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?World Aids Day 2024: Shifting towards a more inclusive paradigm?
Author: Africa Centre for HIV/Aids Management
Published: 29/11/2024

World Aids Day remains crucial in the global fight against HIV/Aids, commemorating lives lost and rededicating efforts to prevention, treatment and awareness. This year, as the UN renews its commitment to end HIV/Aids as a public health threat by 2030, the Africa Centre underscores the need for a more integrated and inclusive approach to healthcare, one that considers HIV/Aids in the broader context of health equity and inclusivity.

On 02 December 2024 (13:00 – 14:00), to commemorate World Aids Day the day before, the Africa Centre will host a webinar to discuss its shift towards inclusive health management. This event forms part of the centre's rebranding to the Africa Centre for Inclusive Health Management as it integrates its foundational focus on HIV/Aids management with its new vision for inclusive health.

Inclusive health management advocates for healthcare systems that are accessible, equitable and adaptable to the diverse needs of African communities. This holistic approach interweaves physical, mental, environmental and societal health to better serve marginalised populations. It integrates both modern and indigenous knowledge, promoting resilience and bridging health disparities.

Webinar highlights and speaker lineup

The event will feature three speakers, each contributing insights into health inclusivity, indigenous health knowledge and innovations in healthcare. It will be facilitated by development consultant and social process facilitator Rudy Oosterwyk.

Dr Roger Phili – Moving beyond HIV/TB/STI coordination: rationale for an integrated comprehensive public health approach

Phili is a board member of the Africa Centre and will be the webinar's keynote speaker. He will outline the current strategies used by bodies like the South African National Aids Council (SANAC), such as the UNAIDS Three Ones principles, which call for a unified HIV/Aids action framework, a national coordinating authority with a broad mandate, and a single country-level monitoring and evaluation system. He will talk about the changing landscape of medical care and advocate for holistic framework addressing communicable and non-communicable diseases. His address will underscore the urgency of sustainable planning, particularly as financial commitments dwindle and impact the goal of ending HIV/Aids as a health threat.

Dr O'Brian Anthony Davis – Innovating HIV/Aids management through technology

Davis is a member of the Africa Centre's governing board and has a passion for healthcare, showcased by his diverse achievements in the field of emergency medicine, his certifications from the UN Population Fund and his postgraduate diploma in HIV/Aids management. He will introduce Meditag, an app that has been designed with modules tailored to consultations and specific support for vulnerable groups, such as rape survivors. His work illustrates the transformative potential of digital tools in making healthcare more inclusive and responsive to all.

Dr Chioma Ohajunwa – African indigenous health knowledge response to inclusive health management

Ohajunwa is a senior lecturer at the Africa Centre. She will discuss African indigenous health perspectives, which view health as a balance between humanity, environment and spirituality. She will demonstrate how these principles align with the centre's mission of a more holistic, inclusive approach to healthcare.

The importance of inclusive health management

Embracing inclusive health is key to achieving health equity across Africa. By integrating cultural sensitivity and adaptability, the Africa Centre seeks to address pressing health issues exacerbated by stigma, limited resources and inequality. This approach is pivotal to the Centre's vision of a continent free of HIV/Aids and sustained by a resilient, fair healthcare system.

Join the webinar

This webinar is open to all interested in health equity, public health policy and innovative approaches to healthcare. To join the conversation, click on this link.

Enquiries: Dr Burt Davis ( ??
