail records@sun.ac.za.

For international matters (e.g. study visas, medical cover and international curricula), please e-mail suiundergrads@sun.ac.za.

If you want to review your script, you can contact the relevant lecturer.

If you fail a module and are of the opinion that your final mark has been calculated incorrectly, you may apply to have the final mark in the specific module carefully recalculated by the relevant department. You can submit your request for a recalculation of marks to registrarems@sun.ac.za.

If you wish to have your script re-evaluated, please contact the Assessments Office at stbexams@sun.ac.za.

Student Fees/Bursaries

Unfortunately the Faculty does not have access to funding for bursaries. All funding is handled by the Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans (CUBL) and the Postgraduate Office. Undergraduate students, please check this website for the relevant e-mail address: https://finaid.sun.ac.za. Postgraduate students, please check this website for the relevant e-mail address and funding opportunities: http://bit.ly/3Jk6LIS.

If your query concerns student matters unrelated to the above, please send it to emsinfo@sun.ac.za emsinfo@sun.ac.za.

Your latest student account (or university invoice) is available on your profile on SUNStudent. However, you can also e-mail studentaccounts@sun.ac.za with your student number and request your latest student account.

Contact the student fees department at studentaccounts@sun.ac.za using your SU number as reference.

Prospective students

Our Faculty’s Yearbook lists all the programmes we have to offer, from undergraduate to PhD level. You are welcome to browse through our Yearbook and have a look at which programme suits you best. The Faculty’s Yearbook can be found on the Faculty website (www.sun.ac.za/ems). Click on academic programmes at the quick links on the right-hand side.

Under each programme is the name of a contact person should you require further information.

If you have any administrative questions (regarding registration, module transfers, module credits, etc.), you are welcome to contact our faculty administrators (www.sun.ac.za/ems).

Please note that you need to meet the minimum admission requirements and selection criteria of an undergraduate programme in order to receive an offer for that programme. The minimum duration of most of our B-degrees is 3 years.

Late applications will only be accepted in exceptional cases before the start of an academic year and if there are space available within a programme. For more information regarding late applications, please e-mail emsinfo@sun.ac.za.

Contact and the Registrar’s Division at registrarems@sun.ac.za using your APP/ID as reference for your inquiry. registrarems@sun.ac.za.

When the final Grade 12 results are released in January, you may have the opportunity to apply for reconsideration if you meet the minimum admission requirements and selection criteria of the relevant programme. However, we are unable to confirm the criteria that will be applied at that time, as these will depend on several variables that are uncertain, such as the number of conditional offers accepted, the number of final offers issued, and the Grade 12 final results, among other factors. Note that reconsideration is also dependent on the number of spaces available in the programme, therefore admission cannot be guaranteed.

Yes. Please keep in mind that even if you study BA, for example, for a year or more, you still need to meet the minimum National Senior Certificate (NSC) requirements to register for a BCom (Management Sciences) programme. In other words, even if you have distinctions in your first and second year at university, it is still your NSC marks that will allow you admission to a programme (unless otherwise stated in the Faculty’s Yearbook).

Minimum admission requirements ≠ the selection criteria.

Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not mean that you will be selected for, and admitted to, a programme. Should there be more applicants who meet the minimum admission requirements than the Faculty’s capacity allows for, further selection criteria and processes will be applied. Selection criteria are based on various factors and may differ from year to year.

The four-year BCom (Management Sciences) Extended Curriculum Programme is a selection programme with a limited number of places available. Applicants are therefore selected for this programme based on the number of spaces available. Even if a student meets the minimum admission requirements, it does not mean that the applicant may automatically register for the programme. Applicants are given preference if they meet the socio-economic status (SES) requirements. More information about the programme is in our Faculty Yearbook that is available on the faculty’s website (www.sun.ac.za/ems).

The BCom (Management Sciences) Extended Curriculum Programme is the only extended degree programme offered by the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. However, any student has the option to take fewer credits for any of the Faculty’s B degree programmes than the number recommended for each year, as stated in the Faculty Yearbook. Should you consider this option, please consult the Faculty Administrator or Faculty Officers at Admin A, as you still have to adhere to certain criteria such as module requisite requirements.

You will be able to join the CA stream after completing the Stellenbosch BCom (Financial Accounting) or BCom (Management Accounting) degree if you enrol for a bridging year in order to bridge to the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA). You can read more about this process at this link.

