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Prof Nando Ferreira helps transform the lives of individuals with severe limb injuries
Author: Corporate Communication and Marketing/Korporatiewe Kommunikasie en Bemarking
Published: 04/09/2024

?Prof Nando Ferreira from the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery in the Department of Surgical Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 delivered his inaugural lecture on Tuesday 3 September 2024. The title of his lecture was “Travels and transformations: Stories in limb reconstruction".

Ferreira, who heads the Clinical Unit: Tumour, Sepsis and Reconstruction at the FMHS, spoke to the Corporate Communication and Marketing Division about how his work on limb reconstruction helps to transform the lives of individuals with severe limb injuries or deformities and to set new standards in orthopaedic care.

Tell us more about your research and why you became interested in this specific field.

My research in limb reconstruction began in earnest in 2007 when I was a second-year registrar. Limb reconstruction is a relatively young field within orthopaedics, and the journey of exploration and learning has been both challenging and exhilarating. I became fascinated with this field because it offers the opportunity to make a profound impact on patients' lives by restoring their mobility and functionality. The complexity and rapid progression of limb reconstruction intrigued me, motivating me to contribute to advancing our understanding and improving outcomes in this area. Being part of this dynamic field and witnessing its evolution has been a deeply rewarding experience.

How would you describe the relevance of your work?

The relevance of my work in limb reconstruction is underscored by the field's potential to transform the lives of individuals with severe limb injuries or deformities. As limb reconstruction progresses rapidly, our ability to perform complex reconstructions with more predictable outcomes and enhanced patient comfort is continually improving. My work helps bridge the gap between advanced research and practical application, ultimately leading to better quality of life for patients and setting new standards in orthopaedic care. By contributing to this cutting-edge field, I play a role in shaping the future of orthopaedic treatment and patient care.

Based on your interactions with patients, what profound impact does a limb reconstruction have on an individual's life?

Through my interactions with patients, it's evident that limb reconstruction has a profound and multifaceted impact on their lives. Many patients experience a remarkable sense of relief and renewed hope as they regain mobility and independence. This restoration not only improves their physical abilities but also boosts their mental and emotional well-being. The ability to return to daily activities, engage in hobbies, and participate fully in family and social life enhances their overall quality of life. Observing the transformation in my patients—from struggling with severe limitations to embracing a more active and fulfilling life—is incredibly fulfilling.

As a limb reconstruction specialist/orthopaedic surgeon, what are the most satisfying aspects of your work?

Witnessing the tangible improvements in my patients' lives and contributing to advancements in this rapidly evolving field. Seeing patients recover their mobility and independence and knowing that my efforts play a role in their journey to better health, is immensely gratifying. Additionally, being at the forefront of innovation and participating in the ongoing evolution of limb reconstruction techniques provides a deep sense of accomplishment and pride.

What are some of the significant advances in the field of limb reconstruction?

Significant advances include breakthroughs in basic sciences research that enhance our understanding of tissue regeneration. Coupled with these advances are technological innovations that enable us to perform highly complex reconstructions with more predictable outcomes. Developments such as advanced imaging techniques and sophisticated biomaterials have improved clinical outcomes with better patient comfort and compliance. These advancements not only refine our surgical approaches but also elevate the overall standard of care in limb reconstruction.

You have spent many years in the challenging environment of higher education. What keeps you motivated when things get tough?

My motivation in the challenging environment of higher education is driven by my passion for advancing the field of limb reconstruction and improving patient outcomes. The rapid progression of this field and the opportunity to be a part of its evolution are powerful sources of inspiration. Additionally, the support from colleagues, students, and patients, combined with the knowledge that my work can make a significant difference, helps me stay focused and resilient during tough times. Keeping sight of the broader impact of my research and clinical work helps me navigate challenges with renewed determination.

Tell us something exciting about yourself that people would not expect.

One exciting aspect of my life that might surprise people is my passion for collecting and riding motorcycles. Despite the inherent risks, this hobby provides a thrilling and enjoyable escape from my professional life. It offers a unique way to experience adventure and excitement outside the operating room, which helps me balance the intensity of my work with personal enjoyment.

How do you spend your free time?

I love spending quality time with my family, often taking trips to the beach whenever we can. This family time is invaluable and helps me relax and recharge. I also enjoy collecting and working on motorcycles, as well as building LEGO with my children. These activities offer a creative and hands-on outlet, allowing me to unwind and engage in enjoyable projects with my loved ones.
