SUNCEP: Pages_中国体育彩票 /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspx RSS feed for the Pages list. Thu, 19 Sep 2024 05:02:53 GMT Microsoft SharePoint Foundation RSS Generator 60 en-US SUNCEP: Pages_中国体育彩票 /english/faculty/education/suncep/_layouts/15/images/siteIcon.png /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspx default_中国体育彩票 /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=1 Contact Picture: /english/faculty/education/suncep
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?The Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 Centre for Pedagogy (SUNCE?P) is a market leader in the delivery of supplementary education programmes throughout South Africa. We aim to address the immediate challenge of supporting learners in Mathematics 

a?nd Sciences whilst teachers are involved in capacity building programmes.? ???

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???In the Teacher Professional Learning  component, SUNCEP offers full qualifications and accredited short courses to in-service teachers in Mathematics, Natural and Physical and Life Sciences as well as different management courses to ?school leaders and district officials.  

?SUNCEP enters into contractual agreement(s) with funders, e.g. Education Department(s), corporates, etc. on an annual basis. These courses are thus presented to cohorts of students, as identified by the funder.


Please contact your education department to find out if they are offering/funding any of these courses in 2021.


? ??

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??SUNCEP follows a practice-based philosophy of teaching and learning to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Hence, Work Integrated Learning (WIL) is used as an approach to enable students to integrate theoretical knowledge gained through formal study, with the practice-based knowledge gained through immersion in a work or professional context. WIL takes place in the workplace and can include aspects of learning from practice (e.g. observing and reflecting on lessons taught by others), as well as learning in practice (e.g. preparing, teaching and reflecting on lessons presented by oneself). 

All the SUNCEP courses are offered in a blended format, consisting of face to face contact sessions, telematics sessions and interactive e-lessons. Professional Learning Partnerships form an integral part of the post teaching process. The Learning Partnerships Model encourages opportunities for collaborative activities in the process of constructing knowledge. Freire (1994:61) offers further support: “Knowledge is attained when people come together to exchange ideas, articulate their problems from their own perspectives and construct meanings that make sense to them. It is a process of inquiry and creation, an active and restless process that human beings undertake to make sense of themselves, the world and the relationship between the two." 

Support through Professional Learning Partnerships is offered either on-site, via the US telematics platform and/or via different social media platforms. Teachers can access these platforms (Yammer, Whatsapp etc) via their phones, tablets or computers.  Teachers also participate in co?mmunities? of learning with their fellow students, facilitators and professional learning partners via these networks.

To obtain a certificate of competence in the short courses, teachers submit assignments that are imbedded within their teaching practices. Graduation from the full qualification require specific requirements.

From the drop-down menu above for you can access more information about the  content of the full qualifications and short courses offered by SUNCEP.??

?Need more information??  

contactcomponent_blue2.png ARPL2.png

Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:18:31 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=3
中国体育彩票-Preparation-Programmes-(UPP)_中国体育彩票 /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=5 Contact: Spiers, RL, Mev <>
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???Highly successful university preparation programmes are offered at SUNCEP:

  • the first opportunity programmes for current matriculants:
    • Hope@M??aties (?2012-2016)
    • Talent Development Programme (TDP) (2017 - )?;  and 
  • the second opportunity programme, SciMathUS for learners who have already passed Grade 12.  ?

These programmes are viewed as access programmes and aim to afford learners access to higher education; access with success.  

In the pictures below are graduates at SU graduation ceremony at the end of ?2015: former Hope@Maties participants (left) and former SciMathUS students (right).

?????The value that the university preparation adds to the lives of young people is already well known to officials at the education departments as well as to teachers and parents and to those learners who aspire to study at Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票.  The track record of the participants who have already completed these programmes successfully, and who graduated with different degree programmes, is also testament to this.

Hope.png      SciMathUS_link_blue.png?


Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:19:18 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=5
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?????Publications???? ??International conference participation National c?onference? participation?? SUNCEP related completed theses???
Research Reports?
? ?

