
Student Court
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Past Judgments


Section? 89(5) of the Student Constitution requires the Court to ensure all decisions of the Student Court are stored on an electronic database and that all students can readily access the previous decisions of the Student Court. ??

Full judgments are available here, and summaries will be posted on the Court's Instagram page, @studentcourtstellies.


Ex Parte Nieuwenheyzen and Another (Interim Judgment - Structural Interdict?).pdf


Ex parte Mhlongo ("Mhlongo I").pdf?

Ex parte Malan.pdf

Ex parte Mhlongo and Another ("Mhlongo II").pdf

Speaker of the Tygerberg Student Assembly v Tygerberg Electoral Commission and Another.pdf

Electoral Commission v Goldfields Election Committee and Another (Urgent interdict).pdf?

Ex parte Electoral Commission.pdf

Electoral Commission v Goldfields Election Committee and Others (Interim order).pdf

Electoral Commission v Goldfields Election Committee and Others (Final judgment).pdf

Maistry and Another v Osler PSO and Another.pdf

Februarie v Electoral Commission and Another.pdf?

Le Roux v Februarie and Another (Appeal).pdf


?Ntlapo v Electoral Commission.pdf

A. S. v Electoral Commission (Final judgment).pdf?

A. S. v Electoral Commission (Urgent interdict).pdf

EC and Another v Lydia and Another (Final Judgment).pdf

?Ex parte Oosthuizen (Appeal).pdf

Ex parte Oosthuizen.pdf

SRC Chaiperson and Another v SRC Policy Officer in re Dismissal of SRC Policy Officer v SRC Chairperson and Another.pdf

The Guild v Anime Society - Interim Order.pdf

Electoral Commission v Lydia Ladies' Residence (Appeal of Preliminary Judgment).pdf

EC and Another v Lydia and Another (Preliminary Judgment).pdf

SRC Policy Officer and Another v Speaker Student Assembly and Another.pdf


Ex parte Swart.pdf

Ex parte Metanoia Residence House Committee and Another.pdf

Ex parte Foster.pdf

?Ex Parte Electoral Commission (Advisory Opinion).pdf

Ex Parte SRC Policy Officer.pdf

Visage and Another v Electoral Commission (Preliminary Judgment).pdf

Visage and Another v Electoral Commission (Final Judgment)..pdf


Ex Parte Student Representative Council Election Convenor.pdf

Ex Parte Student Representative Council.pdf

Chairperson of the Societies Council v Treasurer of the Student Representative Council.pdf



Ex Parte Speaker of Student Parliament and Others (Judgement).pdf

Ex Parte Speaker of Student? Parliament and Others (founding affidavit).pdf

???????Ex Parte Speaker of Student Parliament and Others (notice of motion).pdf


Leak v Hendenrych.pdf (summary judgment)

??Ndzuzo v EBSK Disciplinary Committee and Others.pdf


Pieters v SRC and Others?

Walker and Another v Jooste and Others

Jacobs v Huis Visser Primarius and Others

Ex Parte Speaker of Student Parliament

Hugo v Election Convenor and Another

Mlangeni v SRC Executive Committee

Ex Parte Executive Committee of SRC and Others

Odendaal v Student Parliament and Others


Pieters and Others v Links and Another 2016 (amended judgment).pdf

Pieters and Others v Links 2016.pdf

Pieters and Others v Links 2016 (notice of motion).docx

Pieters and Others v Links 2016 (founding affidavit).docx

Election Investigative Report 15 September 2016.pdf

Pieters and others v Du Toit and others Appeal- judgement-09-09-2016.pdf

Du Toit and others v Links and others 2016 FINAL ORDER WITH REASONS.pdf

Jacobs_ Submissions relating to Election Committee Report.pdf

Lewis_ Submissions relating to Election Committee Report.pdf

Odendaal_Submissions relating to Election Committee Report.pdf

Pretorius_ Submissions relating to Election Committee Report.pdf


Du Toit and others v Links and others Appeal Court Decision 2016.pdf

Pieters and others v Du Toit and others (Notice of Appeal and founding affidavit of applicants to Appeal Court) .pdf

Du Toit and others v Links and others 2016.pdf

Du Toit and others v Links and others 2016 (founding affidavit of applicants).pdf

Du Toit and Others v Links and Others 2016 (Application to Intervene).pdf

Kennedy v TSR 2016.pdf?

Mantile v Stembus 2016.pdf


Declaratory Order Blanckenberg (2015).pdf

Declaratory Order Blanckenberg (2015) .pdf

Interpretation SRC (2015).pdf

Stelliesfeesmustfall v Kruger and another 2015.pdf


Referendum Proposed Fundamental Student Constitution Amendments.pdf

7 Aug 2014 SRc Minutes.pdf

SR2014 Final Results.pdf


Aanstelling van SR-Bestuurders 2013.pdf

Advisory Opinion Majombozi (2013).pdf

Advisory opinion Whether section 92 of the Student Constitution is compatible with section 41.pdf

Dippenaar and another v Stuurman and another.pdf

Injunction Ely (2013).pdf


UITSPRAAK SR Verkiesings-aansoek.pdf


Declaratory Order McDonald (2008).pdf
