

Erasmus + Mobility Opportunities

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??Erasmus+ is the programme of the Education, Audiovisual, and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission. It provides grants for a wide range of activities and includes a strong international dimension (i.e. cooperation with Partner Countries) notably in the field of higher education, which opens the programme to institutional cooperation and mobility of students and staff worldwide.

International Credit Mobility (ICM): International Credit Mobility (ICM) supports the mobility of individuals enrolled or employed at a higher education institution (HEI), from a Programme Country to a Partner Country or vice versa.

There are two types of staff mobility available:

Staff Mobility for Teaching and Staff Mobility for Training. 

The Staff Teaching Mobility allows academic staff to contribute to and learn from best practices and find out first-hand the workings of another country's education system. The main aim of the teaching activity is engagement with students.

Things to take note of for the Staff Teaching Mobility

  • a minimum of 8 hours per week.
  • Teaching activity does not only refer to formal lectures but may include partaking in a seminar / academic student meeting / joining a lecture given by colleagues/ providing research supervision to postgraduate students.
  • May may also be combined with research activities, but the teaching aspect should be prevalent.

Staff Training Mobility focuses on professional development opportunities for Professional Administrative Support Staff  (PASS).

Things to take note for the Staff Training Mobilities:

  • to improve the skills required for their portfolios.
  • could include aspects such as job-shadowing
  • training in specific scientific methods and/or specific laboratory work
  • attendance of a workshop or attendance of a staff training week.

Erasmus+ opportunities will be promoted on an ad hoc basis as they arise. Kindly contact Ntombuzanile Macingwana ( in this regard.

You can also make use of the opportunities advertised on IMOTION: Please note: Not all of them will include funding from SU or the host institution.


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 Terms and Conditions??

Erasmus+ Opportunities 

Contact Person

  • For Agreements Inquires:
  • Ntombuzanile Macingwana 
  • Email:
  • For Staff Mobility Inquires:
  • Lidia du Plessis 
  • Email: