?????????????Interim SRC Portfolios
?Liyema Jacobs
?The Chairperson acts as the Spokesperson of the SRC. The Chairperson ensures that the SRC fulfills their mandate, and they are also responsible for coordinating the SRC's relationship with its various stakeholders. It is the Chairpersons role to lead with respect, to support the SRC and to ensure that the needs of students are prioritized.
The role of the Student Financial Access Portfolio head is to liaise with funding offices and to be a point of contact for Students who need assistance with financial exclusion and any financial concerns. They provide financial literacy programs for students and ensure accessibility of work opportunities on campus.The Student Financial Access Portfolio head also serves to educate SRC members on funding matters and processes and work to generally improve financial accessibility in the institution.
Xavier Benyani
27172015@sun.ac.za / SRCVICE@sun.ac.za
The Vice-Chairperson shares the Chairpersons role in overseeing the SRC. They manage the internal relations and discipline of the SRC, and they are also responsible for coordinating the SRC's Institutional Committees. The Vice-Chairperson facilitates the SRC's teambuilding and their Leadership Development.
The role of the Postgraduate Students Portfolio head is to inform SRC projects on the impact on Postgraduate students. They Initiate projects to allow for Postgraduate students' involvement on campuses and ensure acclimatisation and orientation for Postgraduate students. This portfolio head Liaises with the Postgrad Office,Senior Prim Committee and Academic Affairs Council
???Mzwakhe Bolotina
The Secretary-General is responsible for maintaining internal communication within the SRC. They Co-ordinate SRC meetings and meetings with staff and ensure that the minutes and agendas of these meetings are made available. The Secretary-General's role is to maintain knowledge and institutional memory within the SRC through recordkeeping of important documents, policies and reports.
The role of the Leadership Development portfolio head is to facilitate non-SRC leadership development for positional and non-positional leaders. To liaise with CSLEEC and FVZS regarding short course offering and to liaise with the Leadership development members of the faculty and community structures. Their role is to improve accessibility of leadership development and facilitate leadership collaboration on campus.

Amber Nieuwenheyzen
23748419@sun.ac.za ?
The treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer of the SRC. They ensure that the financial resources of the SRC are used in a transparent, responsible, and sustainable manner and formulate, implement, and act as owners of policies that ensure this. They are also responsible for proper recordkeeping and reporting of the SRC's financial activities.
Communications Officer
Mishka Naidu
Innovation ?
Richard Visagie
The role of the Innovation portfolio head is to support student entrepreneurship, to facilitate innovation in SRC projects and to Liaise with SU Launchlab/Innovus. They also are responsible for Providing student input to SU structures planning entrepreneurship projects. ?
?? Social Impact
Roceshia Februarie
The Social impact portfolio focuses on making impact on persons externally from registered students. Their role is organising SRC-specific social impact projects and incentivising and improving student attendance for these projects. They Liaise with MGD on Student projects coordinate with ex-officio student structures on their social impact projects.

Michael Manzi
The Transformation portfolio head Initiates and develops projects/initiatives to improve institutional transformation. They Provide and develop Transformation workshops and Res-Ed sessions for students and student leaders. They Sit on the Institutional Transformation Committee and DSAf Transformation Forum and actively ensure transformation as a key goal in institutional policy reviews. The transformation portfolio head also Acts as policy owner and monitor for the SRC's Transformation Framework.
Womxn and Queer Empowerment (WAQE) & Institutional Liase
The Womxn and Queer Empowerment portfolio aims to actively diminish institutional patriarchy,end rape culture and gender-based violence. The portfolio head Initiates and develops projects to: encourage the upliftment of womxn, empower queer persons, provide safe and equitable spaces for womxn and queer communities and to educate students on matters relating to Gender Inequality. ?
The role of the Institutional Project Liaison portfolio head is to coordinate with the relevant institutional structures to organise the Rectors Award, SRC Inauguration and other Related projects.
Ex-officio members
Chairperson: Prim Committee

Simiso Langa
The Prim Committee Vice Chairperson shares the Chairpersons role in ensuring student concerns in community spaces are raised at SRC discussions, ensuring the SRC is aware of developments within the community spaces and ensuring SRC decisions/information feed into community spaces. They also Coordinate with the Senior Prim Committee on matters that also affect senior living spaces.
Vice- Chairperson: Prim Committee &
Student Wellness?
Zahn Marais
The Focus of the student wellness portfolio is the promotion of holistic wellness and well-being of SU Students (Non-SRC members). The role of the student wellness portfolio head is to Initiate and develop projects to equip students with the skills needed to nurture their wellbeing and to Actively ensure student wellbeing as a key goal in institutional policy review. The student wellness portfolio head also liaises with the CSCD.
Chairperson: Senior Prim Committee
Lesedi Mashego
The Senior Prim Committee Chairperson ensures that student concerns in senior living spaces are raised at SRC discussions. Their role is to make the SRC aware of developments within the senior living spaces and to ensure that SRC decisions/information feed into senior living spaces.
Chairperson: Academic Affairs Council??

