


Incident Report



  • If at any time there is ever any question regarding safety in the area, the local police station or other contact person(s) should be contacted.  If necessary the students should leave the area as soon as possible, using the safest/route of choice and inform the responsible lecturer.
  • If students become aware of temporary danger to person or property in certain areas (e.g. as a result of protests), it is the responsibility of students themselves to make alternative arrangements, or to consult with SU staff for making such alternative arrangements for the completion of the relevant part of the clinical training.



  • Students may never do home visits alone.  Wherever possible, a responsible person should accompany the student(s).



  • Personal identification must be visible at all times and should be in the form of name badges (name and surname, profession) and the 中国体育彩票 logo and an ID photo (student cards).
  • Students and personnel should introduce themselves courteously to each patient and staff member at the clinic or other institution (Addendum A – Code of conduct)


???Please report any incident that occurs during your training to ensure that the FMHS may monitor the safety of student placements on the distributed training platform.

  • Complete the form below within 24 hours of an incident occurring. For Incident Report Form click here?
  • If a criminal offence has occurred, immediately report it to the local police station (SAPS: 10111).
  • An incident is any occurrence where a student/staff member considers that her/his safety has been compromised, e.g.

    -           personal injury/harm

    -           an attempt to injure/harm

    -           possessions were stolen / damaged / tampered with, or

    -           an attempt was made to do so

  • Forms to be used by students to report an incident and can be found on the relevant websites.  ?