???????????Research informs all SUNCEP interventions and is integrated within all of them. The research results are shared in the form of theses and articles as well as at national and international conferences as presentations and proceedings papers.  At the top of this page are the links to these categories of SUNCEP related output by staff members.

In 2018 SUNCEP hosted the 16th Annual SAARMSTE Research School for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education at the Lord Charles NH hotel in Somerset West.



The Gala dinner had Prof Eugene Cloete as guest speaker with the speech: 
"Empowering others to succeed that is success."?

??Need more information in this regard?



Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:19:45 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=6
Advanced-Diploma-in-Education-(Adv-Dip-Ed)_中国体育彩票 /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=13 Contact: Spiers, RL, Mev <>
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???????????????????General information about ADEs

? The Advanced Diploma in Education (ADE) is a NQF level 7 qualification designed and developed to fulfil a recognized need of providing a well-rounded, broad education that equips in-service teachers with the subject content knowledge base, pedagogical theory and methodology that will enable them to demonstrate competence and responsibility as academics and professionals.  Please note that ADE courses can only be offered once 25 or more students enroll. ?

?SUNCEP enters into contractual agreement(s) with funders, e.g. Education Department(s), corporates, etc. on an annual basis. These courses are thus presented to cohorts of students, as identified by the funder.


Please contact your education department to find out if they are offering/funding any of these courses in 2021.



?? On Saturday 10 October 2016, the Centre for Pedagogy in the Faculty of Education (SUNCEP), introduced seven new Advanced Diplomas in Education (ADEs) to about 40 members of the Western (WCED) and Northern Cape (NCDoE) Education Departments.  Below  a few pictures taken during that session.
Read more...??


This qualification is designed to develop mentor teachers and lead professionals in teaching such as teaching and learning specialists and senior teaching and learning specialists; which is one of the target categories of educators stipulated in the Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa.


SUNCEP follows a practice-based philosophy of teaching and learning to bridge the gap between theory and practice

?All SUNCEP courses are offered in a blended format, consisting of face to face contact sessions, telematics sessions and interactive e-lessons. ?

Support forms an integral part of the post teaching process. This is offered either on-site, via the US telematics platform and/or via different social media platforms. Teachers can access these (Moodle, Google Hangouts, WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media) via their phones, tablets or computers.  ?

Time??s?pan of programmes

All ADE programmes are offered part time over two years, with contact sessions held mostly during school holidays.?

Admission requirement??s for ADE programmes

  • a former [before 2015] four-year BEd (480 credits, NQF old exit level 6)* or
  • a new four-year BEd [after 2015] (480 credits, NQF exit level 7)** or
  • a former general first degree (360 credits, NQF old exit level 6)* or diploma, (360 credits, NQF old exit level 6) and PGCE (120 credits, NQF exit level 7)* or
  • a new general first degree (360 credits, NQF exit level 7)** or diploma, (360 credits, NQF exit level 7) ?and Advanced Diploma in Teaching (120 credits, NQF exit level 7)** or
  • a former Higher Diploma in Education (120 credits, NQF, exit level 7)** or
  • a former Advanced Certificate in Education (120 credits, old exit Level 6)* or
  • a former college Higher Diploma in Education (480 credits, old exit Level 5/6)* or
  • a former Further Diploma in Education (120 credits, old exit Level 5/6)*



  • Flexible assessment consisting of tests/assignments/projects/case studies, etc. will make up the assessment component 

?More information

Details of all ADE programmes is listed in the Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 yearbook and on the Faculty of Education's web site,

?Courses ?that can be ??offered

?Please click on the names below for more information about each course.?


Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:31:34 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=13
AD-Mathematics-teaching-FET-_中国体育彩票 /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=41 Contact: Spiers, RL, Mev <>
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?SUNCEP enters into contractual agreement(s) with funders, e.g. Education Department(s), corporates, etc. on an annual basis. These courses are thus presented to cohorts of students, as identified by the funder.


Please contact your education department to find out if they are offering/funding any of these courses in 2021.


? ?? ?

All modules marked with an asterix and  in blue text will also be offered as freestanding accredited short courses. ?For more information,  click here.

