
Unit for Construction Materials
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch


???Joernaal Artikels

?MD De Klerk, M Kayondo, GM Moelich, WI De Villiers, R Combrinck, WO Boshoff
?Durability of chemically modified sisal fibre in cement-based composites??
?Construction and Building Materials

Vol 241


J Kolawole, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?
?Measuring the thixotropy of conventional concrete: the influence of viscosity modifyingagent, superplasticiser and water
?Construction and Building Materials

Vol 225, pp 853 - 867


?M Kayondo, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff
?State-of-the-art-review on plastic cracking of concrete
?Construction and Building Materials

Vol 225, pp 886 - 899


?R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?
?Tensile properties of plastic concrete and the influence of temperature and cyclic loading
?Cement and Concrete Composites
Vol 97, pp 300-311

?R Combrinck, M Kayondo, BD Le Roux, WI De Villiers, WP Boshoff?
?Effect of various liquid admixtures on cracking of plastic concrete
?Construction and Building Materials

Vol 202, pp 139 - 153


?JO Lerch, HL Bester, AS van Rooyen, R Combrinck, WI De Villiers, WP Boshoff?
?The effect of mixing on the performance of macro synthetic fibre reinforcedconcrete?
?Cement and Concrete Research
Vol 103, pp 130-139

?CM Odendaal, AJ Babafemi, R Combrinck, WI De Villiers, WP Boshoff
?Evaluation of locally available synthetic macro fibres in a single fibre pull out test in concrete?
?Journal of the South African Institute of Civil Engineering
Vol. 60, pp 21–23

?G Olivier, R Combrinck, M Kayondo, WP Boshoff
?Combined effect of nano-silica, super absorbent polymers, and synthetic fibres on plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete
?Construction and Building Materials

Vol 192, pp 85 - 98 

?R Combrinck, L Steyl, WP Boshoff?
?Interaction between settlement and shrinkage cracking in plastic concrete
?Construction and Building Materials

Vol 185, pp 1 - 11

?R Combrinck, L Steyl, WP Boshoff
?Influence of concrete depth and surface finishing on the cracking of plastic concrete
?Construction and Building Materials

Vol 175, pp 621 - 628?

PD Nieuwoudt, AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff?
The response of cracked steel fibre reinforced concrete under various sustained stress levels on both the macro and single fibre level?
?Construction and Building Materials
Vol 156, pp 828 - 843
?BJ Olawuyi, WP Boshoff
Influence of SAP content and curing age on air void distribution of high performance concrete using 3D volume analysis?Construction and Building Materials
Vol 135, pp 580 - 589?
AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff?Pull-out response of macro synthetic fibre from concrete matrix: Effect of loading rate and embedment length?Construction and Building Materials
Vol 135, pp 590 - 599?
PD Nieuwoudt, WP Boshoff?Time-dependent pull-out behaviour of hooked-end steel fibres in concrete?Cement and Concrete Composites
Vol 79, pp 133 - 147?
?2016AJ Babafemi?, WP Boshoff Testing and modelling the creep of cracked macro-synthetic fibre reinforced concrete (MSFRC) under flexural loading??Materials and Structures
Vol 49, pp 4389 - 4400
?2016Wp Boshoff, F Altmann, CJ Adendorff, V Mechtcherine?A new approach for modelling the ongress of deleterious materials in cracked strain hardening cement-based composites??Materials and Structures
Vol 49, pp 2285 - 2295
 ?2016?A du Plessis, BJ Olawuyi, WP Boshoff, SG le Roux?Simple and fast porosity analysis of concrete using X-ray computed tomography?Materials and Structures
Vol 49, pp 553 - 562
?2015?J Vorel, WP Boshoff?Computational modelling of real structures made of strain-hardening cement-based composites?Applied Mathematics and Computation
Vol 267, pp 562 - 570
?2015?AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff?Tensile creep of macro-synthetic fibre reinforced concrete (MSFRC) under uni-axial tensile loading?Cement and Concrete Composites
Vol 55, pp 62 – 69
?2014?J Vorel, WP Boshoff?Numerical Simulation of Ductile Fiber-reinforced Cement-based Composite?Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Vol 270, pp 433 - 442
?2014?WP Boshoff??Cracking behavior of strain-hardening cement-based composites subjected to sustained tensile loading?ACI Materials Journal
Vol 111 (5), pp 553 – 560
?2013?R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Typical plastic shrinkage cracking behaviour of concrete?Magazine of Concrete Research
Vol 65 (8), pp 486-493
?2013?WP Boshoff, R Combrinck?Modelling the severity of plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete??Cement and Concrete Research
Vol 48, pp 34-39
?2013?WP Boshoff, CJ Adendorff?Effect of sustained loading on strain-hardening cement-based composites crack widths?Cement and Concrete Composites
Vol 37, 
pp 119-125
?2012?R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Investigation of plastic shrinkage cracking in conventional and low volume fibre reinforced concrete?Journal of the Concrete Society of Southern Africa, Concrete Beton, Vol 1
?2009??WP Boshoff, V Mechtcherine, GPAG van Zijl?Characterising the time-dependant behaviour on the single fibre level of SHCC: Part 2: The rate effects on fibre pull-out tests?Cement and Concrete Research
Vol. 39, pp 787–797
?2009?WP Boshoff, V Mechtcherine, GPAG van Zijl?Characterising the time-dependant behaviour on the single fibre level of SHCC: Part 1: Mechanism of fibre pull-out creep?Cement and Concrete Research
Vol 39, pp. 779–786
?2007?WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl?A computational model for strain-hardening fibre-reinforced cement-based composites??Journal of the South African Institute of Civil Engineering
Vol. 49 No 2, pp 24–31
?2007?WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl?Time-dependent response of ECC: Characterisation of creep and rate dependence?Cement and Concrete Research
Vol 37, pp 725-734
?2006?WP Boshoff, GPAG Van Zijl?Creep and creep fracture engineered cement-based composites?The International Journal of Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp 133–141


