
Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 Summer Schools
Welcome to Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票

?January Program?me

We will be presenting the following courses in January 2025. 


?Field of Study: Art & Media

The aim of the course is to teach students about photography with a focus on travel photography theory. Students will gain knowledge of their own cameras, improve their photography skills and gain practical experience in the areas of landscape and portrait photography as well as wildlife photography?

Summarized Course Information

Course Dates: 2 – 18 January 2025

Academic Weight: 2 US Credits / 4 ECTS Credits 

Top up Credits: All Courses have an optional 1 US Credit/2 ECTS Credits Top Up option.

(This means that each Elective becomes 3 US/ 6 EC?TS Credits)

Language: English

Requirements: Minimum GPA Requirement of 2.8?

Field of Study: Economic and Management Sciences

This course aims to help students investigate the unique institutional and policy conditions in Southern African countries which will not only allow future entrepreneurs and managers to understand the challenges that will confront their businesses, but also allow them to identify the opportunities that this rapidly growing region offers. The course will give students an acute knowledge of the development challenges facing Southern African countries and understand the growth of emerging Southern African markets and identify future growth potential. Students will have the ability to discuss and debate current and future policy issues in a development country context. Furthermore, they will get awareness of the additional social, environmental and ethical considerations for African businesses.

Summarized Course Information

Date of Course: 2 – 18 January 2025?

Academic Weight: 5 US Credits / 10 ECTS Credits

Top up Credits: This course has an optional 1 US Credit/2 ECTS Credits Top Up option. (This means that this course becomes 6 US/ 12 ECTS Credits)

Language: English

Requirements: Minimum GPA Requirement of 2.8?????