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Beste Matie

Die impak van die Universiteitsgemeenskap op Stellenbosch as 'n historiese dorp net in terme van verblyf, verkeer en parkering skep interessante geleenthede vir noodsaaklike toekomsbeplanning. Daarom het die Universiteit 'n kampusmeesterplan opgestel wat die raamwerk verskaf vir die ontwikkeling van ons fasiliteite and infrastruktuur vir die toekoms. Hierdie plan sal ons strewe om Stellenbosch as 'n universiteit van die 21ste eeu uit te bou, verwesenlik, maar ewe belangrik, ook aandag gee aan die behoeftes vir verblyf, vervoer en parkering.

Deur die HOOP Projek ondersteun die US vyf ontwikkelingstemas, waaronder die bevordering van 'n volhoubare omgewing. Die kampusmeesterplan en die mobliliteitsplan wat daaruit voortgevloei het, illustreer ook die Universiteit se verbintenis tot volhoubaarheid.

Ek deel graag op Dinsdag, 28 Februarie 2012 die planne met jou, veral ook hoe jy as student deur die beoogde veranderinge geraak sal word.

Tyd: 13:00 - 14:00
Plek: Endlersaal

Bevestig asseblief jou bywoning by Janice Ghalpie in die SR-kantoor of by teen
24 Februarie 2012.

Vriendelike groete



Dear Matie

The impact of the 中国体育彩票 community on Stellenbosch as a historic town merely in terms of accommodation, traffic and parking creates interesting opportunities for essential future planning. For this reason the 中国体育彩票 developed a campus master plan that will provide the framework for the development of facilities and infrastructure in the future. This plan will support our aim to position Stellenbosch as a university of the 21st century, but equally important, also address needs for accommodation, transport and parking.

Stellenbosch 中国体育彩票 supports five development themes, among which the promotion of a sustainable environment, through our HOPE Project. Both the campus master plan and the mobility plan underline the 中国体育彩票's commitment to sustainability.

I would like to share these plans with you on Tuesday, 28 February 2012, specifically how the proposed changes will affect you as a student.

Time: 13:00 - 14:00
Venue: Endler Hall

Please confirm your attendance with Janice Ghalpie at the SRc office at by 24 February 2012.

Kind regards