????????????????????????????????????????????????????Department of Civil E??ngineering
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HERE for more information on applying.
Within the wider disci??pline of civil engineering the Department has a special focus on the areas of hydraulic and environmental engineering, transportation engineering, pavement engineering, structural engineering, reliability analysis, construction engineering and management, and civil engineering informatics. The Department has at its disposal well-equipped laboratories for research in all fields of specialisation.
?Construction Engineering and Manag?ement
The study field covers management in all areas of infrastructure development, including the client, consultant and the contractor. The research fields are aimed at large projects and focus on modular construction, construction risk management, design management and infrastructure management.
Water and Environmental Engineering
The topics for specialisation include water resources development and management, yield analysis, low flow and flood hydrology, river hydraulics, design of hydraulic structures such as dams, tunnels and pump stations, water services, water quality and water treatment, as well as coastal and port engineering. Stellenbosch Un??iversity is the research leader in South Africa on river hydraulics, design of hydraulic structures and coastal and port engineering.
Coastal and Port Engineering is one of the postgraduate specialisation topics in water engineering and is only offered at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 in South Africa. This postgraduate programme is presented to full-time and part-time students. Presentation to part-time students is done by mea?ns of both block courses and Internet-based tuition.
Structural Engineering and Civil Engineering Informatics
Structural Engineering - The focus falls on steel construction, reinforced concrete construction and structural behaviour, development of cement-based construction materials, structural reliability and design code development, supported by computational and experimental mechanics.
Civil Engineering Informatics - The focus is on fundamental methods, models and processes of civil engineering, as well as information technology. This provides the basis for the systematic mapping of problems to the computer in such a way that the potential of information technology can be fully exploited.
Geotechnical and Transport Engineering
Transportation Engineering, Pavement Engineering and Geotechnics - The topics for specialisation in transportation engineering are intelligent and public transportation systems, transportation safety, transportation planning and traffic engineering. In pavement engineering, the topics for specialisation are pavement materials, advanced asphalt and concrete pavement design, pavement management systems, road pavement evaluation and rehabilitation design. In geotechnics the engineering properties of soil, interaction between soil and geotextiles, and the improvement of problem soils are investigated.??
POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMAS? ?? MASTER'S DEGREES?- ??Master of Engineering (MEng) (Research) in Civil Engineering
Master of Engineering (MEng) (Structured) in Civil En?gineering???