Module name

Module registration number


per module

Topics covered within each short course module

General Pedagogy (13435) 6 Learning Theories, Instructional Theories, Educational Psychology, Types of assessment
Educational Perspectives (49221) 6 Knowledge of education systems, understanding of educational policies educational contexts and  understanding of educational policies
Curriculum Management (13438) 6 Management of a subject, a learning area, a phase and Lead Teachership
Work Integrated Learning (13437) 12 Analysing educational videos and case studies, learning in and from practice, Professional Portfolio and Workplace Project(s)
*Financial Mathematics

  • Use simple and compound growth formulae
  • Use simple and compound decay formulae
  • Interest
  • Exchange rates
  • The effect of different periods of compounding growth and decay (including effective and nominal interest rates)
  • Apply knowledge of geometric series to solve annuity and bond repayment problems.
  • Critically analyse different loan options
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Patterns, Functions and Algebra  (13558) 22
  • Number Patterns
  • Sequences and Series
  • Functions
  • Algebra
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Trigonometry  (13561) 14
  • Basic trigonometry relations
  • Trigonometrical Identities
  • Trigonometrical Equations
  • Trigonometrical Functions
  • Trigonometrical Formulae
  • Rules for solving 2D and 3D Trigonometrical problems
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Geometry (13559) 22
  • Euclidean Geometry
  • Analytical Geometry
  • Measurement within a geometry context
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Calculus  (13563) 9
  • Rate of change (gradient)
  • Differentiation: First principles and Rules
  • Sketching and deriving formulae for Polynomial Functions (3rd degree)
  • Applications of differential calculus
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Data Handling  (13562) 14
  • Statistics
  • Probability
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable?

Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:49:10 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=41
AD-Mathematical-Literacy-teaching-FET-_中国体育彩票 /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=42 Contact: Spiers, RL, Mev <>
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?SUNCEP enters into contractual agreement(s) with funders, e.g. Education Department(s), corporates, etc. on an annual basis. These courses are thus presented to cohorts of students, as identified by the funder.


Please contact your education department to find out if they are offering/funding any of these courses in 2021.


? ?? ?

All modules marked with an asterix and in blue text will also be offered as freestanding accredited short courses. ?For more information, click here.?

Module name

Module registration number

Credits per module

Topics covered within each short course module

General Pedagogy (13435) 6 Learning Theories, Instructional Theories, Educational Psychology, Types of assessment
Educational Perspectives (49221) 6 Knowledge of education systems, understanding of educational policies educational contexts and  understanding of educational policies
Curriculum Management (13438) 6 Management of a subject, a learning area, a phase and Lead Teachership
Work Integrated Learning (13437) 12 Analysing educational videos and case studies, learning in and from practice, Professional Portfolio and Workplace Project(s)
*Basic Skills: Numbers and Calculations with Numbers (13440) 22
  • Number formats and conventions
  • Operations using numbers and calculator skills
  • Rounding
  • Ratios and Rates
  • Proportion
  • Percentages
*Basic Skills: Patterns, Relationships and Representations (13441) 22
  • Making sense of graphs
  • Patterns and relationships
  • Representations of relationships
  • Working with two or more relationships
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Finance (13444) 11
  • Financial documents
  • Tariff systems
  • Income/expenditure; Profit/loss; statements; budgets
  • Cost and selling price
  • Break-even analysis
  • Interest
  • Taxation
  • Exchange rates
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Measurement (13442) 11
  • Conversions
  • Measuring length
  • Measuring weight
  • Measuring volume
  • Temperature
  • Calculating perimeter, area, volume
  • Time
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*中国体育彩票, Plans and other representations of the Physical World (13443) 10
  • Scale
  • 中国体育彩票
  • Plans
  • Models
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Data Handling (13445) 14
  • Statistics
  • Probability
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable?

Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:50:28 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=42
AD-Physical-Sciences-teaching-FET-_中国体育彩票 /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=44 Contact: Spiers, RL, Mev <>
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?SUNCEP enters into contractual agreement(s) with funders, e.g. Education Department(s), corporates, etc. on an annual basis. These courses are thus presented to cohorts of students, as identified by the funder.


