??Introduction to Python for Bioinformatics
This short course gives biologists with little background in coding computer programs an introduction to Python 3. After completion of this course you should be able to code functional Python programs to use in your research. Emphasis is placed on topics that are relevant to bioinformatics. The course is presented as a series of annotated PowerPoint presentations. This course makes use of Python 3.6? and PyCharm Community Edition? 2017.3.2.
Introduction to Python for Biologists V3_8.pdf
1. Data Structures (12 min).pptx
2. Variables Operators and Strings (31 min).pptx
3. Lists, Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries (44 min).pptx
4. Data Input and Output (60 min).pptx
5. Loops and Enumeration (64 min).pptx
6. Conditional statements (18 min).pptx
7. Functions, scope and recursion (54 min).pptx
8. Classes, OOP and iteration (45 min).pptx
9. Modules, numpy and ndarray (43 min).pptx
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Multiple Sequence Alignment.pdf
A slideset used at the workshop on the ChIP-seq technique: ChIP_seq Workshop 22 June 2016 final.pdf
High Performance Cluster
Introduction to Matplotlib.pdf
Genome Assembly Workshop
Linux and HPC.pdf
Introduction to NGS.pdf
Introduction to FastQC.pdf
Genome Assembly.pdf
QUAST and bandage.pdf