Scientific publications for 2019-2021: (
Publications 1921 - 2021)
26. Wang, L., Somera, T.S., Hargarten, H., Honaas, L. & Mazzola, M. 2021. Comparative analysis of the apple root transcriptome as affected by rootstock genotype and Brassicaceae seed meal soil amendment: implications for plant health. Microorganisms 9: 763, 24 pages.
27. Yirgu, A., Gezahgne, A., Alemu, T., Havenga, M. & Mostert, L. 2021. First report of Didymosphaeria rubi-ulmifolii associated with canker and dieback of apple trees in southern Ethiopia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 60 (2): 229-236.
28. Zhang, X., Huang, H., Wu, B., Xie, J., Viljoen, A., Wang, W., Mostert, D., Xie, Y., Fu, G., Xiang, D., Lya, S., Liu, S. & Li, C. 2021. The M35 metalloprotease effector FocM35_1 is required for full virulence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4. Pathogens 10: 670, 15 pages.?
- ?Barral, B., Chillet, M., Doizy, A., Grassi, M., Ragot, L., Léchaudel, M., Durand, N., Rose, L.J., Viljoen, A. & Schorr-Galindo, S. 2020. Diversity and toxigenicity of fungi that cause pineapple fruitlet core rot. Toxins 12, 339:1-16.
- Crous, P.W. et al. 2020. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1112-1181 (1168). Phytopythium paucipapillatum S.D. Langenhoven, W.J. Botha & L. Mostert sp. nov. Persoonia 45: 251-409.
- Den Breeyen, A., Rochefort, J., Russouw, A., Meitz-Hopkins, J. & Lennox, C.L. 2020. Preharvest detection and postharvest incidence of Phlyctema vagabunda on 'Cripps Pink' apples in South Africa. Plant Disease 104 (3): 841-846.
- Dita, M., Teixeira, L.A.J., O'Neill, W., Pattison, A.B., Weinert, M.P., Li, C.Y., Zheng, S.J., Staver, C., Thangavelu, R. & Viljoen, A. 2020. Current state of Fusarium wilt of banana in the subtropics. Acta Horticulturae 1272: 45-56.
- Greeff-Laubscher, M.R., Beukes, I., Marais, G.J. & Jacobs, K. 2020. Mycotoxin production by three different toxigenic fungi genera on formulated abalone feed and the effect of an aquatic environment on fumonisins. Mycology 11 (2): 105-117.
- Halleen, F., Baloyi, M.A., Bester, M.C. & Mostert, L. 2020. Aerial inoculum patterns of Petri disease pathogens in South African vineyards and rootstock mother blocks. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 59(3): 515-536.
- Kimunye, J.N., Were, E., Mussa, F., Tazuba, A., Jomanga, K., Viljoen, A., Swennen, R., Muthoni, F.K. & Mahuku, G. 2020. Distribution of Pseudocercospora species causing Sigatoka leaf diseases of banana in Uganda and Tanzania. Plant Pathology 69: 50-59.
- Links, S., van Zyl, K., Cassiem, A., Flett, B.C., Viljoen, A. & Rose, L.J. 2020. The association of maize characteristics with resistance to Fusarium verticillioides and fumonisin accumulation in commercial maize cultivars. World Mycotoxin Journal 13 (3): 367-379.
- Liu, S., Li, J., Zhang, Y., Liu, N., Viljoen, A., Mostert, D., Zuo, C., Hu, C., Bi, F., Gao, H., Sheng, O., Deng, G., Yang, Q., Dong, T., Dou, T., Yi, G., Ma, L-J. & Li, C. 2020. Fusaric acid instigates the invasion of banana by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense TR4. New Phytologist 225: 913-929.
- Masikane, S.L., Novela, P., Mohale, P. & McLeod, A. 2020. Effect of phosphonate application timing and -strategy on phosphite fruit and root residues of avocado. Crop Protection 128: 105008: 1-8.
- Matthews, M.C., Mostert, D., Ndayihanzamaso, P., Rose, L.J. & Viljoen, A. 2020. Quantitative detection of economically important Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense strains in Africa in plants, soil and water. PLoS ONE 15 (7): e0236110: 1-20.
- Mojeremane, K., Lebenya, P., du Plessis, I.L., van der Rijst, M., Mostert, L., Armengol, J. & Halleen, F. 2020. Cross pathogenicity of Neofusicoccum australe and Neofusicoccum stellenboschiana on grapevine and selected fruit and ornamental trees. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 59(3): 581-593.
