

Health Economics


Degrees and Programmes

MPhil Health Systems: Health Economics Evaluations    

Refer to MPhil Health Systems and Services Health Economics Track

Short Courses ?

Economic Evaluations?

Entry Requirement:?Professional 4-year Bachelor's degree / Bachelor Honours degree or Equivalent Qualification 
Certificate Type:?Competence 
Delivery Mode:?Blended 
Duration:?5 months 
Presentation Language:?12 
Contact Person Name:?TS Pietersen 
Contact Person Email:? 
Latest Year Offered:?2024 

Estimated cost:?R5001 - R10 000 
Field of Study:?Health Economics 
Department Name:?Health Systems and Public Health 

To train candidates to understand the principles and application of Economic evaluation in health care. 


Systematic reviews of economic evaluations?

The Division of Health Systems and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票, is pleased to announce that it will offer a virtual short course on Systematic Reviews of Economic 
Evaluation from March to June 2024. 

The short course will be exclusively online, using a combination of live synchronous webinars and online recordings. All teaching and learning will be facilitated via SUNlearn. Online content will be spread across a period of 16 weeks, with students required to engage with content weekly, punctuated with online discussions and webinars. 

The objective is to train candidates to understand the principles and application of systematic reviews of economic evaluation in health care. The content of the course includes: 

  • What are systematic reviews of economic evaluations, why are they needed, and where can they be?found? 
  • Components of a good research question and why this is fundamental to the success of a systematic?review of economic evaluation. 
  • The importance of developing a comprehensive search strategy and how to conduct a search of a?systematic review in a topic of choice. 
  • ?Data management process(es) of a systematic review, including screening search results using pre-defined eligibility criteria and extracting relevant data. 
  • How to critically appraise economic evaluation studies. 
  • Reading and interpreting the results of a systematic review of economic evaluation studies, focusing on?the summary of findings tables. 
  • Incorporating economic perspectives and evidence into Cochrane systematic reviews. 
  • Writing a protocol for a systematic review of a topic of choice 
  • Understanding the challenges of conducting systematic reviews of economic evaluation studies. 
?Course fees 
?R6,000 – All participants