Please contact your education department to find out if they are offering/funding any of these courses in 2021.


? ?? ?

All modules marked with an asterix and  in blue text will also be offered as freestanding accredited short courses. ?For more information, click here.?

Module name

Module registration number

Credits per module

Topics covered within each short course module

General Pedagogy (13435) 6 Learning Theories, Instructional Theories, Educational Psychology, Types of assessment
Educational Perspectives (49221) 6 Knowledge of education systems, understanding of educational policies educational contexts and  understanding of educational policies
Curriculum Management (13438) 6 Management of a subject, a learning area, a phase and Lead Teachership
Work Integrated Learning (13437) 12 Analysing educational videos and case studies, learning in and from practice, Professional Portfolio and Workplace Project(s)
*Chemistry (11479) 30
  • Foundations in Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Chemical Change & Chemical Systems
*Physics (12998) 30
  • Mechanics
  • Energy, Waves & Matter
  • Magnetism & Electricity
Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Chemistry??? (13446) 15

Within a specific content area(s), the following will be covered:

  • Chemistry Content Knowledge & Curriculum
  • Scientific Literacy in Chemistry
  • Misconceptions in Chemistry
  • Learning from practice in the Physical Sciences
  • Presentation methodologies & Skills in the Physical Sciences
Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Physics (13448) 15

Within a specific content area(s), the following will be covered:

  • Physics Content Knowledge & Curriculum
  • Scientific Literacy in Physics
  • Misconceptions in Physics
  • Assessment strategies in the Physical Sciences
  • Inclusion & Differentiation in the Physical Sciences?
Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:51:15 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=44
AD-Mathematics-teaching-SP-_中国体育彩票 /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=45 Contact: Spiers, RL, Mev <>
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?SUNCEP enters into contractual agreement(s) with funders, e.g. Education Department(s), corporates, etc. on an annual basis. These courses are thus presented to cohorts of students, as identified by the funder.


Please contact your education department to find out if they are offering/funding any of these courses in 2021.


? ?? ?

All modules marked with an asterix and  in blue text will also be offered as freestanding accredited short courses. ?For more information, click here.? ?

Module name

Module registration number


per module

Topics covered within each short course module

General Pedagogy (13435) 6 Learning Theories, Instructional Theories, Educational Psychology, Types of assessment
Educational Perspectives (49221) 6 Knowledge of education systems, understanding of educational policies educational contexts and  understanding of educational policies
Curriculum Management (13438) 6 Management of a subject, a learning area, a phase and Lead Teachership
Work Integrated Learning (13437) 12 Analysing educational videos and case studies, learning in and from practice, Professional Portfolio and Workplace Project(s)
*Numbers, Operations and Relations  (13564) 22
  • Whole numbers and Relations
  • Exponents
  • Integers
  • Common Fractions
  • Decimals
  • Simple and Compound interest
*Patterns, Functions and Algebra  (13558) 22
  • Numeric and Geometric patterns and Algebra
  • Functions and relations
  • Algebraic expressions
  • Algebraic equations
  • Graphs
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Space and Shape (Geometry)  (13565) 22
  • Properties of 2D and 3D shapes
  • Straight lines
  • Transformations
  • Constructions
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Measurement  (13566) 10
  • Area and Perimeter
  • Surface area and Volume
  • Pythagoras Theorem
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Data Handling  (13562) 14
  • Statistics
  • Probability
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable?

Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:51:34 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=45
E-learning-community_中国体育彩票 /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=7 Contact: Spiers, RL, Mev <>
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??SUNCEP follows a practice-based philosophy of teaching and learning to bridge the gap between theory and practice. SUNCEP courses are offered:

  • in a blended format, consisting of 
    • face to face contact sessions, 
    • telematics or adobe connect sessions, 
    • interactive e-lessons and 
    • e-support. 
  • or fully online format (to be launched in 2019)

?The support process is offered:

  • on-site, via the US telematics or streaming platforms and/or 
  • via different social media platforms. 
    • T?eachers can access these platforms (Facebook, Whatsapp, Yammer etc) via their phones, tablets or computers.