Konferensie Artikels?

?J Bessinger, L Parker, R Combrinck?
?Influence of supplementary cementitious materials and superplasticisers on the rheological properties of concrete
?3rd International Conference on the Application of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) and Other New Admixtures Towards Smart Concrete, Sukuza, South Africa?
?G Moelich, R van Huffel, R Combrinck?
?Used oil as an admixture to improve the rheological properties of concrete
?3rd International Conference on the Application of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) and Other New Admixtures Towards Smart Concrete, Sukuza, South Africa
?L Stone, R Pretorius, R Combrinck?
?Compatibility between cement and superplasticiser in combination with fines, gypsum and fly ash
?3rd International Conference on the Application of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) and Other New Admixtures Towards Smart Concrete, Sukuza, South Africa
?WI De Villiers, CL Pagel, C Robins, B Potgieter, WP Boshoff
?Thermal testing of alternative masonry walls
?10th International Masonry Conference, Milan, Italy
?WI De Villiers, J Fourie, WP Boshoff
?Numerical modelling of alternative masonry units
?4th International Conference on Service Life Design for Infrastructures, Rilem Week 2018, Delft, Netherlands
?H Fataar, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff
?Preliminary study on the single fibre pull-out fatigue resistance of fibre reinforced concrete
?4th International Conference on Service Life Design for Infrastructures, Rilem Week 2018, Delft, Netherlands
?M Diekmann, WP Boshoff, R Combrinck
?Creating a low embodied carbon concrete with conventional concrete properties
?4th International Conference on Service Life Design for Infrastructures, Rilem Week 2018, Delft, Netherlands
?GPAG van Zijl, WP Boshoff
The effect of crack patterns on the corrosion of steel reinforced SHCC?
SHCC4: Strain Hardening Cement-Based Materials and Structures, Dresden, Germany?
?R Combrinck, L Steyl, WP Boshoff
Influence of depth on the cracking of plastic concrete???EAC2: 2nd International ?RILEM?COST Conference on early age cracking and serviceability in cement-based materials and structures
?MY Khan, JT Kolawole, WP Boshoff, R Combrinck
Influence of relaxation and cyclic loading on the tensile material?
?EAC2: 2nd International RILEM?COST Conference on early age cracking and serviceability in cement-based materials and structures
?WP Boshoff, HL Bester, C Viljoen
Initial study on determining the design values of macro synthetic FRC for floors on grade??ICACMS, Chennai, India?
?AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff
Pull-out phenomenon of synthetic macro fibres from a cementitious matrix?
ICACMS, Chennai, India?
?BJ Olawuyi, WP Boshoff
Influence of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) on fresh and early-age properties of high-performance concrete?
ICCM2017: 10th ACI/RILEM International Conference?, Montreal, Canada
?WP Bpshpff
Keynote: Is your concrete wasteful or full of waste??KEYS Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa ?
AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff?Creep response of polypropylene macro macro fibre concrete under sustained flexural service loads?BEFIB 2016, 9th Rilem International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Vancouver, Canada?
L Steyl, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Proposed mould for the assessment of pure plastic shrinkage cracking?International fib Symposium 2016, Cape Town, South Africa?
?2016R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Analytical model of the cracking of plastic concrete?International fib Symposium 2016, Cape Town, South Africa?
?2016JO Lerch, AS van Rooyen, WP Boshoff?The influence of mixing on the single-fibre performance of macro synthetic fibre reinforced concrete?BEFIB 2016, 9th Rilem International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Vancouver, Canada?
?2016?PBK Mbewe, WI de Villiers?Evaluation of materials laboratory capacity for promotion of design-build teaching approach for architectural courses?Sustainable Futures Conference, Nairobi, Kenya?
?2016?PBK Mbewe, WI de Villiers?Environmental sustaonability evaluation of low-cost buildings: The case of buildings under the JENGA project?Sustainable Futures Conference, Nairobi, Kenya?
?2016?LM Pike, WP BoshoffProcessing bagasse ash for the South African cement industry??Sustainable Futures Conference, Nairobi, Kenya?
?2016JP Louw, WP Boshoff?Mechnical properties of alkali activated materials for construction?Sustainable Futures Conference, Nairobi, Kenya?
?2016WP Boshoff, PD Nieuwoudt?Tensile creep of cracked steel fibre reinforced concrete: mechanisms on the single fibre and at the macro level??International RILEM Workshop on creep behaviour in cracked section of Fibre Reinforced Concrete, FRC Creep, Valencia, Spain?
