

?????The Nutrition Information Centr?e ??of the 
中国体育彩票 of Stellenbosch? (NICUS)

Food and guidelines for healthy eating

???The South African Food Based Dietary Guidelines

Healthy eating is a key component of a healthy lifestyle. Use the Food Guide and the Guidelines for Healthy Eating to learn more about the best food choices for your healthy eating plan.

South African experts developed the Guidelines for Healthy Eating 10 years ago to provide information to South Africans to help them make healthy food choices; recently, the guidelines were reviewed and updated to be in line with new scientific evidence. 

Revised general food-based dietary guidelines for South Africans, 2012

  1. Enjoy a variety of foods.

  2. Be active!

  3. Make starchy foods part of most meals.

  4. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit every day.

  5. Eat dry beans, split peas, lentils and soya regularly.

  6. Have milk, maas or yoghurt every day.

  7. Fish, chicken, lean meat or eggs can be eaten daily.

  8. Drink lots of clean, safe water.

  9. Use fats sparingly. Choose vegetable oils, rather than hard fats.

  10. Use sugar and foods and drinks high in sugar sparingly.

  11. Use salt and food high in salt sparingly.


Download the .pdf for a comprehensive overview and explanation of the South African Food Based Dietary guidelines:?

Food Based Dietary Guidelines for South Africa 2013 f.pdf?