
Welcome to Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票


Annual General Practitioners Conference

GP-conf.jpg Venue: Ashanti Wine Estate 

Dates: 05-07 June 2024

?Full Course Registration
?Early registration before 12 April 2024
?One day Registration
?Full course Virtual (MS Teams registration link)
?One day Virtual

Please register HERE?

CPD:  ±20 General & ±2 Ethics CEUs??


??Wednesday 05 June 2024?
?07:30 – 08:00??
?Registration & Coffee
?08:00 – 08:05
?Welcome by Prof Baatjes
?08:05 – 09:05
?How to manage Acne vulgaris?
?09:05 – 09:45
?How to manage a patient with Rosacea
09:45 – 10:00
?A word from our Vice Dean
?10:00 – 10:15
?Tea & Refreshments
?10:15 – 11:15
Scarring and Non-scarring Hair Loss??
?11:15 – 12:15
Common Moles, Dysplastic Nevi and risk of Melanoma
?12:15 – 13:15
?Differential Diagnosis of Scaly Erythematous Plaque
?13:15 – 14:00
?14:00 – 14:?45
?Skin signs associ?ated with systemic diseases

?14:45 - 16:00
HIV/AIDS & ?TB and the skin????????

?Thursday 06 June 2024?
?08:00 – 09:00 ?
?A practical approach to Urticaria/Hives
?09:00 – 09:45?Nuclear medicine for the GP: Thyroid disease and beyond
?09:45 – 10:00?
?Tea & Refreshments
?10:00 – 11:15?Common Upper Limb Nerve Compression Syndromes & the Approach to Common Upper Limb Conditions
?11:15 – 12:15 ?Management of Lower Back Pain
?12:15 – 13:00?Approach to a Limping Child
13:00 – 14:00?
?14:00 – 15:00?
?Diagnosis and Management of Heel Pain
?15:00 – 16:00?
?Lateral ankle ligament injuries: Dia?gnosis and Management 

?Friday 07 June 2024
?08:00 – 09:00?
?Assess and Manage the Child with Chronic Abdominal Pain and/or Constipation
?09:00 – 10:00
Common Problems in Children: Fever and Respiratory Conditions
10:00 – 10:15?Tea & Refreshments
?10:15 – 11:15Managing Wheeze in Preschool Children
?11:15 – 12:30Paediatrics in Primary Care: What not to miss? (Red Flags)
?12:30 – 13:15?
? 13:15 – 15:15 ?
?A potpourri of ethical issues in clinical practice (2 Ethics Points)

Topics subject to change?

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