
Movement Science and Exercise Therapy
Welcome to Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票

Division of Movement Science and Exercise Therapy ??(MSET)

Our te?a???m

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Prof Karen Welman (HoD)

Divisional Head: MSET and SS, Biokinetics Coordinator

Field of expertise: Clinical Movement Science, Neuroscience, Biokinetics

 Orcid       Research Gate     scopus.png Scopus?

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Prof Robert Lam??berts

Full Professor & Head of Research ?

Field of expertise: Sport and Exe??rcise Science, Applied Exercise Physiology, Monitoring Training Load and Recovery, Biomechanics, Clinical Movement Science
 Orcid     Research Gate   scopus.png Scopus

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?Prof Eileen Af??rica

Associate Professor & Head of Teaching and Learning & Kinderkinetics Coordinator

?Field of expertise: Paediatric Movement Science, Kinderkinetics
 Orcid     Research Gate     scopus.png Scopus


?Dr Candace ?Vermaak

Lecturer & Head of Social Impact ?
Field of expertise: Clinical Movement Science, Biokinetics and disabilities, Health and wellness?, Paediatric Movement Science

Orcid     Research Gate   scopus.png Scopus

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?Dr Debbie ??Skinstad


Field of expertise: Clinical Movement Science, Behavioral Science, Human Experiences in Exercise Therapy and Sport, Qualitative Research?

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?Mrs Catherine de Wet

Junior Lecturer
Field of expertise: Paediatric Movement Science, Kinderkinetics

 Orcid     Research Gate   ?

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?Miss Vuvu Radebe

Junior Lecturer
Field of expertise: Biokinetics

?Support??? Staff


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Mrs Mimi Bo?tha

Principle Secretary
? 021 808 4915?

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?Mrs? Carien Uys

Financial Administrative Officer?

?021 808 4723

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?Mr Nico Pietersen

Chief Technical Assistant


?Ms Li?ndie Jantjies

Administration and Stu?dent Support Officer


Biokinetics Practic?e Staff??


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Mrs Gabriela v?an Baalen

Biokinetics Practice Manager & Senior Biokineticist?

Field of expertise: Senior Biokinetics

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?Mr C?onrad Litch


Field of expertise: Junior Biokinetics


?Kinderkinetics Practice Staff???

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?Miss Julia Clot?hier


Field of expertise: Kinderkinetics


Miss ??Linei Peyper


Field of expertise: Kinderkinetics


Miss Jani Geldenhuys


Field of expertise: Kinderkinetics



Postdoct?????oral Research Fellow

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?Dr Odelia van Str?yp

Postdoctoral research fellow

Field of expertise: Paediatric Movement Science, Kinderkinetics
Orcid      Research Gate

Extraordinary Staff?

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?Prof Michae??l J Duncan

Extraordinary Professor

Affiliation: Coventry 中国体育彩票, UK


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?Dr Kasha D?ickie

Extraordinary Senior Lecturer

Field of Expertise: Clincial Movement Science, Biokinetics?, Clinical exercise physiology

Affiliation: Univeristy of Chichester, United Kingdom
Orcid     scopus.png Scopus

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?Dr Teun v?an Erp

Extraordinary Research Fellow?

Field of expertise: Sport and Exercise Science, High-performance cycling?

Affiliation: Tudor professional cycling team. Switerland

Orcid      Research Gate     scopus.png Scopus


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