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Comment on the draft Visual Redress Policy

??Stakeholders are invited to give input on Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票’s draft Visual Redress Policy before it is finalised to follow the internal approval process for institutional policies. The internal campus consultation process with faculty boards has already started. The public participation processes will run from 2 August until 2 September 2019. 

Written comments, formal submissions and enquiries should be sent to visualredress@sun.a? before 16:00 on Monday 2 September 2019. All input will be considered, and further drafts will be tabled at the various statutory bodies between August and November. The final draft Visual Redress Policy will be tabled for approval at the last Council meeting on 2 December 2019. 

Click here for the draft Visual Redress Policy.

Read more about Transformation as Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票. 

Read? m?ore about Visual Redress at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票. 

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