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Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics

???Primary Immunodeficiency Disease and Tuberculosis Susceptibility,
Genetic Research Group


  1. Schoeman M, Esser M M, Urban M F. (2015). Living with X-linked Agammaglobulinemia (XLA) in a developing country setting: Clinical and counselling considerations in an affected family. Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology, 28(1):54-59
  2. Eley, B., & Esser, M. (2014). Investigation and management of primary immunodeficiency in South African children. South African Medical Journal, 104(11), 793.
  3. Chimusa, E. R., Zaitlen, N., Daya, M., M?ller, M., van Helden, P. D., Mulder, N. J., ... & Hoal, E. G. (2014). Genome-wide association study of ancestry-specific TB risk in the South African Coloured population. Human molecular genetics, 23(3), 796-809.
  4. Salie, M., van der Merwe, L., M?ller, M., Daya, M., van der Spuy, G. D., van Helden, P. D., ... & Hoal, E. G. (2014). Associations between human leukocyte antigen class i variants and the Mycobacterium tuberculosis subtypes causing disease. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 209(2), 216-223.
  5. Daya, M., van der Merwe, L., van Helden, P. D., M?ller, M., & Hoal, E. G. (2014). The role of ancestry in TB susceptibility of an admixed South African population. Tuberculosis, 94(4), 413-420.
  6. Esser, M. (2012). Primary immunodeficiency-missed opportunities and treatment challenges: review article. Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology, 25(4), 184-188.
  7. Buldeo, S., Suchard, M., & Esser, M. (2012). Primary immunodeficiency diseases. CME: Your SA Journal of CPD: Immunology, 30(8), 278-281.
  8. Adams, L. A., M?ller, M., Nebel, A., Schreiber, S., van der Merwe, L., van Helden, P. D., & Hoal, E. G. (2011). Polymorphisms in MC3R promoter and CTSZ 3′ UTR are associated with tuberculosis susceptibility. European Journal of Human Genetics, 19(6), 676-681.
  9. De Wit, E., van der Merwe, L., van Helden, P. D., & Hoal, E. G. (2011). Gene-gene interaction between tuberculosis candidate genes in a South African population. Mammalian Genome, 22(1-2), 100-110.
  10. M?ller, M., Nebel, A., Van Helden, P. D., Schreiber, S., & Hoal, E. G. (2010). Analysis of eight genes modulating interferon gamma and human genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis: a case-control association study. BMC infectious diseases, 10(1), 154.
  11. M?ller, M., & Hoal, E. G. (2010). Current findings, challenges and novel approaches in human genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis. Tuberculosis, 90(2), 71-83.
  12. M?ller, M., De Wit, E., & Hoal, E. G. (2010). Past, present and future directions in human genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis. FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology, 58(1), 3-26.
  13. M?ller, M., Nebel, A., Valentonyte, R., van Helden, P. D., Schreiber, S., & Hoal, E. G. (2009). Investigation of chromosome 17 candidate genes in susceptibility to TB in a South African population. Tuberculosis, 89(2), 189-194.
  14. van Helden, P. D., M?ller, M., Babb, C., Warren, R., Walzl, G., Uys, P., & Hoal, E. (2007). TB epidemiology and human genetics. Innate Immunity to Pulmonary Infection, 155, 17.
  15. M?ller, M., Kwiatkowski, R., Nebel, A., van Helden, P. D., Hoal, E. G., & Schreiber, S. (2007). Allelic variation in BTNL2 and susceptibility to tuberculosis in a South African population. Microbes and Infection, 9(4), 522-528.
  16. M?ller, M., Nebel, A., Kwiatkowski, R., van Helden, P. D., Hoal, E. G., & Schreiber, S. (2007). Host susceptibility to tuberculosis: CARD15 polymorphisms in a South African population. Molecular and cellular probes, 21(2), 148-151.
  17. van Helden, P. D., M?ller, M., Babb, C., Warren, R., Walzl, G., Uys, P., & Hoal, E. (2007). TB epidemiology and human genetics. Innate Immunity to Pulmonary Infection, 155, 17.
  18. Hoal, E. G., Lewis, L. A., Jamieson, S. E., Tanzer, F., Rossouw, M., Victor, T., ... & Van Helden, P. D. (2004). SLC11A1 (NRAMP1) but not SLC11A2 (NRAMP2) polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to tuberculosis in a high-incidence community in South Africa. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 8(12), 1464-1471.
  19. Rossouw, M., Nel, H. J., Cooke, G. S., Van Helden, P. D., & Hoal, E. G. (2003). Association between tuberculosis and a polymorphic NF-kB binding site in the interferon gamma gene.
  20. Cervino, A. C., Lakiss, S., Sow, O., Bellamy, R., Beyers, N., Hoal-van Helden, E., ... & Hill, A. V. (2002). Fine mapping of a putative tuberculosis-susceptibility locus on chromosome 15q11–13 in African families. Human molecular genetics, 11(14), 1599-1603.
  21. ?Hoal, E. G. (2002). Human genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases. IUBMB life, 53(4‐5), 225-229.