

Innovation Strategy and Entrepreneurship (ISE) Research

The Department’s expertise in Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship (ISE) cover topics such as innovation management, business-to-business strategy, entrepreneurship and small business management, sustainability management, and ecommerce management.

Innovation management

  • Vlok, A., Ungerer, M. & Malan, J. 2019. Integrative leadership for technology innovation. International Journal of Technology Management and ISPIM Special Issue on People Create Your Innovative Technology – How to manage them. International Journal of Technology Management, 79(3/4):247-272.
  • Votteler, R., Hough, J. & Venter, C. 2014. An analysis of the solar service provider industry in the Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 25(2):70-80.
  • Human, G.J.P. & Naudé, P. 2010. Relationship and Innovation Orientation in a Business-to-Business Context. South African Journal of Business Management, 41(4):15-26.

Business-to-business strategy

  • Human, G. 2021. Linking absorptive capacity, knowledge transfer and transactive memory. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 36(10):1740-1754.
  • Human, G., Ferreira, C. C., Robertson, J., & Witherspoon, M. 2020. Customer experience, satisfaction and loyalty in business-to-business markets: Does the chain hold across customer segments? Acta Commercii, 20(1):1-13.
  • Human, G.J.P. 2018. Tribute to a “good fella”. Industrial Marketing Management, 69, 129-130.
  • Priilaid, D., Human, G.J.P., Pitcher, K., Smith, T. & Varkel, C. 2017. Are Consumers’ Quality Perceptions Influenced by Brand Familiarity, Brand Exposure and Brand Knowledge? Results from a Wine Tasting Experiment. Southern African Journal of Business Management, 48(2):45-54.
  • Human, G.J.P., Bick, G. & Singh, A. 2016. Strategic drivers of a network-orientated approach to the organisation of marketing in business-to-business firms. Management Dynamics, 25(3):33-45.
  • Human, G.J.P. & Naudé, P. 2014. Heterogeneity in the quality-satisfaction-loyalty framework. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(6):920-928.

Entrepreneurship and small business management

  • Robina-Ramírez, R. & Human, G. 2020. How macro level foundations influence emerging micro entrepreneurial activities: The case of South Africa. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 7(4):3078.
  • Solomon, G. & Lind, P. 2016. A Resourced-based View of Business Incubation in South Africa with a Focus on the Selection Process. In Phan, P., Mian, S., & Lamine, W. (Eds.), Technology Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation: Theory, Practice, Lessons Learned. Imperial College Press/World Scientific, London.
  • Venter, C. 2016. Small Businesses as a Force for Sustainable Development? New Perspectives from an Emerging Market. Journal of Global Academic Institute Business & Economics, 2(3):31-40.
  • Katono, I.W., Priilaid, D. & Human, G.J.P. 2016 The impact of culture on individual entrepreneurial orientation and the moderating role of entrepreneurial competencies on graduate entrepreneurial intentions: a cross sectional survey of Uganda, The Workplace Review, Saint Mary’s 中国体育彩票 - Sobey School of Business. October: 21-53.
  • Solomon, G., Frese, M., Friedrich, C. & Glaub, M. 2013. Can personal initiative training improve small business success? A longitudinal South African Evaluation Study. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 14(4):255-268.
  • Viviers, S., Solomon, G., & Venter, C. 2013. Entrepreneurial Intentions and Behaviours of South African university students. The South African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 6:1-20.
  • Viviers, S., Venter C. & Solomon, G. 2012. South African university students’ intentions to establish social enterprises. Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 5: 34-52.

Sustainability management

  • Louw, N. & Venter, C. 2021. Creating a Sustainable Future: From National Plans to Organizational Strategy. The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, 17(2):9-25.
  • Linnenluecke, M.K., Verreynne, M.L., De Villiers Scheepers, M.J. & Venter, C. 2017. A Review of Collaborative Planning Approaches for Transformative Change Towards a Sustainable Future. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142:3212-3224.
  • Berning, A. & Venter, C. 2015. Sustainable supply chain engagement in a retail environment. Sustainability, 7(5):6246-6263.

E-commerce management

  • Human, G., Ungerer, M., & Azémia, J.A.J. 2020. Mauritian consumer intentions to adopt online grocery shopping: An extended decomposition of UTAUT2 with moderation. Management Dynamics: Journal of the Southern African Institute for Management Scientists, 29(3):15-37.
  • Carstens, M., Ungerer, M., & Human, G. 2019. Perceived Risk, Trust and Familiarity of Online MultiSided Pure-Play Platforms Selling Physical Offerings in an Emerging Market. Southern African Business Review, 23(1):1-32.
  • Human, G.J.P., Hirschfelder, B. & Nel, J. 2018. The effect of online video content on sponsorship favourability. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 13(5):1233-1250.