For teachers to be able to use technology in their teaching effectively, SUNCEP has developed interactive material. These are being used in the ADEs and the short courses, not only as resources but also to model the pedagogical sound integration of technological resources. ? Within some of the courses students are also afforded the opportunity to learn the basics of creating interactive material for their classrooms.

?SUNCEP supports the DBE's focus on Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).  

  • ?In each course, teachers join course-specific WhatsApp groups with their facilitators and mentors.  
  • The aims of these groups are to support participants during the course but also as the start-up point for PLCs.  
  • Teachers are also encouraged to join the SUNCEP Professional Learning Community? (on the Yammer platform) on completion of a course.


SUNCEP is a data-driven centre and research informs all our practices. Please click on the links below to access  articles and papers on e-learning, that have been published and shared at international  conferences.

  • Gachago, D., Strydom, S., Hanekom, P. W., Simons, S. & Walters, S. 2015. Crossing boundaries: Lecturers' perspectives on the use of WhatsApp to support teaching and learning in Higher Education. Progressio: South African Journal for Open and Distance Learning Practice, 2015, 37(1): 172-187 Available from:
  • Ndlovu, M. & Mostert, I. (In press). Teacher perceptions of Moodle and throughput in a blended learning in-service programme for secondary mathematics. Africa Education Review.??
  • Ndlovu, M. & Hanekom, P. 2014. Overcoming the limited interactivity of telematic sessions: a case study of an in-service programme for secondary mathematics and science teachers. In L Gómez Chova, A López Martinez & I Candel Torres, Proceedings of the: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN14), pp. 3725-3735, Barcelona, Spain: International Association for Technology, Education and Development (IATED). 7 – 9 July. Available from:
  • Ndlovu M & Mostert I. 7-9 July 2014. (Virtual presentation) The potential of Moodle in a blended learning management system: a case study of an in-service programme for secondary mathematics teachers. 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2014), Barcelona, SPAIN.

Fully online learning

?watch this space.png 

ICT Coordinator.png?



Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:20:14 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=7
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? LS_ADE_logo3.png


?SUNCEP enters into contractual agreement(s) with funders, e.g. Education Department(s), corporates, etc. on an annual basis. These courses are thus presented to cohorts of students, as identified by the funder.


Please contact your education department to find out if they are offering/funding any of these courses in 2021.


? ?? ?

All modules marked with a?n asterix and  in blue text will also be offered as freestanding accredited short courses. ?For more information, click here.??

Module name

Module registration number

Credits per module

Topics covered within each short course module

General Pedagogy (13435) 6 Learning Theories, Instructional Theories, Educational Psychology, Types of assessment
Educational Perspectives (49221) 6 Knowledge of education systems, understanding of educational policies educational contexts and  understanding of educational policies
Curriculum Management (13438) 6 Management of a subject, a learning area, a phase and Lead Teachership
Work Integrated Learning (13437) 12 Analysing educational videos and case studies, learning in and from practice, Professional Portfolio and Workplace Project(s)
*Botany Teaching A  (11398) 15
  • ?The Scientific Method
  • Plant tissues (Types of tissues and cells, Osmosis and diffusion, Root, stem and leaf
    anatomy, Transpiration, Flower anatomy and plant reproduction),
  • Plant responses to the environment,
  • Chemistry of life, the cell and Mitosis
  • All sections ICTintegrated
?*Botany Teaching B

  • ?Energy flow throughecosystems,
  • Energy transformations (Photosynthesis and Cellular respiration),
  • Biodiversity(Classification systems, Microorganisms,Evolutionary development of plants),
  • Data handling in science,
  • Human impact on the environment (Theory and practical application and Ethics and biotechnology)
? All sections ICT integrated
*Zoology Teaching A  (13605)15
  • ?Meiosis,
  • protein synthesis,
  • Mendel, monohybrid and dihybrid crossings,
  • fingerprinting and DNA profiling,
  • history of life on Earth,
  • natural and artificial selection,
  • human evolution and the Out of Africa hypothesis, 
  • surface area to volume ratios and 
  • biodiversity in animals.
  • All sections ICT integrated
?* Zoology Teaching B

