Beste Kollegas en Studente

Ons vier hierdie maand die beduidende suksesse van die HOOP Projek ( tot dusver. Baie dankie aan alle personeel en studente op die verskillende kampusse wat Woensdag oor die etensuur saam kom vier het. Ek kon met groot vreugde aankondig dat ons reeds die fondsinsamelingsveldtog se teiken van R1,75 miljard oortref het. By die gala-geleentheid Woensdagaand was dit vir ons almal 'n inspirasie om te sien watter impak van die akademiese inisiatiewe reeds maak, op ons kampus en in die samelewing. Na die mediakonferensie wat Woensdagoggend in Kaapstad gehou is, het die media ook reeds oor die suksesse van die veldtog begin berig.

Hartlik dankie aan die fakulteite wat aan die uitstallings in die Konservatorium deelgeneem het, en ook vir julle entoesiastiese deelname aan die vieringsgeleentheid. Ons personeel in die fakulteite het baie moeite gedoen om hierdie week en volgende week spesiale geleenthede te re?l. Dit is 'n wonderlike kans om meer van ons kollegas se uitstekende werk in die verskillende fakulteite te leer. Ek herinner graag aan die Afrikasentrum vir MIV/Vigsbestuur se funksie vanmiddag. Kliek hier vir meer inligting oor die verskillende geleenthede.

'n Spesiale geleentheidskoerant, HOOP NUUS word ook op kampus versprei. Dit vertel die suksesverhale van die akademiese en navorsingsinisiatiewe, en die fondsinsamelingsveldtog. Kliek hier om die HOOP NUUS aanlyn te lees. Hou ook die Universiteit se nuusblog dop vir berigte en foto's van vieringsgeleenthede.

Vriendelike groete


Dear Colleagues and Students

During April we are celebrating the significant successes of the HOPE Project ( thus far. Thank you to all staff and students who joined in the celebrations over lunch time on the various campuses on Wednesday. It was with great joy that I could announce that we have reached our campaign's fundraising target of R1,75 billion. At the gala event on Wednesday evening it was an inspiration for all of us to see the impact of the academic initiatives on our campus and in society. After the media conference in Cape Town on Wednesday morning the media have also started to report on our campaign successes.

I would like to extend a heart-felt thank you to our faculties for participating in the exhibitions in the Behrens Foyer, and for your enthusiastic participation in the celebrations. Our staff members in faculties have put much effort into the events scheduled for this and next week. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to learn more about the excellent work being done by our colleagues in the various faculties. I would like to remind you of the event organised by the Africa Centre for HIV/Aids Management this afternoon. Click here for more information about the various events.

A special edition of the HOPE TIMES is being distributed on campus. It tells the success stories of the academic and research initiatives, as well as the fundraising campaign. Click here to read the HOPE TIMES online. Articles and photos of the various events will also be published on the news blog of the 中国体育彩票's website.

Kind regards