?2016AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff?Macro-synthetic fibre reinforced concrete: Creep and creep mechanisms?International RILEM Workshop on creep behaviour in cracked section of Fibre Reinforced Concrete, FRC Creep?, Valencia, Spain
?2015BD le Roux, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Influence of admixtures on plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete??The Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials, CONMAT'15, Whistler, Canada?
?2015A van Noordwyk, WI de Villiers, WP Boshoff?Environmental impact of residential building envelope: A comparison between thermal performance and occupant energy usage?The Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials, CONMAT'15, Whistler, Canada?
?2015AJ Babfemi, WP Boshoff?Crack widening response of cracked macro-synthetic FRC under sustained tensile loading?The Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials, CONMAT'15, Whistler, Canada?
?2014?R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Fundamentals of plastic settlement cracking?International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures, ICCMATS, Johannesburg, South Africa
?2014?JD Dippenaar, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Initial study to determine the tensile material properties of fresh concrete?International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures, ICCMATS, Johannesburg, South Africa
?2014?BJ Olawuyi, WP Boshoff?3D- Void analysis of high performance of concretes containing superabsorbent polymers (SAP)?International RILEM Conference on Application of superabsorbent polymers and other new admixtures in concrete construction, Dresden, Germany
?2014?WI de Villiers, WP Boshoff?3D modelling of alternative masonry walling for South African low-cost housing?International Masonry Conference, Guimar?es, Portugal
?2014?J Vorel, WP Boshoff?Numerical simulation of shear behaviour of SHCC elements?International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Svratka, Czech Republic
?2013?WI de Villiers, WP Boshoff, A van Noordwyk, C Brewis, J Brits?Full life cycle analysis of the environmental impact of low-cost housing in South Africa?International Housing Conference, Exhibition and Housing Awards, Cape Town, South Africa
?2013?WP Boshoff, MD de Klerk, G Coetzee, WI de Villiers, RD Tolêdo Filho?Alternative materials for masonry units?International Housing Conference, Exhibition and Housing Awards, Cape Town, South Africa
?2013?R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?The origin of plastic settlement cracking and the effect of re-vibration??International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2013), Cape Town, South Africa
DW Imemelman, WI de Villiers?
The influence of percentage replacement of coarse recycled concrete aggregate?
?International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2013), Cape Town, South Africa?
?2013?BJ Olawuyi, WP Boshoff?Compressive strength of high-performance concrete with absorption capacity of super-absorbing-polymers (SAP)?International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2013), Cape Town, South Africa
?2013?G Coetzee, WP Boshoff?Sisal reinforced cement-based masonry units?International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2013), Cape Town, South Africa
?2013?AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff?Time-dependent behaviour of pre-cracked polypropylene fibre reinforced concrete (PFRC) under sustained loading?International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2013), Cape Town, South Africa
?2013?AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff?Preliminary creep behaviour of polypropylene fibre reinforced concrete (PPFRC) under a high tensile stress?Proceedings of the International Conference ACCTA, Johannesburg, South Africa
?2013??BJ Olawuyi, WP Boshoff?Influence of particle size distribution on compressive strength and elastic modulus of high-performance concrete?Proceedings of the International Conference ACCTA, Johannesburg, South Africa?
?2012???WI de Villiers, WP Boshoff?Regulation of alternative building materials and systems in South Africa?International Conference, Exhibition and Housing Awards, South African Housing Foundation, Cape Town
?2012?J Vorel, WP Boshoff?Numerical modelling of engineered cement-based composites?Proceedings of the International Conference of Engineered Mechanics, Svratka, Czech Republic
?2012?R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Theory for the early age plastic cracking behaviour of concrete?fib PhD Symposium, Karlsruhe, Germany
?2012?R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Influence of restraint on the early age cracking of concrete?Proceedings of BEFIB, Guimaraes, Portugal
