?????? ?Download & useful links
See below Rcrust Video Tutorial for Installation
?Download the latest version of the program here:
This version updated to include thermodynamic data file 6.3.3. and meemum 6.8.9. therefore the latest HGP solution models are now available including Ti in Melt amongst many other changes. To see an example of how to use this consult the project file "Example_HGP".
*Caution R version 3.6.0 or higher recommended for optimal functioning?
**Caution I am currently adding a routine to approximate trace elements supersolidus, this functionality is still in progress
Within the latest Rcrust version you will find an updated manual labelled "Getting Started (Rcrust Manual)" which takes new users through 3 practice examples to become familiar with the program, in addition there is a pdf file called "Summary" which provides a broad overview of features to refresh experiences users of the modelling procedure and features available.
Old Versions of Rcrust
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Rcrust (2020-03-11).zip?
- ?
Rcrust (2020-02-24).zip?
Rcrust (2019-08-07).zip?
Rcrust (2019-03-01).zip
Rcrust (2019-02-05).zip?
Rcrust (2017-10-26).zip?
Rcrust (2017-02-14).zip
Rcrust (2016-07-25).zip
Useful links on things relating to Rcrust
Analysing outputs with GCDkit
The GeoChemical Data ToolKIT, is a system for handling and recalculation of whole-rock analyses from igneous rocks. GCDkit can directly access outputs from Rcrust providing a highly efficient means of analysing geochemical results.
Writing functions in R
R is a simple easy to use freeware language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. Knowledge of R will not only help the writing of custom functions in Rcrust but also the quick interpretation of results using GCDkit. An extensive resource on the subject has been published by
? Janousek, V., Moyen, J. F., Martin, H., Erban, V., & Farrow, C. (2015). Geochemical Modelling of Igneous Processes–Principles And Recipes in R Language: Bringing the Power of R to a Geochemical Community. Springer.
Selecting solution models and thermodynamic dataset
Correct selection and understanding of the underlying solution models and thermodynamic datasets are crucial. Below are a few links to help:
? THERMOCALC Information on the Holland and Powell internally consistent dataset as well as names of endmembers
? THERMOCALC Mineral abbreviations
? Perple_X Discussion group with good suggestions of solution models to use
Understanding metamorphic phase diagrams
? Metamorphic phase diagrams