- Moyo, P., du Raan, S. & Fourie, P.H. 2020. Models for predicting pseudothecium maturity and ascospore release of Phyllosticta spp. in South African citrus orchards. South African Journal of Science 116 (11/12): 10 pages.
- Moyo, P., Fourie, P.H., Masikane, S.L., de Oliveira Fialho, R., Mamba, L.C., du Plooy, W. & Hattingh, V. 2020. The effects of postharvest treatments and sunlight exposure on the reproductive capability and viability of Phyllosticta citricarpa in citrus black spot fruit lesions. Plants 9, 1813: 13 pages.
- Ncube, E., Truter, M., Flett, B.C., Van den Berg, J., Erasmus, A. & Viljoen, A. 2020. Fungal mycoflora associated with Busseola fusca frass in maize plants. African Entomology 28 (2): 12 pages.
- Ndayihanzamaso, P., Karangwa, P., Mostert, D., Mahuku, G., Blomme, G., Beed, F., Swennen, R. & Viljoen, A. 2020. The development of a multiplex PCR assay for the detection of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense lineage VI strains in East and Central Africa. European Journal of Plant Pathology 158: 495-509.
- Ndayihanzamaso, P., Mostert, D., Matthews, M.C., Mahuku, G., Jomanga, K., Mpanda, H.J., Mduma, H., Brown, A., Uwimana, B., Swennen, R., Tumuhimbise, R. & Viljoen, A. 2020. Evaluation of Mchare and Matooke bananas for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Race 1. Plants 9, 1082:1-15.
- Ouko, A., Okoth, S., Netshifhefhe, N.E.1., Viljoen, A. & Rose, L.J. 2020. Tolerance to Fusarium verticillioides infection and fumonisin accumulation in maize F1 hybrids and subsequent F2 populations. Agronomy Journal 112: 2432-2444.
- Rebel, P., Poblete-Echeverría, C., van Zyl, J.G., Wessels, J.P.B., Coetzer, C. & McLeod, A. 2020. Determining mancozeb deposition benchmark values on apple leaves for the management of Venturia inaequalis. Plant Disease 104 (1): 168-178.
- Spies, C.F.J., Mostert, L., Carlucci, A., Moyo, P., van Jaarsveld, W.J., du Plessis, I.L., van Dyk, M. & Halleen, F. 2020. Dieback and decline pathogens of olive trees in South Africa. Persoonia 45: 196-220.
- Stempien, E., Pierron, R.J.G., Adendorff, I., van Jaarsveld, W.J., Halleen, F. & Mostert, L. 2020. Host defence activation and root colonization of grapevine rootstocks by the biological control fungus Trichoderma atroviride. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 59(3): 615-626.
- Van Jaarsveld, W.J., Halleen, F. & Mostert, L. 2020. In vitro screening of Trichoderma isolates for biocontrol of black foot disease pathogens. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 59(3): 465-471.
- Viljoen, A., Mostert, D., Chiconela, T., Beukes, I., Fraser, C., Dwyer, J. Murray, H., Amisse, J., Matabuana, E.L., Tazan, G., Amugoli, O.M., Mondjana, A., Vaz, A., Pretorius, A., Bothma, S., Rose, L. J., Beed, F., Dusunceli, F., Chao, C-P. & Molina, A.B. 2020. Occurrence and spread of the banana fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubence TR4 in Mozambique. South African Journal of Science 116 (11/12): 11 pages.
- Von Diest, S.G., Meitz-Hopkins, J.C., Rabie, A.A., MacHardy, W.E. & Lennox, C.L. 2020. Temperature influence on pseudothecia development stages of Venturia inaequalis in the Western Cape of South Africa. Plant Disease 104 (1): 147-153.
- ?Basson, E., Meitz-Hopkins, J.C. & Lennox, C.L. 2019. Morphological and molecular identification of fungi associated with South African apple core rot. European Journal of Plant Pathology 153: 849-868.
- Díaz, G.A., Mostert, L., Halleen, F., Lolas, M., Gutierrez, M., Ferrada, E. & Latorre, B.A. 2019. Diplodia seriata associated with Botryosphaeria canker and dieback in apple trees in Chile. Plant Disease 103 (5): 1026.
- Guarnaccia, V., Gehrmann, T., Silva-Junior, G.J., Fourie, P.H., Haridas, S., Vu, D., Spatafora, J., Martin, F.M., Robert, V., Grigoriev, I.V., Groenewald, J.Z. & Crous, P.W. 2019. Phyllosticta citricarpa and sister species of global importance to Citrus. Molecular Plant Pathology 20 (12): 1619-1635.