All enquiries relating to the bridging year can be directed to Prof Soon Nel snel@sun.ac.za


The Faculty does not handle accommodation-related enquiries. These are handled by the 中国体育彩票’s Student Housing Division (under the Registrar’s Division). Please contact them to find out if they still have accommodation available (or to be shortlisted), as well as the guidelines and procedures for applying. You can contact them on emsinfo@sun.ac.za or tel 021 808 9111, and ask specifically for student housing/residence placement.

You are also welcome to contact rental agencies around Stellenbosch to enquire about renting privately. Here is a link with useful (NSFAS-accredited) private accommodation details. The site has all relevant contact details.

Administrative enquiries

Transferring between programmes (also referred to as articulating) is possible only at the beginning of a year. As a current student, you do not have to apply via SUNStudent for the programme you want to transfer to. Transferring between programmes during undergraduate studies are subject to meeting the Faculty’s (automatic readmission) requirements regarding minimum credits passed. In addition, you have to meet the selection requirements of the programme you are transferring to.

You will not be able to change programmes at the beginning of the second semester. However, if you receive permission, you may change your modules in the second semester to align to the curriculum of the programme you intend to transfer to. Please note the deadline for module amendments in the second semester and contact the Faculty Administrator and Faculty Officers in the Registrar’s Division, who will assist you to determine which of your current modules can be transferred and which other modules you can, or need to, register for.

When registration opens in January/February, you can visit Admin A to ask the Faculty Officers for assistance with articulating. They will check whether you meet the minimum admission and selection requirements and help you to register for the new programme.

It is acceptable for you to fail a few modules as long as you pass the required minimum academic credits for automatic readmission (at least 50% of registered credits).

As an undergraduate student, you must pass at least 50% of the total credits for which you are registered every year to be able to continue your studies the next year. For instance, if a student is in their first year and their total credit load is 120 credits, they need to pass 60 credits in order to continue to the following academic year (60/120 = 0.5 credits). Please note that if you have discontinued any modules, the credits for those modules will not be considered in the calculation to determine your readmission status. If you have passed enough credits (at least 50% of the credits you registered for), you will be allowed to register for the following academic year and will need to reregister for those modules you did not pass and repeat them. For more information on the minimum academic credits required for continuing studies, please check the relevant section in the 中国体育彩票 Yearbook, Part 1 (General information and rules).

Should you not pass enough credits, you need to apply for readmission. More information is available in the 中国体育彩票 Yearbook, Part 1 (General information and rules). In the application procedure you have to provide valid reasons (and proof) as to why you did not pass enough credits. If your academic performance does not meet the requirements for readmission to the 中国体育彩票 for the following year, you will be informed via sms and at your SU e-mail address before 24 December of the current year. You will then have the opportunity (until 11 January) to lodge a typed appeal to the 中国体育彩票, accompanied by substantiated documentation, in which you explain why the 中国体育彩票 should consider allowing you to resume your studies. No late applications for readmission will be accepted. The application will be sent to the Readmission Appeals Committee for review.

This process consists of two steps to ensure that your application is reconsidered.

You have to apply annually before 31 July on the SUNStudent application portal as a new student, but there will be questions that will indicate that you are a readmission student. This is the first step of the process.

Then you need to wait for the readmission appeals applications to open in December (you will receive an e-mail from 23 December 2025) to submit your separate motivation in accordance with the instructions on readmissions that will be provided on the website by that time: Readmissions (sun.ac.za). This is the second step of your readmission application so that the Readmission Appeals Committee can review your application.

In the readmission appeal process of 2025 the closing date for submitting your application form, motivation and supporting documents is 10 January 2025. Please submit all documents and your application in one e-mail.

Your initial application status on the system will be indicated as waitlisted until the Readmission Appeals Committee communicates a final outcome to you in January/February.

The Faculty’s Readmission Appeals Committee will sit in January and deliberate whether you will be allowed to return to SU based on your academic progress and the motivation you have provided on the form. There is no further appeal process to be followed once you are denied readmission for the relevant year.

Completion of degrees:

Students have to contact the Registrar’s Division to determine if the process of enrolling through a distance learning, public university such as UNISA is appropriate and possible, taking into consideration all programme requirements, module equivalence and relevant rules. Such students will still obtain their degrees through Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票.

A student cannot enrol at UNISA without a letter of permission from the Registrar’s Division. The letter must contain the UNISA module codes for which the student wishes to register, and confirm that the student wants to enrol for non-degree purposes.

The student must be registered simultaneously at both institutions.

To enquire about this process, please contact registrarems@sun.ac.za


Students may enrol at UNISA or any other institution for non-degree purposes only to prove that they have remained academically active while being excluded during the relevant academic year. This evidence is only used in the readmission appeal application students have to complete again in order to apply for admission for the following year. As the equivalence of modules for which students register, can only be determined if the students are registered SU students, the credit accumulation and transfer (CAT) process will only be conducted upon receiving confirmation that the students are allowed to register at SU again.