Mishka Naidu
The Academic Affairs Council Chairperson ensures that faculty matters are raised in institutional committees. They Assist students with the academic issues they face and bring academic matters to the forefront when the SRC is deliberating on issues. They are responsible for Informing/guiding the SRC in the decisions they make which might affect academic matters. They further Provide advice and consultation for SRC members on academic matters discussed at institutional committees
Chairperson: Societies Council

Thomas Coetzee
The Chairperson of the Societies Council ensures that concerns from societies are raised at SRC discussions. They Ensure that the SRC is aware of developments within the Societies Council and ensure that SRC decisions/information feed into the societies. The Societies Council Chairperson also encourages societies to take part in SRC projects/initiatives. ?
Chairperson: Tygerberg Students'
Representative? Council (TSRC)
Liyema Jacobs
The role of the Tygerberg Students' Representative Council Chairperson is to ensure that the SRC's proposed decisions are informed on the Tygerberg campus context. They Ensure that there is coordination between portfolio holders on the TSR and SRC. They Ensure that Tygerberg campus issues reach the SRC and ensure that SRC decisions and actions are implemented and developed on the Tygerberg campus. The TSR Chairperson is responsible for the SRC's visibility on the Tygerberg campus. ??
Student Captain: Military ?Academy
The student captain oversees the Military Academy Student Committee (MASC). The Student Captain's role is to ensure that the SRC is aware of all developments at the Military Academy and that any concerns from the Military Academy are raised in SRC discussions. They also ensure that SRC decisions/information is communicated with their campus.
Managerial Positions
SRC Policy Manager
The Policy Officer ensures that the policies of the SRC and the students are formulated and revised in accordance with section 21(7). They ensure the accessibility of student and institutional policies and assist the other SRC members in evaluating and giving input in the formation of university policy in accordance withsection 21(3). They also Develop, Curate and support policymaking within the SRC.?
SU International
?The role of the SU International portfolio head is to Ensure accessibility of information and documentation related to being an International Student. They Liaise with International Office and are a point of contact for all concerns raised by international students. Their role is to Facilitate projects to increase the enjoyment of campuses by all International Students as well as to Facilitate engagement between various International Students. They ensure equality of offerings for all international students and Promote pride of identities for international students. ?
This portfolio aims to push for institutional changes that ensure environmental sustainability on our campus. The role of the portfolio head is to liaise with facilities management and to liaise with student structures focusing on sustainability initiatives.
SRC Visibility Committee?
The role of the Branding portfolio head is to develop and improve the SRC's Brand and to maintain the SRC's public identity. Their role is to liaise with SU's branding department and educate SRC members on Institutional and SRC Branding. They also Facilitate interactions with other student structures to further develop the SRC's brand. ?
The role of the Marketing portfolio is to take photos at all SRC run initiatives/events, to create all SRC posters that will be distributed and to manage and improve the SRC's social media accounts. ??
??KuKo (Culture Committee)
Simi Langa
?The role of the Kuko portfolio head is to organise the following SRC Culture events: Molasseser, Toneelfees, Debating, SU Acapella and Kuko Variety Show amongst many other initiatives. To liaise with community culture leaders and to facilitate intentional transformation in all culture events.
???Safety & Security
???Siphosihle Silamsi
?26593807@sun.ac.za? / studentsafety@sun.ac.za
The role of the Safety and Security portfolio head is to perform safety reviews of SU campuses and report to the SRC and relevant institutional structures there on. They Initiate projects to further increase the safety of students and facilitate safety training such as first aid for community leaders. They also coordinate with Faculty and Community leadership to ensure safety concerns are effectively dealt with at the relevant institutional structures.
?Special Needs
The role of the Special Needs portfolio head is to advocate for students with disabilities and to ensure that SRC spaces/projects/events are accessible to students with special needs. They develop institutional accessibility through: Coordinating with staff, commenting on policy reviews and performing institutional reviews of spaces and activities.
Research & Data Analysis
This is a new portfolio within the SRC. This portfolio is tasked with conducting research and analysis of data that the src can bring forth to the recorate. In this term the src would like to have tangible research and data from interviews and roadshows involving students. This portfolio seeks to provide the src with information that will allow the team to speak more specifically about a problem and how to more intentionally go about solving them. ??
The role of the portfolio is to promote using Sport and physical health as medium to improve the student experience. The sport portfolio head Initiates projects that aims to encourage sport participation and to make it more accessible. The portfolio head also liaises with MatiesSport and other student structures.