  • ??Animal tissues,
  • Human body systems (Support system, Transport system, Digestive system and Nutrition, Nervous system, Excretion system, Endocrine system and Human reproductive system),
  • Vertebrate reproduction and 
  • Human interaction with the environment (Population dynamics and Social organization and succession).
  • All sections ICT integrated?
Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Botany  (13556) 15

Within a specific content area(s), the following will be covered:

  • presentation methodologies and skills
  • an understanding of possible subject misconceptions
  • scientific literacy
  • the ability to evaluate and apply different assessment
  • inclusion and differentiation strategies
Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Zoology  (13557) 15

Within a specific content area(s), the following will be covered:

  • presentation methodologies and skills
  • an understanding of possible subject misconceptions
  • scientific literacy
  • the ability to evaluate and apply different assessment
  • inclusion and differentiation strategies?


Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:50:48 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=43
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?SUNCEP enters into contractual agreement(s) with funders, e.g. Education Department(s), corporates, etc. on an annual basis. These courses are thus presented to cohorts of students, as identified by the funder.


Please contact your education department to find out if they are offering/funding any of these courses in 2021.


? ?? ?

All modules marked with an asterix and  in blue text will a?lso be offered as freestanding accredited short courses. ?For more information, click here.

Module name

Module registration number

Credits per module

Topics covered within each short course module

General Pedagogy (13435) 6 Learning Theories, Instructional Theories, Educational Psychology, Types of assessment
Educational Perspectives (49221) 6 Knowledge of education systems, understanding of educational policies educational contexts and  understanding of educational policies
Curriculum Management (13438) 6 Management of a subject, a learning area, a phase and Lead Teachership
Work Integrated Learning (13437) 12 Analysing educational videos and case studies, learning in and from practice, Professional Portfolio and Workplace Project(s)
*Chemistry – Matter and Material (13454) 15
  • Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table of Elements
  • Particle Model of Matter and Properties of Materials
  • Chemical Reactions and Equations (oxygen with metals and non-metals)
  • Acids and Bases (pH, Neutralisation, acids with metals, metal oxides, metal hydroxides and metal carbonates)
*Physics – Energy and Change (13453) 15
  • Sources and Types of Energy
  • Heat Transfer and Insulation
  • Visible Light
  • Static and Current Electricity
  • Energy and the National Grid
Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Natural Sciences 1 (13449) 15

Within a specific content area(s), the following will be covered:

  • presentation methodologies and skills
  • an understanding of possible subject misconception
  • scientific literacy
  • the ability to evaluate and apply different assessment strategies
  • inclusion and differentiation strategies
*Life Sciences – Life and Living (13452) 15
  • Biosphere, Biodiversity and Ecology
  • Sexual Reproduction and Variation
  • Photosynthesis and Respiration
  • Cytology
  • Micro-organisms
  • Human systems (circulatory, respiratory and digestive)
*Earth and Beyond (13451) 15
  • The Earth as system
  • Relationship of Sun, Earth and Moon
  • The Solar System and Beyond
  • Birth, Life and Death of Stars
Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Natural Sciences 2 (13450) 15

Within a specific content area(s), the following will be covered:

  • presentation methodologies and skills
  • an understanding of possible subject misconceptions
  • scientific literacy
  • the ability to evaluate and apply different assessment strategies
  • inclusion and differentiation strategies?

Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:51:58 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=46
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?SUNCEP enters into contractual agreement(s) with funders, e.g. Education Department(s), corporates, etc. on an annual basis. These courses are thus presented to cohorts of students, as identified by the funder.


Please contact your education department to find out if they are offering/funding any of these courses in 2021.


? ?? ?

All modules marked with an asterix and  in blue text will also be offered as freestanding accredited short courses. ?For more information, click here.?