Details regarding the determination of module equivalence can be requested from the Registrar’s Division at registrarems@sun.ac.za.

If you want to apply for credit accumulation and transfer of credits (CAT) at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 for a module/modules completed at another institution, please send the following information for each module to registrarems@sun.ac.za:

  • Academic transcript of other institution
  • Module outcomes
  • Topics
  • NQF level
  • Credits
  • Description of module content
  • Assessments (if possible).

You must register for all the modules in the prescribed curriculum (including those for which you are applying for CAT), attend classes and submit assessments until you receive an answer about your CAT application.

If you require information to apply for credit accumulation and transfer (transfer of credits) at another institution, please contact records@sun.ac.za. State your student number, exactly what information is required and for which modules. Please note that the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences does not provide assessment papers.

Student Support

Applications for assessment concessions are handled by the Disability Unit in the Centre for Student Counselling and Development (CSCD). A committee considers all applications and determines if a concession – and exactly which concession/s – should be granted.

The application forms and details can be found on the My.SUN platform:

  • Go to: https://my.sun.ac.za/.
  • Make sure you are on “Undergraduate” at the very top.
  • A quarter of the way down scroll left/right until you find the heading “Studies”.
  • Then click on the icon “Test and Exams: Policy and Information”.

Read the manual (Student Guide – How to raise an exam concession and view concession letter) on how to raise an assessment concession request on SUNStudent.

The Practitioner’s Form on the My.SUN platform should be completed by your practitioner. Once completed, add it to the relevant reports of your medical practitioner / psychologist / ophthalmologist.

Adhere to the application periods as no late applications can be uploaded via SUNStudent. Contact concessions@sun.ac.za for support.

Although the Faculty’s Mentor Programme is currently not active, modules offer various opportunities for extra assistance. Please check the module framework for more information about tutorial sessions and consultation hours.

You can also contact your class representative to find out about any other additional support, or contact the EBSK (Faculty’s student committee) to find out if they are aware of academic support initiatives.

Class attendance

If you will not be able to attend classes, you need to apply for leave of absence. Please refer to paragraph 12 of the Yearbook, Part 1.

All students must adhere to the relevant requirements regarding class and assessment attendance that form part of the curriculum of the relevant degree, certificate or diploma programme they are registered for.

In the event of absence from any compulsory academic activity (e.g. class, practical, clinical, research or assessment activities), the rules in the Yearbook, Part 1 apply to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

If you have to miss class due to a reason such as a period of illness, it is your responsibility to catch up with the work you miss. The contact details of your lecturers can be found in the module frameworks that are available on SUNLearn. It is your responsibility to catch up on the work that you missed, so you will need to do self-study. It would be useful if you could ask your friends with the same modules as you to let you know what was covered in class or to share their notes. If you have questions after a period of self-study, you may contact your lecturer/s or utilise their consultation hours to ask them specific questions.

No leave of absence arrangements will be made for students who are absent from their assessment opportunities for semester and year modules (A1S1, A2S1, A3S1, A1S2, A2S2, A3/A3S2). If you will be absent for a prolonged period and will miss assessments, take note of the Faculty’s Undergraduate Assessment Rules (available at this link). The Assessment Rules make provision for cases where a student is unable to complete an assessment opportunity for whatever reason. In each module students are offered a number of assessment opportunities. In addition to completing a minimum number of assessments, students also have to complete A2/A2S2 or A3 and meet any subminimum criteria (if applicable) to achieve a valid final mark. Check your module framework for specific requirements.

When a student’s recommended application for leave of absence is for an extended period, catching up and completing the relevant academic responsibilities may be impossible within the normal time allowed for the specific module, year or programme. It may then be necessary to extend the curriculum programme, to apply to interrupt the studies for a full year, or to consider discontinuation and returning at a later stage.

If your medical practitioner advises a further leave of absence, you may have to consider discontinuing your studies for the rest of the year. Check the 中国体育彩票 almanac to determine the deadline for discontinuing studies due to medical reasons. If you do not pass 50% of the credits for which you are registered during the academic year, you must apply for readmission. You will be informed in this case. If you are at risk of not passing enough credits at the end of the year, you will be notified and given guidelines on how to apply and by when.

