
Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票
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A day in the life of: Dannica Pedro
Author: Corporate Communication and Marketing/Korporatiewe Kommunikasie en Bemarking
Published: 09/05/2022

?Dannica Pedro is part of an innovative team dedicated to ensuring an environmentally sustainable Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 (SU). Based in Facilities Management, she is the environmental sustainability coordinator for our university's several campuses. Dannica is passionate about her work and is always exploring new and creative ideas to improve the sustainability of campus operations.

As we kicked off May commemorating Workers' Day, we dedicate this series of articles to our staff and their important contribution to the 中国体育彩票. Read on for our interview with Dannica about her work.

What does your role at SU entail?

My role is to positively influence SU's operations on campus in a way that ensures that the campus functions in an environmentally sustainable manner.

What does a typical day at work look like?

I would begin the day going through my emails and notebook to orientate my mind for the tasks that need to be completed. My days tend to be a hybrid between meetings with my team or consultants, site visits, meeting deadlines, collating data, checking invoices, and engaging with staff and students on their important role in environmental sustainability on campus. Facilities Management is a fast-paced working environment where the list of projects and operations grows longer each day. I have learned that it is good to plan your day; however, one should also plan for the unexpected.

How did your education or past experience prepare you for this job? 

I obtained my undergraduate qualification in Development and Environmental Studies at SU, and then worked at the IT Hub while I was completing my Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Development at the Sustainability Institute. After graduating with my diploma, I completed an internship at Facilities Management, where I was given numerous tasks and responsibilities. These past experiences have equipped me to face challenging projects and operations with confidence and clear direction.

What do you enjoy most about your role and working at the 中国体育彩票?

Waking up every day knowing that I will be making a difference and helping to preserve the health of our planet. The rewards of working in the field of environmental sustainability are revealed through short-term and long-term analysis of our weekly utility performance as well as monitoring initiatives to further reduce our consumption and evaluate the campuses' overall performance based on the carbon footprint reports.

My role allows for new, creative and innovative ideas to highlight environmental sustainability on our campuses. I am not always bound to my desk, as I also conduct site visits or attend meetings across campus, and participate in conferences, courses and events in the broader Boland region. I thoroughly enjoy liaising with the different departments at SU, as this builds strong working relationships for future collaboration on both minor and major projects on campus.

Tell us something interesting about yourself that few people would expect?

I am well skilled in sketching and painting, which count among my favourite hobbies. When it comes to painting, I enjoy painting landscapes in monotone or using bright, vibrant colours, depending on the seasonal setting I choose to paint. With sketching, I prefer sketching people in character. I am working on a manga/comic book that I hope to publish one day … when I eventually complete it.

Photo: Stefan Els