- Havenga, M., Gatsi, G.M., Halleen, F., Spies, C.F.J., Van der Merwe, R. & Mostert, L. 2019. Canker and wood rot pathogens present in young apple trees and propagation material in the Western Cape of South Africa. Plant Disease 103 (12): 3129-3141.
- Lesuthu, P., Mostert, L. Spies, C.F.J., Moyo, P., Regnier, T. & Halleen, F. 2019. Diaporthe nebulae sp. nov. and first report of D. cynaroidis, D. novem, and D. serafiniae on grapevines in South Africa. Plant Disease 103 (5): 808-817.
- Marin-Felix, Y., Hernández-Restrepo, M., Wingfield, M.J., Akulov, A., Carnegie, A.J., Cheewangkoon, R., Gramaje, D., Groenewald, J.Z., Guarnaccia, V., Halleen, F., Lombard, L., Luangsa-ard, J., Marincowitz, S., Moslemi, A., Mostert, L., Quaedvlieg, W., Schumacher, R.K., Spies, C.F.J., Thangavel, R., Taylor, P.W.J., Wilson, A.M., Wingfield, B.D., Wood, A.R. & Crous, P.W. 2019. Genera of phytopathogenic fungi: GOPHY 2. Studies in Mycology 92: 47-133.
- Masikane, S., Jolliffe, J., Swart, L. & McLeod, A. 2019. Novel approaches and methods for quantifying Phytophthora cinnamomi in avocado tree roots. FEMS Microbiology Letters 366: (16): 1-11.
- Moein, S., Mazzola, M., Ntushelo, N.S. & McLeod, A. 2019. Apple nursery trees and irrigation water as potential external inoculum sources of apple replant disease in South Africa. European Journal of Plant Pathology 153: 1131-1147.
- Moein, S., Mazzola, M., Spies, C.F.J. & McLeod, A. 2019. Evaluating different approaches for the quantification of oomycete apple replant pathogens, and their relationship with seedling growth reductions. European Journal of Plant Pathology 154: 243-257.
- Moyo, P., Mostert, L. & Halleen, F. 2019. Diatrypaceae species overlap between vineyards and natural ecosystems in South Africa. Fungal Ecology 39: 142-151.
- Nyoni, M., L?tze, E., Mazzola, M., Wessels, J.P.B. & McLeod, A. 2019. Evaluating different approaches in the application of phosphonates for the control of apple root diseases. Australasian Plant Pathology 48: 461-472.
- Nyoni, M., Mazzola, M., Wessels, J.P.B. & McLeod, A. 2019. The efficacy of semiselective chemicals and chloropicrin/1, 3-dichloropropene-containing fumigants in managing apple replant disease in South Africa. Plant Disease 103 (6): 1363-1373.
- Phokane, S., Flett, B.C., Ncube, E., Rheeder, J.P. & Rose, L.J. 2019. Agricultural practices and their potential role in mycotoxin contamination of maize and groundnut subsistence farming. South African Journal of Science 115 (9/10): 1-6.
- Stander, O.P.J., North, J., Van Niekerk, J.M., Van Wyk, T., Love, C. & Gilbert, M.J. 2019. Influence of nonpermanent netting on foliar spray deposition, insect pest prevalence, and production of 'Nadorcott' Mandarin (Citrus reticulata). HortScience 54 (4): 667-675.
- Thangavelu, R., Mostert, D., Gopi, M., Ganga Devi, P., Padmanaban, B., Molina, A.B. & Viljoen, A. 2019. First detection of Fusarium oxyspoerum f.sp. cubense tropical race 4 (TR4) on Cavendish banana in India. European Journal of Plant Pathology 154: 777-786.
- Van Niekerk, J.M., Basson, E., Olivier, C., Carelse, G. & Guarnaccia, V. 2019. Chlorine and mefenoxam sensitivity of Phytophthora nicotianae and Phytophthora citrophthora from South African citrus nurseries. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 58 (3): 629-638.
- Van Zyl, K., Rose, L.J. & Viljoen, A. 2019. Fusarium verticillioides FUM1 and FUM19 gene expression in maize kernels during early infection. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 108: 101430: 1-6.
- Williams, P.J., Bezuidenhout, C. & Rose, L.J. 2019. Differentiation of maize ear rot pathogens, on growth media, with near infrared hyperspectral imaging. Food Analytical Methods 12: 1556-1570.