Module name

Module registration number

Credits per module

Topics covered within each short course module

General Pedagogy (13435) 6 Learning Theories, Instructional Theories, Educational Psychology, Types of assessment
Educational Perspectives (49221) 6 Knowledge of education systems, understanding of educational policies educational contexts and  understanding of educational policies
Curriculum Management (13438) 6 Management of a subject, a learning area, a phase and Lead Teachership
Work Integrated Learning (13437) 12 Analysing educational videos and case studies, learning in and from practice, Professional Portfolio and Workplace Project(s)
*Numbers, Operations and Relations  (13564) 22
  • Whole numbers
  • Common Fractions
  • Decimal fractions
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Patterns, Functions and Algebra  (13558) 14
  • Geometric patterns
  • Numeric patterns
  • Number sentences (introduction of algebraic expressions)
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Space and Shape  (13656) 20
  • Properties of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects
  • Angles
  • Symmetry
  • Transformations
  • Viewing of objects
  • Position and movement
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Measurement  (13566) 20
  • Measurement of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects
  • Use of measuring instruments
  • Solve problem involving length
  • History of time
  • Relationship between perimeter and area of rectangles and squares
  • Relationship between surface area and volume of rectangular prisms
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable
*Data Handling (13562) 14
  • Data representation
  • Data interpretation and reporting
  • Ungrouped data
  • Probability experiments
  • Incorporating ICT where applicable?

Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:52:26 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=47
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?????????????????? 2020 LEHeader_mindmap.jpg?



Dear FET Mathematics and Physical Sciences learners!

It is under extraordinary conditions that we currently operate. Under normal circumstances SUNCEP would have held several learner programmes during this week. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, our March contact session has been postponed. These are very uncertain times, but we still need to act responsibly and try our utmost to keep up with the required academic pace. At this point, however we are called upon to think out of the box. To assist you in your efforts to keep practicing and mastering Mathematics and Physical Sciences,  please click on the image below (to download the full pdf document of this message)
Resources info sheet for LE Learners March 2020.jpg 


?All the best and choose to stay safe and keep SA safe

Danelda van Graan?
?LE Acting Manager, SUNCEP

Main approach2.jpg

 ?LENewsButton.png?  ComponentHeadButton1.png??

Learning Enhancemnt Header3.png


Muller, Anneke [] Wed, 08 Jun 2016 13:52:34 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=56
-research-output-researchreports_中国体育彩票 /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=87 Contact: Hanekom, PW, Dr []
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Enhancing the practice of Intermediate, Senior and Further Education and Training phase Mathematics teachers in the Limpopo, Northern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, via Advanced Diplomas in Education (ADE) programmes.

Level 2: Perceptions of participants professional learning in the ADEs in Mathematics Teaching programmes.?

Enhancing the practice of Senior Phase (SP) Natural Science teachers in the Limpopo, Northern Cape and Western Cape Provinces, South Africa, via an Advanced Diploma in Education (ADE) programme.

Level 1: Perceptions of participating in an ADE in Natural Sciences Teaching programme.
Level 2: Perceptions of participants’ professional learning whilst on an ADE in Natural Sciences Teaching programme.?


?Science Engagement Strategy and Youth into Science Strategy:
Talent Development Programme Participants
May 2020
Enhancing the practice of Intermediate, Senior and Further Education and Training phase mathematics teachers in the Limpopo, Northern and Western Cape Province, South Africa, via an Advanced Diploma in Education (ADE) programme.
Level 1: Perceptions of participating in an ADE: Mathematics Teacher training programme.???

?Enhancing the practice of Intermediate, Senior and Further Education and Training phase mathematics teachers in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, via an Advanced Diploma in Education (ADE) programme.
Level 1: Perceptions of participating in an ADE: Mathematics Teacher training programme.
Level 2: Perceptions of participants professional learning in an ADE: Mathematics Teacher training programme.

?Enhancing the practice of Intermediate, Senior and Further Education and Training phase mathematics teachers in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, via an Advanced Diploma in Education (ADE) programme.
Level 3: Organisation support and change.
Level 4: Participants use of new knowledge and skills?

Hanekom, PW, Dr [] Mon, 11 May 2020 14:03:37 GMT /english/faculty/education/suncep/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=87