
Afrikaans & Dutch
Welcome to Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票


Application dates for 2025

?All applications open on Wednesday 15 May 2024. Please check the final application date for each programme.

Click HERE for a guide to postgraduate applications. Click HERE to apply on SUNStudent.

MA in Creative Writing

Other MA programmes

International students

Other MA programmes

SA flag.pngSA students

Submit your portfolio and application before 
Monday 30 Septembe 2024
Apply before 
Saturday 31 August 2024
?Apply before 
Thursday 31 October 2024


Guidelines for all Master’s programmes ??????

Click HERE for the administrative guidelines for all Master’s programmes in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

MA programmes in the Department

Click on the programme names below to get the latest information on programme requirements and the contact information for the various programme coordinators.

Afrik?aans and Dutch

Creative Writing



??Click HERE to find out what you need to apply for the MA in Creative writing.?The MA in Lexicography will not be presented in 2024. Watch this space to find out about applications for 2025.?

?Read more about our involvement with EMLex – the European Master in Lexicography – by clicking HERE.


Staff and MA students on the Department's first MA Day (13 June 2022)?