Please consult the relevant academic staff member of the module or programme in which you have been prevented by illness or other causes from attending compulsory academic activities such as research, classes, practicals, clinical work, taking class assessments, or carrying out class work, without delay. You are personally responsible for submitting a leave of absence application. Leave of absence submitted by a third party will only be considered if you are medically incapacitated (with evidence of the medical incapacity). You must lodge a written application for leave of absence with the relevant officer at the Centre for Academic Administration (CAA) without delay, except if the absence was for one day only, in which case the relevant academic staff member should handle the leave of absence application.

Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 is a residential university, therefore attending classes in person is compulsory. Engaging in class activities is essential for developing the graduate attributes necessary for your education. We are thus unable to grant permission for students to forego attending classes or make special arrangements for online attendance or independent study only.

Should you choose not to attend classes and instead pursue only self-study for a module, that decision is yours. However, it is your responsibility to keep yourself informed about the module via SUNLearn. You have to understand that your choice may result in missing out on valuable assessment and learning opportunities in class. In addition, you may not impose an expectation of any additional support on lecturers beyond what is already offered during classes, as attendance is expected.


Please note paragraph 4.2.7 on page 18 (Limitations with regard to registration for modules on the basis of timetable clashes), as stipulated in the Yearbook, Part 1 (General information and rules) regarding test clashes and registration of modules that have timetable clashes. It states: Before registration, you are required to scrutinise the class and assessment timetables for possible clashes of your proposed modules and to limit your choice of modules strictly to the possibilities catered for by these timetables. No student may take modules that clash on any of the timetables.

Paragraph furthermore states that: The assessment policy is of such a nature that, if you experience clashes on the assessment timetable, you may make use of another assessment opportunity for the modules concerned, provided that this option is allowed by the rules of the respective modules. Please refer to the Faculty’s Undergraduate Assessment Rules (available at this link) in which provision is made for cases where a student is unable to complete an assessment opportunity for whatever reason.

You are welcome to contact the relevant lecturers to enquire whether there is a possibility to write assessments for both modules on the same day for A1. Note that you do not have the right to be accommodated. If writing the assessments for both modules are not permitted, you will have to forfeit an A1 assessment opportunity for one of the modules and write the A2 and A3 for that module. In cases where clashes occur during A2 and A3 assessments, the 中国体育彩票’s assessment rules will apply.


Please ensure that the filter option in the top left corner is set on courses in progress and that you choose to view your course as a list.

Please follow the link below to see how you can access all your modules on SUNLearn:

this link

Should you still experience problems viewing the modules on the SUNLearn page, please contact the SUNLearn helpdesk (learn@sun.ac.za).

Dean’s Concession Assessment (DCA)

Please refer to the Yearbook, Part 1 (General information and rules), section 7, for the rules for Dean’s Concession Assessments (DCAs).

Graduation and postgraduate studies

The rules regarding second examination opportunities and obtaining a degree are described in the Yearbook, Part 1 (General information and rules):

As a final-year student, if you, irrespective of the reason, make use of an assessment in a module during the A3 period in November, you cannot receive a qualification that requires the particular module during the graduation ceremonies in December of that year. The earliest that you can receive the qualification is in March or April of the following year.

Unfortunately you will not be able to graduate in December if you have to write an A3.

Take note of the required admission marks for the prescribed modules of the postgraduate programme in which you are interested. (You will find the admission requirements in the Yearbook, Part 1 (General information and rules).) Should you qualify for, and write the DCA, you will only receive a final mark of 50, which is the highest mark that is awarded.

It is a good idea to consult the department that offers the postgraduate programme in which you are interested in order to confirm the exact admission requirements and how the DCA may impact on you possibly qualifying for the postgraduate programme.

If you write an A3 assessment, you will still be considered for postgraduate studies. Selection will only take place after your marks have been released, so you may only receive feedback shortly before the programme commences.

If you are unable to attend the graduation ceremony, you can arrange to have your qualification awarded in absentia. To make these arrangements, log in to the student portal and go to Academics > Graduation Ceremony. If you select "No" at attending, the system will prompt you to choose either self-collection or courier delivery of your graduation documents.

If you were unable to attend your ceremony, or indicated that you would graduate in absentia, you will receive your graduation documentation as follows:

Your graduation documents will be delivered to your door by DHL Couriers, provided that your current physical address and contact numbers are updated on the 中国体育彩票 system.

For further assistance, please contact: graduation@sun.ac.za.

Should you choose to defer your graduation to the March 2025 ceremony, you will not be able to request your official graduation certificate from the Graduation Office. We can, however, provide you with an official academic record.

To arrange for a deferral, please submit your request via the student portal. To make the arrangements, log in to the student portal and go to Academics > Graduation Ceremony > Defer to March.?
