??Stellenbosch International Academic Networks (SIAN) 

Virtual Wine Experience Details 

Join us for a virtual wine experience at Beyerskoof Wine Estate outside Stellenbosch with owner- Beyers Truter.

 Beyers is known as the “PINOTAGE KING" around the world, as his passion is undoubtedly red wine. In terms of personality and character, Beyers Truter is – a force of nature.

 For the tasting, Beyers will be joined by Robert Kotze, his wife Annemaré and Corina du Toit.

The Beyerskloof wine selection that will be tasted:

  • Chenin Blanc - Pinotage
  • Pinotage
  • Synergy Cape Blend
  • Traildust Cape Blend
  • Pinotage Reserve
  • Diesel Pinotage?

?For more information on Beyerskoof Wine Estate, visit their website at www.beyerskloof.co.za

The wines can be ordered online as follows: ?

EU countries:  Capreo? (Delivery usually within 3 days)

 Wine can also be ordered and bought through the following suppliers: 

Should you struggle to secure any of the Beyerskloof selection of wines in your area, don't worry! You can buy a bottle of Pinotage or Cape Blend from any South African winery available in your area.

The tasting will have a general focus on Pinotage, so don't feel left out if you can't find Beyerskloof wine. 

Session details:

Friday 15 October from 18:00 – 19:00    

Join Zoom Meeting: https://maties.zoom.us/j/92196704913

Meeting ID: 921 9670 4913 ?

Beyerskloof Logo (300dpi).png