?2012?CJ Mouton, WP Boshoff?Initial study on the tensile creep of cracked fibre reinforced concrete?Proceedings of BEFIB, Guimaraes, Portugal
?2012?PD Nieuwoudt, WP Boshoff?The comparison between the cracking behaviour of bending and tension for Strain Hardening Cement-based Composites (SHCC)?Proceedings of ICCRRR, Cape Town, South Africa
?2012?W.P. Boshoff, R. Combrinck, J. Maritz?A model for the prediction of plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete?Proceedings of the International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, South Africa
?2011?WP Boshoff, PD Nieuwoudt?Tensile crack widths of SHCC, Second International Conference on Strain Hardening Cement-based Materials?, SHCC2, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
?2011?W de Villiers, WP Boshoff?The development of a decision-making model to determine the appropriateness of alternative building technologies for application in the social housing industry?International Conference, Exhibition and Housing Awards, South African Housing Foundation, Cape Town
?2011?WP Boshoff?Performance based approach for modelling the cracking of SHCC for durability?FIB international workshop on performance based specifications for concrete, Leipzig, Germany
?2011?J Maritz, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Investigation of the behaviour of low-volume fibre reinforced concrete in the fresh state?FIB international workshop on performance based specifications for concrete, Leipzig, Germany
?2011?R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Investigation of the critical period for plastic shrinkage cracking?FIB international workshop on performance based specifications for concrete, Leipzig, Germany
?2010??R Combrinck, WP Boshoff?Investigation of plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete?4th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2010), Cape Town, South Africa.
?2010?C Brewis, WP Boshoff?A holistic approach for measuring the environmental impact of the built environment?CSE 2010 - Concrete for a Sustainable Environment, Emperor's Place, Kempton Park, South Africa
?2010?WP Boshoff, CJ Adendorff?Modelling SHCC cracking for durability?Proceedings of the European Conference on Fracture, Dresden, Germany
?2009??CJ Adendorff, WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl?Characterisation of crack distribution of Strain-hardening cement composites (SHCC) under imposed strain?Proceedings of the International Conference ACM 2009, Stellenbosch
?2009??J Vorel, WP Boshoff,?Numerical modelling of strain hardening fibre-reinforced composites?Proceedings of the International Conference ACM 2009, Stellenbosch
?2009?CJ Adendorff, WP Boshoff?Tensile creep of notched SHCC?Proceedings of the International Conference CONMAT 2009, Japan
?2008?GPAG van Zijl, WP Boshoff?Mechanisms of creep in fibre-reinforced strain–hardening cement composites (SHCC)?Proceedings of the international conference CONCREEP, Japan
?2008?WP Boshoff, CJ Adendorff, GPAG van Zijl?Creep of cracked strain-hardening cement-based composites?Proceedings of the international conference CONCREEP, Japan
?2008?Van Zijl, GPAG, Boshoff, WP?FRC in South Africa - application fields, new developments and outlook?Proceedings of the international conference, ICCX 2008, Sun City, South Africa
?2007??WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl?Time-dependant behaviour of SHCC on the single fibre level?Proceedings of the international conference, SEMC, Cape Town
?2007?WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl?Tensile creep of SHCC?International RILEM conference on High Performance fibre Reinforced Cement Composites, Mainz, Germany
?2007?WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl?Mesh-objectivity of crack modelling in SHCC?International conference on the Nonlocal Modelling of Material's Failure, NMMF, Wuppertal
?2005?WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl?Time-dependant response of ECC: Characterisation and modelling of creep and creep fracture?Proceedings of International workshop on HPFRCC in structural applications, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
?2004?WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl?Creep modelling of ductile fibre reinforced composites?Proceedings of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FRAMCOS), Vale, U.S.A
?2004?WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl?Computational and experimental modelling of creep behaviour of engineered cement-based composites?Proceedings of SEMC, Cape Town
?2003?WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl?Computational strategies for time-dependent behaviour of engineered cement-based composites?Proceedings for EURO-C 2003, Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (eds. N Bicanic et al.) pp 59-65?