
Ancient Studies
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch


'n Lys van die huidige meesterstudente en hul projekte:

C Bhugwanth

Tesistitel/area: Carthage in Roman Literature

Studieleiers: Dr A de Villiers en Dr J Nitschke


D Burger

Tesistitel/area: The motif of the lotus flower in New Kingdom Egypt (provisional)

Studieleier: Prof I Cornelius


J Cilliers

Tesistitel: Pergamum revisited: re-evaluating the Baroque idiom in Hellenistic art and its connection with Athens  

Studieleier: Dr S Masters


J du Preez

Tesistitel: The portrayal of the rape of Cassandra in Attic vase-painting 575-375 BCE

Studieleier: Dr S Masters


N Essop

Tesistitel/area: Seaford's view of the Dionysus cult reflected in Euripides' Bacchae

Studieleier: Prof P Bosman


R Etsebeth

Tesistitel: The semantic potential of the lexeme qōl: A cognitive semantics approach

Studieleier: Prof CHJ van der Merwe


A Fritz

Tesistitel: Images Words Magic: A case study of imagery and inscriptions and the purpose/use of amulets from Mesopotamia and Egypt

Studieleier: Prof I Cornelius


I Hornea

Tesisarea: Hebrew grammar

Studieleier: Dr A Andrason


M Joubert

Tesisarea: Hebrew grammar

Studieleier: Dr A Andrason


KA Kara

Tesistitel: Semen est sanguis Christianorum: Early Christian martyr literature of the first three centuries CE

Studieleier: Prof A Kotzé


JA Messara

Tesistitel: The Biblical Hebrew particle we?attah revisted

Studieleier: Prof CHJ van der Merwe


IS Nzungu

Tesistitel: Impregnable – an analysis of rhetorical performances of standard hegemonic masculinity exemplified through female objectification in Amores 2.12, 2.13, 2.14

Studieleier: Dr A de Villiers


C van der Merwe

Tesistitel: Reading Ovid in the #MeToo era: A feminist reception of rape scenes in the Metamorphoses

Studieleier: Dr A de Villiers